4.6 Article

Correlations of HTSD to TBP and Bulk Properties to Saturate Content of a Wide Variety of Crude Oils


Article Energy & Fuels

Prediction of petroleum viscosity from molecular weight and density

Dicho Stratiev et al.

Summary: This study predicts the viscosity of 165 crude oils with varying viscosity, density, and molecular weight, using eight existing models and three new models developed in this study. The results show that the artificial neural network (ANN) model performs better than the empirical correlations. Additionally, the study examines the viscosity prediction of 93 crude oils with varying viscosity, density, molecular weight, and SARA composition using existing empirical correlations and a new empirical correlation that also considers the crude oil saturate content. The results indicate that the model developed in this study, incorporating the saturate content, has the highest prediction accuracy.
Article Energy & Fuels

Empirical Modeling of Viscosities and Softening Points of Straight-Run Vacuum Residues from Different Origins and of Hydrocracked Unconverted Vacuum Residues Obtained in Different Conversions

Dicho Stratiev et al.

Summary: The use of hydrocracked and straight-run vacuum residues in the production of road pavement bitumen requires a good understanding of how the viscosity and softening point can be modeled and controlled. Scientific reports on modeling of these rheological properties for hydrocracked and straight-run vacuum residues are scarce. For that reason, 30 straight-run vacuum residues and 33 hydrocracked vacuum residues obtained in a conversion range of 55-93% were investigated, and the characterization data were employed for modeling purposes. An intercriteria analysis was applied to investigate the statistically meaningful relations between the studied vacuum residue properties. It revealed that the straight-run and hydrocracked vacuum residues were completely different, and therefore their viscosity and softening point should be separately modeled. Through the use of nonlinear regression by applying CAS Maple and NLPSolve with the modified Newton iterative method and the vacuum residue bulk properties the viscosity and softening point were modeled. It was found that the straight-run vacuum residue viscosity was best modeled from the molecular weight and specific gravity, whereas the softening point was found to be best modeled from the molecular weight and C-7-asphaltene content. The hydrocracked vacuum residue viscosity and softening point were modeled from a single property: the Conradson carbon content. The vacuum residue viscosity models developed in this work were found to allow prediction of the asphaltene content from the molecular weight and specific gravity with an average absolute relative error of 20.9%, which was lower of that of the model of Samie and Mortaheb (Fuel. 2021, 305, 121609)-32.6%.


Article Energy & Fuels

Prediction of Crude Oil Saturate Content from a SimDist Assay

H. W. Yarranton

Summary: SARA assays are unreliable with variations above 5 wt % reported for assays performed in different laboratories. This study develops an approach to predict the saturate composition of crude oil based on more reliable data such as simulated distillation assay, asphaltene content, and oil density, offering a more standardized determination of the SARA composition.


Article Energy & Fuels

Understanding the molecular composition of petroleum and its distillation cuts

Dayane M. Coutinho et al.

Summary: This article discusses the complexity of petroleum and the use of comprehensive assessment methods for crude oil distillation cuts. By utilizing advanced analytical techniques, the chemical compositions of different petroleum samples were analyzed in detail, providing valuable information for prediction and prevention in the oil industry.
Article Energy & Fuels

Petroleum viscosity modeling using least squares and ANN methods

Dicho Stratiev et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the accuracy of eight empirical regression methods for predicting crude oil viscosity and developed a new nonlinear regression model and an artificial neural network (ANN) model for viscosity prediction. The results showed that the combination of these two models improved the accuracy of viscosity prediction for the crude oils.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Comparison of UNIFAC and LSER Models for Calculating Partition Coefficients in the Hexane-Acetonitrile System Using Middle Distillate Petroleum Products as an Example

Ignaty Efimov et al.

Summary: This study investigates the potential use of a two-phase hexane-acetonitrile system in gas chromatography analysis for identifying middle distillate petroleum products containing polar organic compounds. By calculating partition coefficients, the optimal method for predicting the partition coefficients of petroleum products in the hexane-acetonitrile system was determined.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Validation of Diesel Fraction Content in Heavy Oils Measured by High Temperature Simulated Distillation and Physical Vacuum Distillation by Performance of Commercial Distillation Test and Process Simulation

Dicho Stratiev et al.

Summary: This study employed HTSD and physical vacuum distillation methods to characterize different vacuum distillates and found that HTSD method is suitable for accurately determining the diesel fraction content in heavy oils. The extraction of diesel fraction from H-Oil heavy distillates using HTSD could lead to oil refining profit improvement in the amount of six digits USD per year.


Review Energy & Fuels

Challenges in Petroleum Characterization-A Review

Ivelina Shishkova et al.

Summary: This work reviewed 252 literature sources and about 5000 crude oil assays. It classified petroleum characterization into three categories and proposed new methods to overcome analysis issues.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Intercriteria Analysis to Diagnose the Reasons for Increased Fouling in a Commercial Ebullated Bed Vacuum Residue Hydrocracker

Dicho Stratiev et al.

Summary: The intercriteria analysis based on intuitionistic fuzziness and index matrices was used to evaluate the processing data of the LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas H-Oil ebullated bed vacuum residue hydrocracker. The study aimed to identify the reasons for increased fouling during the 3rd cycle of the H Oil hydrocracker. It was found that excessive fouling occurs when the ratio of the temperature difference between the 1st and 2nd reactor is lower than 2.0. The fouling is influenced by the processing of lower Conradson carbon content vacuum residual oils, increased throughput, and the dosage of the HCAT nanodispersed catalyst.

ACS OMEGA (2022)

Article Energy & Fuels

Study of Bulk Properties Relation to SARA Composition Data of Various Vacuum Residues Employing Intercriteria Analysis

Dicho Stratiev et al.

Summary: This study characterized vacuum residues extracted from different types of crude oils and hydrocracked vacuum residues, and analyzed the statistically significant relations between their SARA composition and bulk properties. The study also found correlations between certain indicators and the softening point of the oils and residues.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Use of Partition Coefficients in a Hexane-Acetonitrile System in the GC-MS Analysis of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in the Example of Delayed Coking Gas Oils

Ignaty Efimov et al.

Summary: The study used the UNIFAC model to calculate the partition coefficients of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and found that methyl derivatives of naphthalene, fluorene, anthracene, and pyrene can be accurately identified by the position of the figurative point on the partition coefficient-retention index plane.

ACS OMEGA (2021)

Article Energy & Fuels

Applicability of Simulated Distillation for Heavy Oils

O. Castellanos Diaz et al.


Article Engineering, Chemical

A Group Contribution Pseudocomponent Method for Phase Equilibrium Modeling of Mixtures of Petroleum Fluids and a Solvent

Ping He et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Petroleum crude oil analysis using low-temperature plasma mass spectrometry

Mario Benassi et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

Modeling of asphaltene phase behavior with the SAFT equation of state

PD Ting et al.