4.8 Article

18.9% Efficiency Ternary Organic Solar Cells Enabled by Isomerization Engineering of Chlorine-Substitution on Small Molecule Donors


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

End-Group Engineering of Chlorine-Trialkylsiylthienyl Chain-Substituted Small-Molecule Donors for High-Efficiency Ternary Solar Cells

Jing Li et al.

Summary: This study investigates the design of two new small-molecule donors with different end groups and their successful incorporation into the organic solar cell system, which enhances charge collection and transportation and improves the efficiency of the cells.
Article Chemistry, Physical

Alkoxy Substitution on Asymmetric Conjugated Molecule Enabling over 18% Efficiency in Ternary Organic Solar Cells by Reducing Nonradiative Voltage Loss

Lin Xie et al.

Summary: A ternary strategy is proposed to enhance the performance of organic photovoltaics. By using three asymmetric skeleton nonfullerene acceptors as the third component in the host system, the structure-performance correlation is thoroughly investigated. The results demonstrate that alkoxy-substituted TB-S1-O exhibits the highest efficiency of 18.14%, outperforming TB-S (16.16%) and TB-S1 (16.18%). This study reveals the efficacy of alkoxy substitution for constructing the third component in high-performance ternary organic solar cells.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

In Situ Absorption Characterization Guided Slot-Die-Coated High-Performance Large-Area Flexible Organic Solar Cells and Modules

Yi-Fan Shen et al.

Summary: Slot-die coating is the most compatible method for roll-to-roll processing of large-area flexible organic solar cells (OSCs), but its performance lags behind spin-coating. This study investigates the film-formation kinetics of two acceptors, Qx-1 and Qx-2, in slot-die coating. The excessive crystallinity of Qx-2 leads to oversized crystal domains, while Qx-1 shows excellent performance with a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 13.70%.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Fibrillization of Non-Fullerene Acceptors Enables 19% Efficiency Pseudo-Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells

Donghui Li et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates the fibrillization of non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs) with the assistance of solvent additive to enhance the performance of organic solar cells (OSCs). The molecular dynamics simulations show that the additive enhances intermolecular packing and induces self-assembly of NFAs into fibril structures. The resulting OSCs show improved power conversion efficiency, light absorption, charge transport, and collection properties.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Polymer Solar Cells with 18.74% Efficiency: From Bulk Heterojunction to Interdigitated Bulk Heterojunction

Xiaopeng Xu et al.

Summary: By utilizing a sequential solution processing method, a more suitable IHJ nanostructure for organic solar cells has been achieved, leading to an increased power conversion efficiency. The IHJ structure, compared to the BHJ structure, can efficiently dissociate excitons, reduce charge recombination, and facilitate the transport of free electrons and holes through more straightforward pathways, ultimately enhancing performance.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Exploring ternary organic photovoltaics for the reduced nonradiative recombination and improved efficiency over 17.23% with a simple large-bandgap small molecular third component

Huanran Feng et al.

Summary: The ternary strategy is an effective method to improve the power conversion efficiency of organic photovoltaic cells, by introducing a third component to reduce energy loss. The introduction of the simple molecule BR1 has been shown to enhance the performance of PM6:Y6-based OPVs and increase the PCE of the photovoltaic cells.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Smart Ternary Strategy in Promoting the Performance of Polymer Solar Cells Based on Bulk-Heterojunction or Layer-By-Layer Structure

Wenjing Xu et al.

Summary: The study explores the use of a ternary strategy to improve the power conversion efficiency of polymer solar cells (PSCs) by incorporating three different materials. Results show that the ternary PSCs exhibit significantly higher PCE compared to binary PSCs, mainly due to an increase in fill factor. This approach has demonstrated great potential for preparing highly efficient PSCs by optimizing molecular arrangement and layer thickness simultaneously.
Article Chemistry, Physical

Over 18% ternary polymer solar cells enabled by a terpolymer as the third component

Wenhong Peng et al.

Summary: Ternary blending and random terpolymerization strategies have been proven effective for enhancing the performance of organic solar cells, with the construction of a new terpolymer PM6-Si30 showing improved efficiency in OSCs through improved charge transport and molecular arrangement.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Tandem Organic Solar Cell with 20.2% Efficiency

Zhong Zheng et al.

Summary: A advanced interconnecting layer for tandem organic solar cell is developed in this study. By controlling the O-2 flux during evaporation, efficient electron extraction and low Schottky barrier are obtained, enabling effective charge recombination between two subcells. The tandem cell with the interconnecting layer shows a high efficiency of 20.27%.
Review Energy & Fuels

Effect of Third Component on Efficiency and Stability in Ternary Organic Solar Cells: More than a Simple Superposition

Sungwoo Jung et al.

Summary: Ternary organic solar cells are high-performance solar cells that utilize multiple organic materials to enhance photon energy harvesting. In addition to studying complex energy/charge dynamics mechanisms and blend morphology, introducing a third component can also improve the efficiency and stability of ternary OSCs.

SOLAR RRL (2022)

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Ternary-Assisted Sequential Solution Deposition Enables Efficient All-Polymer Solar Cells with Tailored Vertical-Phase Distribution

Feng-Zhe Cui et al.

Summary: This study adopts a ternary-assisted sequential solution deposition strategy to regulate the vertical compositional profile of all-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs). A favorable acceptor(donor)-enriched phase near the cathode(anode) can be obtained by this strategy, resulting in enhanced exciton yield and carrier density. Non-geminate recombination is suppressed by improving the exciton diffusion length. This study demonstrates the success of the ternary-assisted strategy in reorganizing the vertical-phase distribution, providing a feasible route for efficient all-polymer photovoltaics.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Single-junction organic solar cells with over 19% efficiency enabled by a refined double-fibril network morphology

Lei Zhu et al.

Summary: Morphological control of donor and acceptor domains is crucial for efficient organic photovoltaics, and this study demonstrates a double-fibril network strategy to achieve a high power conversion efficiency of 19.3%.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Organometallic-functionalized interfaces for highly efficient inverted perovskite solar cells

Zhen Li et al.

Summary: Functionalizing the interfaces of multication and halide perovskite solar cells with an organometallic compound, ferrocenyl-bis-thiophene-2-carboxylate (FcTc(2)), enhances their efficiency and stability. The resulting devices exhibit high performance and stability, as demonstrated by tests and continuous operation.

SCIENCE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Vertically optimized phase separation with improved exciton diffusion enables efficient organic solar cells with thick active layers

Yunhao Cai et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates the fabrication of efficient thick-film organic solar cells by optimizing the structure of the active layer. The use of one polymer donor and two non-fullerene acceptors in the mixed phase enhances the exciton diffusion length, and the layer by layer approach optimizes the vertical phase separation, resulting in high photovoltaic efficiency.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Simultaneously Decreasing the Bandgap and Voc Loss in Efficient Ternary Organic Solar Cells

Yangjun Yan et al.

Summary: Ternary architecture is a promising strategy to enhance the performance of organic solar cells by reducing the bandgap of the active layer materials. This study introduces a small-molecule donor BTID-2F into a PM6:Y6 based system, resulting in a narrower bandgap and improved aggregation. The ternary devices display lower energy disorder and loss, leading to higher open-circuit voltage and enhanced power conversion efficiency.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Polythiophenes for organic solar cells with efficiency surpassing 17%

Xiyue Yuan et al.

Summary: A new promising electron donor polythiophene has been developed for organic solar cells, which shows improved performance due to cyano-group substitutions and varied fluorination degrees. The incorporation of cyano-group provides deep-lying energy levels, and fluorination leads to enhanced interchain interaction and improved crystallinity, resulting in a record efficiency of 17.2% in the new polythiophene-based solar cells.
Article Chemistry, Physical

Desired open-circuit voltage increase enables efficiencies approaching 19% in symmetric-asymmetric molecule ternary organic photovoltaics

Lingling Zhan et al.

Summary: By constructing ternary organic photovoltaics, the open-circuit voltage (V-oc) loss is reduced, leading to a higher voltage without sacrificing the absorbing range. In addition, the ternary blend exhibits enhanced charge transport property and a higher fill factor.
Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Versatile Sequential Casting Processing for Highly Efficient and Stable Binary Organic Photovoltaics

Chengliang He et al.

Summary: This study investigates the advantages of using the sequential casting (SC) method for bulk heterojunction (BHJ)-based organic solar cells (OSCs). It is found that SC processing can achieve better morphology and device performance compared to the widely-used blend casting (BC) method. The observations on phase separation and vertical distribution inspire the proposal of the swelling-intercalation phase-separation model to explain the morphology evolution during SC processing. Moreover, the vertical phase segregation is found to improve device performance through affecting charge transport and collection processes.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A Top-Down Strategy to Engineer ActiveLayer Morphology for Highly Efficient and Stable All-Polymer Solar Cells

Huiting Fu et al.

Summary: By leveraging the layer-by-layer (LBL) deposition technique to engineer the morphology of all-polymer blends, optimal molecular orientation, vertical composition distribution, and efficient charge transport and extraction have been achieved, leading to high-performance all-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs).


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Nonhalogenated Dual-Slot-Die Processing Enables High-Efficiency Organic Solar Cells

Jingwei Xue et al.

Summary: Organic solar cells (OSCs) have shown great potential, but traditional methods and toxic solvents limit their commercialization and efficiency. A dual-slot-die sequential processing (DSDS) strategy is proposed to overcome these limitations. The unique film-formation mechanism contributes to the improved performance.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

18.01% Efficiency organic solar cell and 2.53% light utilization efficiency semitransparent organic solar cell enabled by optimizing PM6:Y6 active layer morphology

Kuibao Yu et al.

Summary: Optimizing the morphology of the photoactive layer is a simple yet promising approach to improve the power conversion efficiencies of organic solar cells. Different post-processing treatments, including thermal annealing and solvent annealing, were compared to investigate their effects on device performances. The results showed that solvent annealing effectively improved the distribution and aggregation of polymer donors and small molecule acceptors, leading to an optimized active layer film morphology and higher conversion efficiency. In addition, a relatively high light utilization efficiency was achieved by utilizing a transparent electrode, resulting in a remarkable power conversion efficiency and visible-light transmittance.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Rational control of sequential morphology evolution and vertical distribution toward 17.18% efficiency all-small-molecule organic solar cells

Yanna Sun et al.

Summary: A highly efficient all-small-molecule organic solar cell with a power conversion efficiency of 17.18% is demonstrated through layer-by-layer deposition and solid additive treatment. The controlled morphology allows for ordered molecular stacking and vertical charge transport, resulting in enhanced carrier generation and transport.
Article Chemistry, Physical

A meta-alkylthio-phenyl chain-substituted small-molecule donor as the third component for high-efficiency organic solar cells

Chenyang Zhang et al.

Summary: A new large-bandgap small-molecule (SM) donor, BTC, was designed and synthesized for high-performance ternary organic solar cells (OSCs), achieving an improved open-circuit voltage (V-OC) and short-circuit current density (J(SC)). The ternary blend film with 15 wt% BTC exhibited an optimized morphology with higher and more balanced charge mobilities.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A structurally simple linear conjugated polymer toward practical application of organic solar cells

Bingyan Yin et al.

Summary: The article introduces a new polymer, PTTzF, which has the advantages of low cost, high efficiency, excellent reproducibility, and universality, making it suitable for practical applications.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Asymmetric side-chain substitution enables a 3D network acceptor with hydrogen bond assisted crystal packing and enhanced electronic coupling for efficient organic solar cells

Zhenghui Luo et al.

Summary: This research investigates the impact of side chain modification on the efficiency of organic solar cells. The study demonstrates that asymmetric side-chain substitution enhances π-π stacking and increases electronic couplings, thereby promoting photovoltaic efficiency through improved charge mobility and molecular packing.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Tandem organic solar cells with 18.67% efficiency via careful subcell design and selection

Yuzhong Huang et al.

Summary: In this study, a novel wide bandgap acceptor F-ThBr was designed to achieve higher power conversion efficiency in tandem organic solar cells. By selecting and optimizing different subcell materials, a tandem OSC with a power conversion efficiency of 18.67% was constructed.


Article Chemistry, Physical

An asymmetric small-molecule donor enables over 18% efficiency in ternary organic solar cells

Ming Guan et al.

Summary: In this study, an asymmetric small molecule donor, TTBT-R, was used to fabricate high-performance ternary organic solar cells (OSCs). The optimized morphology of the ternary blend film resulted in balanced charge transport and improved power conversion efficiency through tuning molecule packing, energy levels, and absorption spectrum.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Layer-by-Layer Processed Ternary Organic Photovoltaics with Efficiency over 18%

Lingling Zhan et al.

Summary: This study proposes and demonstrates a method to optimize the morphology of the active layer in organic photovoltaic devices by combining the layer-by-layer (LbL) procedure and the ternary strategy. By adding an asymmetric electron acceptor to the binary donor:acceptor host, a vertical phase distribution is formed, leading to improved efficiency in OPV devices.


Article Chemistry, Physical

16% efficiency all-polymer organic solar cells enabled by a finely tuned morphology via the design of ternary blend

Tao Liu et al.

Summary: The performance of all-polymer organic solar cells has been improved by introducing a small amount of BN-T, resulting in increased crystallinity and enhanced exciton harvesting and charge transport. This enhancement is attributed to the reduced nonradiative energy loss and improved energy and charge transfer between acceptors, making AP-OSCs potentially as efficient as devices based on small molecule acceptors.
Article Chemistry, Physical

A wide-bandgap π-conjugated polymer for high-performance ternary organic solar cells with an efficiency of 17.40%

Thavamani Gokulnath et al.

Summary: This study utilized a novel pi-conjugated polymer SiCl-BDT as the third component in TOSCs, achieving a high solar cell PCE of 17.09% and further improving it to 17.40% through interface engineering. The use of a passivated electron transporting layer and a pi-conjugated polymer as the third component shows promising potential in overcoming the low PCEs of organic solar cells.


Article Engineering, Environmental

18.02% Efficiency ternary organic solar cells with a small-molecular donor third component

Xianjie Chen et al.

Summary: The ternary strategy using deep-lying HOMO energy level small molecule donor BPR-SCl in the PM6:BTP-eC9 host binary blend has successfully enhanced the power conversion efficiency of organic solar cells. The addition of BPR-SCl improved crystallinity of the photoactive layers and slightly reduced donor/acceptor phase separation scale, resulting in higher PCE, enhanced V-oc and J(sc) in the TOSCs. This study provides new insights into achieving high-performance TOSCs with the highest reported PCE using a small molecule donor as the third component.


Article Energy & Fuels

Non-fullerene acceptors with branched side chains and improved molecular packing to exceed 18% efficiency in organic solar cells

Chao Li et al.

Summary: The molecular design of acceptor and donor molecules has significantly advanced organic photovoltaics. By introducing branched alkyl chains in non-fullerene acceptors, favorable morphology in the active layer can be achieved, leading to a certified device efficiency of 17.9%. This modification can completely alter the molecular packing behavior of non-fullerene acceptors, resulting in improved structural order and charge transport in thin films.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Triisopropylsilyl-Substituted Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-c′]dithiophene-4,8-dione-Containing Copolymers with More Than 17% Efficiency in Organic Solar Cells

Mingyu Jeong et al.

Summary: A novel fused-ring tricyclic heterocycle, triisopropylsilyl-substituted benzo[1,2-b:4,5-c ']dithiophene-4,8-dione (iBDD-Si), was synthesized and incorporated into copolymer series via Stille polymerization. The resulting organic solar cells based on these copolymers achieved high power conversion efficiency, showcasing the potential of iBDD-Si as a promising backbone for high-performance conjugated materials.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Organic Solar Cells with 18% Efficiency Enabled by an Alloy Acceptor: A Two-in-One Strategy

Feng Liu et al.

Summary: A high-performance ternary solar cell utilizing a large-bandgap polymer donor and two structurally similar small-bandgap alloy acceptors is reported, achieving a power conversion efficiency of over 18%. By delicately regulating the energy levels of the alloy acceptor through varying the ratio of the two acceptors, more efficient hole transfer and exciton separation are achieved, contributing to reduced energy loss and better overall performance compared to single acceptor systems. Such a two-in-one alloy strategy shows promise in boosting the photovoltaic performance of devices.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Using Two Compatible Donor Polymers Boosts the Efficiency of Ternary Organic Solar Cells to 17.7%

Wenhong Peng et al.

Summary: The use of ternary organic semiconducting blends is an effective strategy for enhancing the performance of polymer solar cells by increasing photocurrent and minimizing voltage losses. Challenges arise from the scarcity of suitable donors with deep HOMO levels, but a new donor polymer (PM7-Si) has been synthesized to address this issue, leading to significant improvements in efficiency, open-circuit voltage, and fill factor when incorporated into a binary system. These enhancements are attributed to improved carrier transport, stacking order, and morphology, highlighting the promise of using two polymer donors for high-performance ternary PSCs.


Article Chemistry, Physical

A Thiadiazole-Based Conjugated Polymer with Ultradeep HOMO Level and Strong Electroluminescence Enables 18.6% Efficiency in Organic Solar Cell

Tao Zhang et al.

Summary: This study introduces a new thiadiazole-based conjugated polymer PB2F with a deep HOMO level, achieving high PCE in OSCs when blended with IT-4F. Furthermore, adding PB2F as a third component to PBDB-TF:BTP-eC9 blend leads to outstanding PCE, one of the highest in OSCs.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Synergistically minimized nonradiative energy loss and optimized morphology achieved via the incorporation of small molecule donor in 17.7% efficiency ternary polymer solar cells

Qi Liu et al.

Summary: This study introduces a small molecule donor, BTTzR, into a state-of-the-art binary system to fabricate high-efficiency ternary polymer solar cells with low non-radiative energy loss. BTTzR forms an energy cascade with binary components to facilitate charge transfer, enhancing crystallization and domain purity of the blend.


Article Energy & Fuels

A unified description of non-radiative voltage losses in organic solar cells

Xian-Kai Chen et al.

Summary: Researchers provide a general description of non-radiative voltage losses and find that the latest organic solar cells based on non-fullerene acceptors can reduce this loss. The study shows that photoluminescence yield is a critical factor in determining the lower limit of non-radiative voltage losses.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Small-molecular donor guest achieves rigid 18.5% and flexible 15.9% efficiency organic photovoltaic via fine-tuning microstructure morphology

Zhenyu Chen et al.

Summary: Incorporating highly ordered crystalline small molecules into host binary systems has been shown to significantly improve the photovoltaic performance of organic solar cells. By designing and synthesizing small molecular donors with similar chemical structures, it was found that the silicon-containing G19 exhibited a higher degree of order in the host system, resulting in improved power conversion efficiency.
Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Alloy-like ternary polymer solar cells with over 17.2% efficiency

Qiaoshi An et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Enhanced and Balanced Charge Transport Boosting Ternary Solar Cells Over 17% Efficiency

Danqin Li et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Ladder-Type Heteroheptacenes with Different Heterocycles for Nonfullerene Acceptors

Yunlong Ma et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Optimized active layer morphology toward efficient and polymer batch insensitive organic solar cells

Kangkang Weng et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Two compatible polymer donors contribute synergistically for ternary organic solar cells with 17.53% efficiency

Qiaoshi An et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Functional Third Components in Nonfullerene Acceptor-Based Ternary Organic Solar Cells

Ying Zhang et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

15.34% efficiency all-small-molecule organic solar cells with an improved fill factor enabled by a fullerene additive

Dingqin Hu et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Near-infrared electron acceptors with fused nonacyclic molecular backbones for nonfullerene organic solar cells

Jianquan Zhang et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Ternary System with Intermolecular Hydrogen Bond: Efficient Strategy to High-Performance Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells

Xinrui Li et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Over 14% Efficiency in Polymer Solar Cells Enabled by a Chlorinated Polymer Donor

Shaoqing Zhang et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

The Crucial Role of Chlorinated Thiophene Orientation in Conjugated Polymers for Photovoltaic Devices

Yanan Wu et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Molecular Optimization Enables over 13% Efficiency in Organic Solar Cells

Wenchao Zhao et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Donor polymer design enables efficient non-fullerene organic solar cells

Zhengke Li et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

An Electron Acceptor Challenging Fullerenes for Efficient Polymer Solar Cells

Yuze Lin et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Selective Dye Loading at the Heterojunction in Polymer/Fullerene Solar Cells

Satoshi Honda et al.