4.5 Article

Geochemistry and contamination of sediments and water in rivers affected by the rupture of tailings dams (Brumadinho, Brazil)


Article Engineering, Environmental

Exploring a new approach for assessing the fate and behavior of the tailings released by the Brumadinho dam collapse (Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Hikari Kobayashi et al.

Summary: The Brumadinho dam rupture in 2019 resulted in the release of a large amount of iron ore mining tailings into the Paraopeba River, posing a public health issue for the local and downstream populations. This study assesses the behavior and fate of metal contamination from the disaster using new sampling strategies and geochemistry tools. The findings indicate that the dissolved metal concentrations in the Paraopeba River remained low, but the high background contents of metals and previous anthropogenic contamination hindered tracing the sediment source based only on geochemical signature. However, using Pb isotopic composition and enrichment factors of sediments and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) proved to be accurate proxies in tracking the dispersion of tailing particles downstream.


Article Environmental Sciences

Biochemical response and metals bioaccumulation in planktonic communities from marine areas impacted by the Fundao mine dam rupture (southeast Brazil)

Joseane A. Marques et al.

Summary: This study investigated the variation in biochemical response related to metal exposure among planktonic communities (micro and mesoplankton) in different locations and seasons from 2018-2020. The results showed that metals affected biomarkers in a non-linear pattern, indicating physiological stress related to metal contamination, especially in sectors contaminated by Fe, Mn, and Cd. The study highlights the complex relationship between metals, biochemical parameters, and seasonality in the marine planktonic community impacted by the Fundao dam rupture.


Article Environmental Sciences

Environmental quality assessment in a marine coastal area impacted by mining tailing using a geochemical multi-index and physical approach

Cybelle Menolli Longhini et al.

Summary: The study assessed the environmental quality of a marine coastal area impacted by a mining disaster in Southeast Brazil using geochemical multi-index and physical approach. It found that the deterioration of environmental quality during dry periods was highly associated with the release of dissolved forms of metal(oids) into the water column due to low river discharge and high wave heights. Recovery of environmental quality occurred during wet periods.


Article Environmental Sciences

Prognosis of metal concentrations in sediments and water of Paraopeba River following the collapse of B1 tailings dam in Brumadinho (Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Fernando Antonio Leal Pacheco et al.

Summary: This study assessed the contribution of tailings from the collapsed dam in Brazil to the contamination of sediments and water by iron and manganese. It found that the contribution of tailings varied in different sectors, and the Fe/Al and Mn/Al ratios were useful indicators for evaluating tailings mobilization. The concentrations of Fe and Al in the water were influenced by discharge rates and water pH.


Article Environmental Sciences

An integrated study of the plankton community after four years of Fundao dam disaster

Ana Cristina Teixeira Bonecker et al.

Summary: The collapse of the Fundao dam in 2015 in Brazil led to a persistent impact on the planktonic community structure near the Doce River mouth. High metal concentrations in surface waters in January 2019 resulted in decreased abundance and diversity of phytoplankton and zooplankton. The relationship between environmental factors, metals, and plankton communities indicate a continued impact of the tailings from the dam collapse even four years after the disaster.


Article Environmental Sciences

Responses of marine zooplankton indicators after five years of a dam rupture in the Doce River, Southeastern Brazil

Gustavo Martins Rocha et al.

Summary: The study aims to evaluate the environmental impact in the Doce River and adjacent coastal area by using zooplankton dynamics as a tool, finding that the zooplankton community is more fragile when the river discharge is stronger due to the impact of ore tailings reaching the Atlantic Ocean.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Spatial variation in dissolved phosphorus and interactions with arsenic in response to changing redox conditions in floodplain aquifers of the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia

Yao Li et al.

Summary: This study investigates the cycling of phosphorous and its interactions with arsenic in groundwater under changing redox conditions. The results show that redox conditions greatly influence the mobilization and immobilization of phosphorous and arsenic, and the presence of certain minerals plays a crucial role in their behavior.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Water-sediment regulation scheme of the Xiaolangdi Dam influences redistribution and accumulation of heavy metals in sediments in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River

Qinghe Zhao et al.

Summary: The water-sediment regulation scheme of the Xiaolangdi Dam has impacts on the distribution and accumulation of heavy metals in sediments in the Yellow River. During the regulation period, heavy metals mainly accumulate in the downstream reaches, while after regulation, heavy metals are mainly distributed in the reservoir area. The accumulation of heavy metals is driven by agricultural and urban industrial activities.

CATENA (2022)

Article Environmental Sciences

The contamination of microplastics in China's aquatic environment: Occurrence, detection and implications for ecological risk

Ziqi Zhang et al.

Summary: This review discusses the contamination of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems in China, elaborates on their adverse impacts on the environment, evaluates the potential risks to the ecosystems, and introduces the progress of microplastics extraction methods. The article proposes suggestions and perspectives for future research.


Article Environmental Sciences

Fundao tailings dam failure in Brazil: Evidence of a population exposed to high levels of Al, As, Hg, and Ni after a human biomonitoring study

Ana Carolina Cavalheiro Paulelli et al.

Summary: The study conducted in communities directly affected by the disaster revealed high levels of exposure to toxic metals such as aluminum, arsenic, mercury, and nickel. Factors such as community, drinking water, fish and seafood consumption, and smoking habits were found to be associated with metal/metalloid levels in their body. Well and tap water intake were identified as important sources of exposure to aluminum and nickel. The findings represent health risks to the groups living in the areas affected by the tailings dam failure, calling for further studies to evaluate the potential health effects of high exposure to metals and remediation actions from public health Brazilian authorities.


Article Environmental Sciences

Problematizing the wickedness of the Fundao dam rupture: Are cross-sector partnerships enough to bring about the Doce river basin recovery process?

Monica Cavalcanti Sa de Abreu et al.

Summary: This paper focuses on the complexities of hybrid network governance in a challenging institutional landscape, using a case study of the recovery process from the Fundao dam rupture in Brazil. The study identifies barriers to cross-sector partnerships, including institutional, power, and knowledge barriers, which contribute to an inadequate structural arrangement for collaboration in disaster management. This has resulted in a wicked industrial disaster with increasing severity, highlighting the underlying causes of failure in cross-sector partnerships.


Article Environmental Sciences

Impacts of tailings of Fundao dam (Brazil) rupture on marine fish: Metals bioaccumulation and physiological responses

Lorena Ziviani Bevitorio et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the impacts of the mining tailings on fish communities on the southeast coast of the Atlantic Ocean after the rupture of the Funda & SIM;o dam. The results showed that metal bioaccumulation and biomarkers of environmental contamination were higher in carnivorous fish collected during the dry season in 2018. However, in the wet season collection in 2020, there was less oxidative damage and metallothioneins induction. Metal levels in fish decreased over time, except in the mouth of the Doce River.


Article Environmental Sciences

Health condition of Chelonia mydas from a foraging area affected by the tailings of a collapsed dam in southeast Brazil

Camila Miguel et al.

Summary: The failure of the Fundao dam in 2015 resulted in the release of 43 million m(3) of tailings into Brazil's Doce River Basin, causing significant environmental damage. A study was conducted to assess the impact of contamination on the health of green sea turtles in a coastal area affected by the tailings. The results showed a worse nutritional status and a higher degree of liver and kidney damage in the affected turtles, indicating the need for long-term monitoring of the area to assess the influence of heavy metals on sea turtles and the overall environmental health.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Dam construction attenuates trace metal contamination in water through increased sedimentation in the Three Gorges Reservoir

Haijian Bing et al.

Summary: Dam construction plays a significant role in the distribution of trace metals and water quality. After impoundment, the concentrations of trace metals decreased in the mainstream water of Three Gorges Reservoir, while they increased significantly in the sediments of the water-level fluctuation zone, especially for anthropogenic sources of metals. Human activities have increasingly determined the distribution and contamination state of trace metals, but the anthropogenic discharge of trace metals did not adversely affect water quality. Dam construction attenuates trace metal contamination in water through sediment sorting and deposition.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Release flux of heavy metals from river sediments at different flow rates

Jiangang Lu et al.

Summary: This paper simulated sediment motion under different hydrodynamic conditions to investigate the release flux of heavy metals in river sediments. Experimental results showed a relationship between release flux and water velocity under certain conditions, serving as a theoretical reference for the control and treatment of heavy metal pollution in rivers.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Mineralogical Fingerprint of Iron Ore Tailings in Paraopeba River Bedload Sediments after the B1 Dam Failure in Brumadinho, MG (Brazil)

Fernando Verassani Laureano et al.

Summary: This study presents SEM-based automated mineralogy as a method to distinguish between natural sediments and iron ore tailings deposits from the Paraopeba River. The results show that by analyzing density, XRD, and mineral associations, different sediment types can be accurately identified.


Article Environmental Sciences

Marine shrimps as biomonitors of the Fundao (Brazil) mine dam disaster: A multi-biomarker approach

Anieli C. Maraschi et al.

Summary: The disruption of the Funda & SIM;o dam resulted in the release of a large amount of mine tailings into the Doce River and eventually the ocean, posing challenges for the local biota. Analysis of shrimp samples from different sectors during dry and wet seasons showed seasonal and local effects on the bioaccumulation profile and biomarker response. The study suggests a higher bioavailability of metals during dry season, particularly for Cd, Cr, Cu, and Mn, and a higher Fe bioavailability in estuarine sectors during wet season. Native marine shrimp species proved to be effective indicators of sediment quality and sensitive to water contamination by metals. The findings highlight the importance of continuous monitoring in the estuarine region to understand the long-term effects of metal bioavailability, especially Fe, on the local biota.


Article Environmental Sciences

A partial least squares-path model of causality among environmental deterioration indicators in the dry period of Paraopeba River after the rupture of B1 tailings dam in Brumadinho (Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Rafaella Gouveia Mendes et al.

Summary: The study investigated the collapse of B1 mine-tailings dam in Brazil in 2019, which severely impacted the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the Brumadinho region. The research revealed significant contamination in Paraopeba River, resulting in the immediate suspension of the river as a drinking water source for the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. The findings provided insights into the potential causes of water contamination and environmental deterioration, offering robust predictions for decision-making by environmental authorities in similar dam rupture incidents.


Article Environmental Sciences

Water security threats and challenges following the rupture of large tailings dams

Fernando Antonio Leal Pacheco et al.

Summary: This study examined the contamination of rivers caused by the rupture of mine-tailings dams and assessed the non-conforming concentrations following the event. The results showed higher concentrations of aluminum, iron, manganese, lead, phosphorus, and turbidity after the rupture, particularly during the rainy period. The catastrophe led to the suspension of Paraopeba River as a drinking water source and emphasized the urgency of mitigation measures. Additionally, the study suggested the possibility of restoring drinking water supply through conventional treatment during the dry period, improving regional water security.


Article Environmental Sciences

Ecotoxicological impacts of the Fundao dam failure in freshwater fish community: Metal bioaccumulation, biochemical, genetic and histopathological effects

Carlos Eduardo Delfino Vieira et al.

Summary: This study investigates the ecotoxicological impacts of the Fundao dam rupture, one of the major environmental disasters in Brazil's mining history. The results show that the release of mineral residues from the rupture affects the health status of fish in the Doce River basin, causing metals bioaccumulation and damage to the liver and gills of the fish, even four years later.


Article Geography

Post-disaster recovery plan for a rural settler?s community affected by the Funda?o dam tailings in Brazil

Barbara Carolina Soares Fortes et al.

Summary: The contamination caused by the dam rupture in Mariana, Brazil severely affected towns like Ipaba, leading to a decline in agricultural and fishing activities. However, research has shown that it is possible to remediate the pollution and restore soil fertility, enabling the recovery of agricultural production in Ipaba.


Review Engineering, Environmental

Emerging organic contaminants in global community drinking water sources and supply: A review of occurrence, processes and remediation

Anwesha Mukhopadhyay et al.

Summary: Human-sourced organic compounds, especially emerging organic contaminants, pose a significant threat to community drinking water sources worldwide. Conventional treatment plants are unable to effectively remove these contaminants, leading to the formation of carcinogenic disinfection byproducts. Researchers are actively exploring solutions, including membrane separation and nanotechnology.


Review Ecology

The impact of tropical land-use change on downstream riverine and estuarine water properties and biogeochemical cycles: a review

Yasuaki Tanaka et al.

Summary: This article reviews the impacts of various tropical land-use changes caused by human activities on downstream riverine and estuarine water properties and biogeochemical cycles, with a focus on the behaviors of nitrogen and phosphorus. Land-use changes in tropical regions, such as deforestation, agriculture, and urbanization, have led to nutrient enrichment in downstream waters, altering the N:P ratio and potentially causing eutrophication. Proper management and monitoring are crucial for the recovery of tropical aquatic systems in the face of these challenges.


Article Environmental Sciences

Underestimated heavy metal pollution of the Minjiang River, SE China: Evidence from spatial and seasonal monitoring of suspended-load sediments

Jiayu Fan et al.

Summary: The study conducted in Southeast China focused on heavy metal pollution, revealing that the Minjiang River is moderately to strongly polluted by particulate Pb, Cd, Mo and Zn contaminations. The transport and discharge of particulate heavy metals by the river are controlled by both natural and anthropogenic forcings, with pollution levels worse than previously known. Most heavy metals show high concentrations in flood seasons and relatively low concentrations in dry seasons, indicating a hydrologic control, but some show high concentrations in dry season samples, suggesting incidental anthropogenic input events.


Review Engineering, Environmental

Inverse modeling of contaminant transport for pollution source identification in surface and groundwaters: a review

Maryam Barati Moghaddam et al.

Summary: Fast and accurate identification of unknown pollution sources is crucial yet challenging in water resources management, but the gap lies in extending methods to more realistic cases and testing them in real-world applications.


Article Environmental Sciences

Manganese: The overlooked contaminant in the world largest mine tailings dam collapse

Hermano M. Queiroz et al.

Summary: The study assessed manganese contamination in the Rio Doce estuary after the collapse of the world's largest mine tailings dam, finding a significant increase in dissolved manganese and decrease in total manganese content in soils over the following two years. The dynamic interaction between Fe and Mn in the impacted estuary poses a high risk to estuarine biota and human health, indicating a possible chronic contamination scenario.


Article Marine & Freshwater Biology

Sources of sedimentary organic matter and assessment of heavy-metal levels in estuarine sediments after Funda∼o dam breach

J. P. Felizardo et al.

Summary: This study characterized the impact of mining tailings on estuarine environments along the Brazilian coast, revealing a significant influence on the Doce River Estuary by Funda similar to o dam's tailings, while northern estuaries were more affected by marine organic sources and southern estuaries by terrestrial sources. Changes in sedimentary organic matter stability showed unexpected patterns, indicating ongoing environmental risks in the ecosystem.


Article Soil Science

Physical, chemical and microbiological characterization of the soils contaminated by iron ore tailing mud after Fundao Dam disaster in Brazil

Fernanda Resende Couto et al.

Summary: This study conducted a characterization of soils contaminated by iron ore tailing mud after the Fundao dam collapse in Mariana, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It was found that one year after the dam failure, microbial activity was disturbed in the contaminated soil, leading to decreased nutrient and carbon concentrations. However, a community of phototrophic microorganisms, primarily cyanobacteria, was observed in the affected soil, which may play a role in enhancing the initial stage of succession.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Assessing the impact of land use and liming on stream quality, diatom assemblages and juvenile salmon in Wales, United Kingdom

I Juttner et al.

Summary: Research in the upper catchment of the River Wye in Wales, UK, showed that the application of lime to reduce stream acidity resulted in changes in water chemistry, diatom species composition, and salmon populations. Different land cover types and methods of liming had varying effects on these changes.


Article Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

Modelling one-dimensional reactive transport of toxic contaminants in natural rivers

Byunguk Kim et al.

Summary: This study aimed to perform reactive transport modeling considering the reactivities of chemicals for sorption, volatilization, and biodegradation. The results showed that the volatility of solutes can lead to mass loss, while adsorption can delay the arrival time of substances.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Ecological risk assessment of trace metals in soils affected by mine tailings

Andressa Cristhy Buch et al.

Summary: An ecological risk assessment was conducted in 18 areas affected by a major mining dam collapse in southeastern Brazil, revealing that the contaminated soils exceeded regional reference values for soil quality and posed potential ecological and human health risks due to high metal levels. Ecotoxicological assays indicated significant toxicity towards soil dwellers, providing valuable information for prioritizing areas for remediation and monitoring strategies.


Article Environmental Sciences

Metal speciation of the Paraopeba river after the Brumadinho dam failure

Elias H. Teramoto et al.

Summary: The study found that the labile concentrations of metals in the Paraopeba River were relatively low, heavy metals were unstable, and sediments may release a limited amount of As and Cu, but large amounts of Mn into the river water. Total metal concentrations were higher during the rainy season than the dry season, while labile forms showed the opposite trend, indicating that metal speciation is dependent on seasonal variation.


Article Environmental Sciences

Time-sequence development of metal(loid)s following the 2015 dam failure in the Doce river estuary, Brazil

Fabian Sa et al.

Summary: The study monitored changes in metal(loid) concentrations in water and sediment after the Fundao dam disaster in Brazil. Results showed significant increases in metal(loid) concentrations over time, with alterations in their chemical partitioning in water. High concentrations of various metals were observed both in water and sediment, indicating the ongoing impact of the disaster on the environment.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

World eutrophic pollution of lake and river: Biotreatment potential and future perspectives

Apurva Kakade et al.

Summary: Eutrophication has severely impacted aquatic ecosystems globally, mainly due to nutrients from point and non-point pollution sources. Controlling the use of chemicals at the source can prevent nutrient release and reduce non-point pollution, while point source pollutants can be effectively managed at sewage treatment plants. A comprehensive characterization and effective bio-treatments for lakes and rivers worldwide are still lacking, with further research needed.


Article Soil Science

Shifts in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungal properties due to vegetative remediation of mine spoil contamination from a dam rupture in Mariana, Brazil

Thuany Cerqueira Jordao et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the AMF community structure in areas affected by the rupture of the Fundao dam in Brazil, finding that revegetation processes significantly impact AMF diversity. In the summer, the AMF community profile was influenced by the host plants used for revegetation, while in winter, the similarity between REC1 and REC2 was higher compared to UND. Although soil characteristics changed after revegetation, the rehabilitation process was slow.


Article Environmental Sciences

Global-scale impact analysis of mine tailings dam failures: 1915-2020

Kamrul Islam et al.

Summary: Tailings are waste materials generated from mining activities and stored in large dams, failures of which can have serious environmental impacts. Despite the availability of safer technologies for waste management, most mining companies have yet to adopt them.


Article Environmental Sciences

Cytogenotoxicity of the water and sediment of the Paraopeba River immediately after the iron ore mining dam disaster (Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Tatiana da Silva Souza et al.

Summary: The study evaluated the potential cytogenotoxic effects of water and sediment from Paraopeba River in Brazil, finding high metal concentrations that may cause genetic damage. Long-term monitoring of the watershed is recommended to prevent further impact of the released tailings.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Water-sediment interactions and mobility of heavy metals in aquatic environments

Lorena S. Miranda et al.

Summary: The study reveals that the mineralogical composition of sediments plays a crucial role in the adsorption and desorption of heavy metals. Particulate organic matter is the most influential nutrient in heavy metals adsorption in riverine environments, while particulate phosphorus is more significant in estuarine conditions. Dissolved nutrients do not have a significant positive effect on the release of heavy metals in riverine areas, but dissolved phosphorus increases the transfer of specific metals from sediments to overlying water in estuarine conditions.


Article Environmental Sciences

Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Acid Mine Drainage on Surface Water, Stream Sediments, and Macrophytes Using a Battery of Chemical and Ecotoxicological Indicators

Paula Alvarenga et al.

Summary: Mining activities in the Portuguese sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt have caused pollution of water, sediments, and biota due to acid mine drainage. The acidity and high metal concentrations in the agua Forte stream were found to be severe, while the impact on the Roxo stream was less pronounced. This study suggests the potential use of the macrophyte Scirpus holoschoenus L. in phytoremediation actions for treating acid mine drainage in the IPB.
Article Environmental Sciences

Severe impacts of the Brumadinho dam failure (Minas Gerais, Brazil) on the water quality of the Paraopeba River

Fabiano Thompson et al.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Some developments and new insights for environmental sustainability and disaster control of tailings dam

Longjun Dong et al.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Sediment water (interface) mobility of metal(loid)s and nutrients under undisturbed conditions and during resuspension

Henning Schroeder et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Marine zooplankton dynamics after a major mining dam rupture in the Doce River, southeastern Brazil: Rapid response to a changing environment

Luiz Fernando Loureiro Fernandes et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Heavy metal contamination trends in surface water and sediments of a river in a highly-industrialized region

Hong-Giang Hoang et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Strategy for phytomanagement in an area affected by iron ore dam rupture: A study case in Minas Gerais State, Brazil

Valeria Cristina Palmeira Zago et al.


Review Marine & Freshwater Biology

Heavy metals contents in Nasser Lake and the Nile River, Egypt: An overview

Mohamed E. Goher et al.


Review Geochemistry & Geophysics

Review of interactions between phosphorus and arsenic in soils from four case studies

Daniel G. Strawn


Article Environmental Sciences

The Samarco mine tailing disaster: A possible time-bomb for heavy metals contamination?

Hermano M. Queiroz et al.


Article Environmental Studies

Changes in land use and land cover as a result of the failure of a mining tailings dam in Mariana, MG, Brazil

Uilson Ricardo Venancio Aires et al.


Editorial Material Geochemistry & Geophysics

Statistical analysis of geochemical compositions: Problems, perspectives and solutions

Peter Filzmoser et al.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Manual hierarchical clustering of regional geochemical data using a Bayesian finite mixture model

Karl J. Ellefsen et al.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Multivariate spatial analysis of lake sediment geochemical data; Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada

U. A. Mueller et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Surface water pH variations and trends in China from 2004 to 2014

Yinhuan Qiao et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Characterization of the Particle Size Fraction associated with Heavy Metals in Suspended Sediments of the Yellow River

Qingzhen Yao et al.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Compositional data analysis in geochemistry: Are we sure to see what really occurs during natural processes?

A. Buccianti et al.


Review Engineering, Environmental

Inorganic Geochemistry and Redox Dynamics in Bank Filtration Settings

Claire E. Farnsworth et al.


Review Environmental Sciences

Mercury in the Tapajos River basin, Brazilian Amazon: A review

J. J. Berzas Nevado et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Long-Term Declining Trends in River Water pH in Central Japan

Hiroki Matsubara et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Scaling hyporheic exchange and its influence on biogeochemical reactions in aquatic ecosystems

Ben L. O'Connor et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Seasonal and spatial distribution of redox zones during lake bank filtration in Berlin, Germany

G. Massmann et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Multivariate geostatistical analysis of heavy metals in topsoils from Beijing, China

Yuan-Ming Zheng et al.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Evaluation of graphical and multivariate statistical methods for classification of water chemistry data

C Güler et al.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Factor analysis applied to regional geochemical data: problems and possibilities

C Reimann et al.