4.6 Article

Artificial-Intelligence-Assisted Activities of Daily Living Recognition for Elderly in Smart Home


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

ARFDNet: An efficient activity recognition & fall detection system using latent feature pooling

Santosh Kumar Yadav et al.

Summary: This paper presents an efficient activity recognition and fall detection system (ARFDNet). The system extracts skeleton features from raw RGB videos using a pose estimation network, and utilizes specially designed CNNs followed by GRUs to learn the spatiotemporal dynamics in the data. The proposed system achieves superior performance on two databases.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Human Activity Recognition for Elderly People Using Machine and Deep Learning Approaches

Ahatsham Hayat et al.

Summary: This paper focuses on assisting elderly people by monitoring their activities using gyroscope and accelerometer data collected from a smart phone. Various machine learning and deep learning algorithms are utilized for human activity recognition, and the impact of cross-validation on the data is demonstrated.


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Efficient activity recognition using lightweight CNN and DS-GRU network for surveillance applications

Amin Ullah et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a lightweight deep learning-assisted framework for activity recognition, which detects and tracks humans in surveillance videos using CNN models, and learns temporal changes in frame sequences for activity recognition using DS-GRU. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of this technique for real-time surveillance applications.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Real-time non-intrusive load monitoring: A light-weight and scalable approach

Christos L. Athanasiadis et al.

Summary: Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is a hot topic attracting academic and industrial interest, which can unlock various smart-home services and opportunities. This paper proposes a multi-class NILM system that can detect any number of appliances in real-time and can automatically identify new devices.


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Activity recognition and anomaly detection in smart homes

Labiba Gillani Fahad et al.

Summary: The proposed approach utilizes probabilistic neural network and H2O autoencoder for activity recognition and anomaly detection in smart homes. A comprehensive evaluation on two CASAS smart home datasets demonstrates its effectiveness in activity recognition and anomaly identification.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Activity Recognition for Ambient Assisted Living with Videos, Inertial Units and Ambient Sensors

Caetano Mazzoni Ranieri et al.

Summary: Global demographic projections showing an aging population have driven research on Ambient Assisted Living, focusing on smart homes and social robots. This paper addresses the recognition of heterogeneous daily living activities in home environments using data from videos, wearable IMUs, and ambient sensors. The study introduces a Deep Learning framework for multimodal activity recognition in collaboration with the HWU-USP dataset, demonstrating improved accuracy results through the integration of ambient sensor data.

SENSORS (2021)

Article Energy & Fuels

A Scalable Real-Time Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring System for the Estimation of Household Appliance Power Consumption

Christos Athanasiadis et al.

Summary: This paper presents a real-time NILM system that detects the turning-on of a target appliance and estimates its consumption in real-time by processing the measured active power transient response. The proposed system consists of three main blocks: an event detection algorithm, a convolutional neural network classifier, and a power estimation algorithm, demonstrating high computational and memory efficiency in achieving promising results in real-time.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

LSTM Networks Using Smartphone Data for Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes

Sakorn Mekruksavanich et al.

Summary: Human Activity Recognition (HAR) using inertial motion data has been increasingly utilized in various applications due to the acceleration of building intelligent environments and systems. Deep learning methods are found to be more effective than traditional machine learning techniques in feature extraction from raw sensor data. A generic HAR framework based on LSTM networks for smartphone sensor data is proposed in this study, with experiments showing improved recognition performance using a 4-layer CNN-LSTM network.

SENSORS (2021)

Article Chemistry, Analytical

New Sensor Data Structuring for Deeper Feature Extraction in Human Activity Recognition

Tsige Tadesse Alemayoh et al.

Summary: This study introduces a new method for activity recognition using smartphone data collection and deep learning classification with neural network models. The experimental results show good performance, with better performance validated on other datasets, and the practicality of the model was demonstrated in real-time testing on a computer and smartphone.

SENSORS (2021)

Article Computer Science, Information Systems

A Deep Learning-Based Framework for Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes

Alaeddine Mihoub

Summary: This study introduces a deep learning-based framework for activity recognition in smart homes, with a detailed methodology for data preprocessing, feature mining, and deep learning techniques. The best approach for efficient classification was found to be the selection approach, with overall results outperforming baseline models.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Algorithms for Human Activity Recognition

Elena-Alexandra Budisteanu et al.

Summary: This research introduces a novel approach to human activity recognition that combines supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms; by grouping and classifying data in two stages, it aims to provide real-time quality results and performance; different clustering techniques and data augmentation strategies are explored to improve the training process.

SENSORS (2021)

Article Chemistry, Analytical

Real-Time Action Recognition System for Elderly People Using Stereo Depth Camera

Thi Thi Zin et al.

Summary: This research proposes an intelligent system that uses computer vision technology to monitor and recognize the actions of elderly people in real-time through a stereo depth camera. The experimental results demonstrate that the system performs reliably in detecting various actions, regardless of the length of the image sequences.

SENSORS (2021)

Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Activity Recognition: A GAN-Based Approach

Andrea Rosales Sanabria et al.

Summary: Sensor-based human activity recognition (HAR) plays a significant role in various fields such as smart city, smart home, and personal healthcare. The shift-GAN proposed in this article integrates Bi-GAN and KMM to achieve robust feature transfer between two different domains. Experimental results demonstrate that shift-GAN outperforms over 10 existing domain adaptation techniques, learns intrinsic feature mappings independent of activities between two domains, is robust to sensor noise, and less sensitive to training data.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Implicit Irregularity Detection Using Unsupervised Learning on Daily Behaviors

Cuijuan Shang et al.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

A Public Domain Dataset for Real-Life Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Sensors

Daniel Garcia-Gonzalez et al.

SENSORS (2020)

Review Chemistry, Analytical

Unsupervised Human Activity Recognition Using the Clustering Approach: A Review

Paola Ariza Colpas et al.

SENSORS (2020)

Article Computer Science, Information Systems

BIA: Behavior Identification Algorithm Using Unsupervised Learning Based on Sensor Data for Home Elderly

Cuijuan Shang et al.

IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2019)

Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Smart Sensory Furniture Based on WSN for Ambient Assisted Living

Andres L. Bleda et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Recognizing Human Activity in Free-Living Using Multiple Body-Worn Accelerometers

Elliott Fullerton et al.


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

A Feature-Based Knowledge Transfer Framework for Cross-Environment Activity Recognition Toward Smart Home Applications

Yi-Ting Chiang et al.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Mining Human Activity Patterns From Smart Home Big Data for Health Care Applications

Abdulsalam Yassine et al.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

An Efficient Activity Recognition Framework: Toward Privacy-Sensitive Health Data Sensing

Samer Samarah et al.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Dynamic sensor event segmentation for real-time activity recognition in a smart home context

Jie Wan et al.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Activity recognition on streaming sensor data

Narayanan C. Krishnan et al.