4.2 Editorial Material

Australian core concepts to align learning outcomes, curriculum design, and assessment


Article Education, Scientific Disciplines

Unpacking and validating the cell membrane core concept of physiology by an Australian team

Sarah J. Etherington et al.

Summary: A task force of physiology educators from 25 Australian universities reached a nationwide consensus on seven core concepts for physiology curricula, one of which is cell membrane. The cell membrane core concept was unpacked into four themes and 33 subthemes, covering the definition, structure, transport, and potentials of cell membranes. Most items were evaluated as essential or important, with cell membrane structure theme rated as relatively less important and membrane potential theme rated as the most difficult. The importance of cell membranes in biomedical education received strong support from Australian educators.


Article Education, Scientific Disciplines

Unpacking and validating the integration core concept of physiology by an Australian team

Christian Moro et al.

Summary: Using the Delphi method, consensus was reached on seven core concepts of physiology, including the integration concept of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems interacting to create and sustain life. A team of Australian physiology educators unpacked this core concept into hierarchical levels, identifying five themes and ten subthemes. The importance and difficulty levels of each theme and subtheme were rated by experienced physiology educators. The main theme of hierarchy was rated as essential and slightly difficult, while the other subthemes differed in importance and difficulty. Integration core concepts should be taught in the later semesters of a Physiology program.


Article Education, Scientific Disciplines

Unpacking the movement of substances core concept of physiology by an Australian team

Daniel Brown et al.

Summary: This article aims to unpack the core concept of substance movement within the human body, providing guidance for physiology teaching in tertiary education institutes in Australia. The concept introduces fundamental knowledge of the driving factors and applies them in physiological contexts. The importance of understanding this concept is widely acknowledged, but its difficulty varies among educators. The complexity of this concept is due to the underlying physical forces, and organizing it into subthemes can help prioritize learning activities.


Article Education, Scientific Disciplines

Unpacking the homeostasis core concept in physiology: an Australian perspective

Elizabeth A. H. Beckett et al.

Summary: Australia-wide consensus was reached on seven core concepts of physiology, with homeostasis being one of the fundamental concepts for students to understand physiological regulatory mechanisms. A team of Australian educators unpacked the concept and identified 5 themes and 18 subthemes to simplify the components and improve learning and teaching of homeostasis.


Article Education, Scientific Disciplines

Establishing consensus for the core concepts of physiology in the Australian higher education context using the Delphi method

Kathy Tangalakis et al.

Summary: Consensus has been reached on the core concepts of physiology in Australia through the Delphi method, and these concepts will be integrated into the curricula of Australian universities. The core concepts include Cell Membrane, Cell-Cell Communication, Movement of Substances, Structure and Function, Homeostasis, Integration, and Physiological Adaptation.


Article Education, Scientific Disciplines

Unpacking the renal system component of the structure and function core concept of physiology by an Australian team

Ben D. Perry et al.

Summary: The structure and function core concept of physiology was unpacked and validated by Australian educators, specifically focusing on the renal system.


Article Education, Scientific Disciplines

Unpacking and validating the cell-cell communication core concept of physiology by an Australian team

Lisa K. Chopin et al.

Summary: An Australia-wide consensus was reached on seven core concepts of physiology, one of which was cell-cell communication. Three physiology educators from a core concepts Delphi task force unpacked this core concept into seven different themes and 60 subthemes. Cell-cell communication, previously unpacked and validated, was modified for an Australian audience to include emerging knowledge and adapted to increase student accessibility.


Article Education, Scientific Disciplines

Mapping the core concepts of physiology across Australian university curricula

Kathy Tangalakis et al.

Summary: This study aimed to investigate the extent to which a set of 15 core concepts of physiology are reflected in the learning outcomes of physiology curricula in Australian universities. The findings suggest a lack of alignment of learning outcomes with the core concepts and highlight the need for agreement on a set of core concepts in physiology in Australia.


Editorial Material Education, Scientific Disciplines

The core principles (big ideas) of physiology: results of faculty surveys

Joel Michael et al.