4.6 Article

Single-cell multi-omics and lineage tracing to dissect cell fate decision-making


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Mapping transcriptomic vector fields of single cells

Xiaojie Qiu et al.

Summary: This article introduces an analytical framework called dynamo, which combines single-cell RNA-seq, RNA velocity, and metabolic labeling to reveal cellular states and transitions. It can predict cell fates and perturbation outcomes, and overcome the limitations of conventional splicing-based RNA velocity analyses.
Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Non-genetic determinants of malignant clonal fitness at single-cell resolution

Katie A. Fennell et al.

Summary: Studies have shown that malignant clonal dominance is a cell-intrinsic and heritable property facilitated by the repression of antigen presentation and increased expression of the secretory leukocyte peptidase inhibitor gene (Slpi). Increased transcriptional heterogeneity enables clonal fitness in diverse tissues and immune microenvironments, as well as in the context of clonal competition between genetically distinct clones. Leukemia stem cells (LSCs) display heritable clone-intrinsic properties of high and low clonal output, which contribute to the overall tumor mass.

NATURE (2022)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

CoSpar identifies early cell fate biases from single-cell transcriptomic and lineage information

Shou-Wen Wang et al.

Summary: The goal of single-cell genome-wide profiling is to reconstruct dynamic transitions during cell differentiation, disease onset, and drug response. In this study, a robust computational approach called CoSpar was developed to infer cell dynamics from single-cell transcriptomics integrated with lineage tracing. CoSpar identified previously undiscovered early fate biases and predicted key factors involved in fate choice.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Single-cell profiling of proteins and chromatin accessibility using PHAGE-ATAC

Evgenij Fiskin et al.

Summary: The study introduces a novel method called PHAGE-ATAC for simultaneous single-cell measurements of protein levels and chromatin accessibility profiles, using mitochondrial DNA-based clonal tracing. PHAGE-ATAC is utilized for multimodal analysis in primary human immune cells, sample multiplexing, intracellular protein analysis, and detection of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Additionally, a synthetic high-complexity phage library is constructed for selection of antigen-specific nanobodies, enabling protein detection, cell characterization, and screening with single-cell genomics.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Lineage recording in human cerebral organoids

Zhisong He et al.

Summary: A novel dual-channel recording system called iTracer was established for high-resolution lineage tracing, which combines reporter barcodes with inducible CRISPR-Cas9 scarring. The authors applied iTracer to explore clonality and lineage dynamics during cerebral organoid development, identifying a time window of fate restriction and variations in neurogenic dynamics between progenitor neuron families. Additionally, long-term four-dimensional light-sheet microscopy was established to confirm regional clonality in the developing neuroepithelium of cerebral organoids.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

CellRank for directed single-cell fate mapping

Marius Lange et al.

Summary: Computational trajectory inference is a method to reconstruct cell state dynamics from single-cell RNA sequencing experiments, but it requires prior knowledge of the direction of biological processes. CellRank is a new approach that allows single-cell fate mapping in scenarios where the direction is unknown, such as regeneration, reprogramming, and disease.


Review Cell Biology

Mechanical regulation of early vertebrate embryogenesis

Manon Valet et al.

Summary: Mechanical forces play a crucial role in embryonic development by regulating key developmental processes through downstream genetic regulatory networks. Advancements in in vitro models have helped to understand the role of mechanical forces in animal and human embryonic development.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Clonal dynamics of haematopoiesis across the human lifespan

Emily Mitchell et al.

Summary: Age-related changes in human hematopoiesis result in reduced regenerative capacity, cytopenias, immune dysfunction, and increased risk of blood cancer. Gene sequencing revealed a significant decrease in clonal diversity in elderly individuals, accompanied by pervasive positive selection.

NATURE (2022)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

DIALOGUE maps multicellular programs in tissue from single-cell or spatial transcriptomics data

Livnat Jerby-Arnon et al.

Summary: DIALOGUE is a method that systematically deciphers the functional interactions of cells in tissues. It identifies coordinated cellular programs in different cell types, forming higher-order functional units at the tissue level. DIALOGUE also predicts disease outcomes and predisposition, and identifies risk genes for various diseases.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

What is a cell type and how to define it?

Hongkui Zeng

Summary: Cell types are the fundamental units of an organism's function and exhibit diverse phenotypic properties. This review provides an overview of the principles of cell types rooted in evolution and development, focusing on the mammalian brain. It discusses approaches to characterize and classify cell types and proposes a roadmap for understanding the dynamic changes in cellular function under different conditions.
Review Genetics & Heredity

The emerging landscape of spatial profiling technologies

Jeffrey R. Moffitt et al.

Summary: Improved scale, multiplexing and resolution of spatial nucleic acid and protein profiling methods have established them as a major component of cellular atlas building. These methods enable measurements at nano- to microscale resolutions, allowing the study of cellular heterogeneity, tissue architectures, and dynamic changes during development and disease. This review provides an overview of the emerging landscape of in situ spatial genome, transcriptome, and proteome technologies, highlighting their impact on cell biology and translational research.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

spliceJAC: transition genes and state-specific gene regulation from single-cell transcriptome data

Federico Bocci et al.

Summary: Using spliceJAC, a method to quantify multivariate mRNA splicing from single-cell RNA sequencing, enables the extraction of dynamical information from single-cell transcriptomics. By applying spliceJAC to biological systems, specific signaling genes in different cell states have been predicted, important differentially expressed genes have been recovered, and new transition genes exclusive or shared between different cell state transitions have been predicted.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Towards reliable quantification of cell state velocities

Valerie Marot-Lassauzaie et al.

Summary: This article proposes the use of simultaneous quantification of unspliced and spliced mRNA to add a temporal dimension to single cell RNA sequencing data, allowing for better understanding of transcriptional dynamics in biological systems. However, current methods for inferring cell state velocities from such data have theoretical and computational problems that hinder accurate velocity estimation. The authors discuss these issues and propose new solutions, presenting two different methods for estimating and visualizing RNA velocities.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Massively parallel single-cell mitochondrial DNA genotyping and chromatin profiling

Caleb A. Lareau et al.

Summary: This study combines ATAC-seq and mitochondrial DNA sequencing to reveal clonal variation in human cells and tissues. It enables the inference of clonal relationships, mtDNA heteroplasmy, and chromatin variability in individual cells, linking epigenomic variability to subclonal evolution and cellular dynamics in vivo. Overall, this approach allows for the study of cellular population dynamics and clonal properties in vivo.


Review Genetics & Heredity

Active turnover of DNA methylation during cell fate decisions

Aled Parry et al.

Summary: Recent studies have shown that simultaneous activity of de novo methylation and demethylation mechanisms results in rapid DNA methylation turnover. This process may facilitate key lineage decisions and lead to large-scale oscillatory dynamics at gene distal regulatory elements.


Review Cell Biology

Cell fate specification and differentiation in the adult mammalian intestine

Joep Beumer et al.

Summary: Intestinal stem cells fuel tissue renewal, with the epithelium absorbing nutrients while acting as a barrier, lineage plasticity and niche signals enable efficient tissue repair, new insights from single-cell transcriptomics and organoid models reveal the importance of cell lineage plasticity and niche signals for tissue repair.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

A comprehensive library of human transcription factors for cell fate engineering

Alex H. M. Ng et al.

Summary: Using a library of human transcription factor genes, this study identified and utilized new transcription factors to directly program human pluripotent stem cells into various cell types, offering a novel approach in the field of cell engineering.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single-cell lineages reveal the rates, routes, and drivers of metastasis in cancer xenografts

Jeffrey J. Quinn et al.

Summary: This study used a Cas9-based lineage tracer to track the development and metastasis of lung cancer cells in a mouse model over months, revealing heterogeneity in metastatic capacity and genetic differences that drive invasiveness. The study also uncovered some genes driving metastasis and an unexpected suppressive role of KRT17 in metastasis.

SCIENCE (2021)

Review Cell & Tissue Engineering

Mitochondria as Signaling Organelles Control Mammalian Stem Cell Fate

Ram Prosad Chakrabarty et al.

Summary: Mitochondrial metabolism plays a crucial role in determining stem cell fate and function, beyond its traditional roles in ATP production and support for stem cell survival and growth. This review focuses on key conceptual ideas regarding how mitochondria control mammalian stem cell fate and function through mechanisms such as reactive oxygen species generation and TCA cycle metabolite production.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A single-embryo, single-cell time-resolved model for mouse gastrulation

Markus Mittnenzweig et al.

Summary: The mouse embryonic development model provides insights into mammalian cell fate acquisition. Recent studies show that most lineages exhibit combinatorial multifurcation dynamics rather than hierarchical transcriptional transitions.
Article Immunology

Clonal multi-omics reveals Bcor as a negative regulator of emergency dendritic cell development

Luyi Tian et al.

Summary: This study developed clonal multi-omics to allow multiple independent assays per clone, and identified genes controlling fate bias for different dendritic cell subtypes. Bcor was found to suppress the numbers and development of specific dendritic cell subtypes, offering insights into the molecular and cellular mechanisms governing clonal fate.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Modelling human blastocysts by reprogramming fibroblasts into iBlastoids

Xiaodong Liu et al.

Summary: The study describes a method to reprogram fibroblasts into human blastocyst models, known as iBlastoids. This model can mimic the overall structure of blastocysts, including inner cell mass, epiblast, primitive endoderm-like cells, blastocoel-like cavity, and trophectoderm-like cells. The iBlastoids system is believed to facilitate the study of early human development, the effects of gene mutations and toxins during early embryogenesis, and the development of new therapies associated with in vitro fertilization.

NATURE (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Blastocyst-like structures generated from human pluripotent stem cells

Leqian Yu et al.

Summary: The study developed an effective three-dimensional culture strategy to generate blastocyst-like structures in vitro which resemble human blastocysts. These structures, termed 'human blastoids', are readily accessible, scalable, versatile, and perturbable alternative to blastocysts for studying early human development, understanding early pregnancy loss, and gaining insights into early developmental defects.

NATURE (2021)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Single-cell CUT&Tag analysis of chromatin modifications in differentiation and tumor progression

Steven J. Wu et al.

Summary: In this study, we successfully adapted the CUT&Tag method to single-cell platforms for profiling chromatin landscapes at single-cell level. The analysis of H3K27me3 using scCUT&Tag distinguished cell types and allowed generation of cell-type-specific PcG landscapes.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Single-cell CUT&Tag profiles histone modifications and transcription factors in complex tissues

Marek Bartosovic et al.

Summary: An improved method for single-cell analysis of histone modifications was applied to the mouse brain, combining CUT&Tag technology with droplet-based single-cell library preparation to produce high-quality data. The results provided unique insights into epigenomic landscapes in the central nervous system at single-cell resolution, highlighting the potential of this method for studying chromatin modifications and transcription factor occupancy.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Imaging cell lineage with a synthetic digital recording system

Ke-Huan K. Chow et al.

Summary: By utilizing the intMEMOIR system, researchers have developed a method to record cell lineage information that can be read out in situ. This system allows for lineage reconstruction in both mouse and fly cells, as well as simultaneous analysis of clonal history, spatial position, and gene expression. These results establish a foundation for microscopy-readable lineage recording and analysis in diverse systems.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Biology

Simultaneous trimodal single-cell measurement of transcripts, epitopes, and chromatin accessibility using TEA-seq

Elliott Swanson et al.

Summary: Single-cell measurements play a key role in understanding diverse pathways of differentiation, cellular responses to signals, and human diseases. Through innovative technologies, a novel assay has been developed that allows simultaneous measurement of cell surface markers and chromatin accessibility, providing a new toolkit to identify type-specific gene regulation and expression.
Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Scalable, multimodal profiling of chromatin accessibility, gene expression and protein levels in single cells

Eleni P. Mimitou et al.

Summary: ASAP-seq is a new tool that can simultaneously profile chromatin accessibility and protein levels in single cells. It uses a bridging approach that repurposes antibody:oligonucleotide conjugates originally designed for protein measurements paired with single-cell RNA sequencing. Together with DOGMA-seq, it demonstrates the utility of systematic multi-omic profiling by revealing coordinated and distinct changes in chromatin, RNA, and surface proteins in single cells.


Article Cell Biology

Cell fate coordinates mechano-osmotic forces in intestinal crypt formation

Qiutan Yang et al.

Summary: This study reveals the simultaneous occurrence of crypt formation and reduction in lumen volume in intestinal organoids derived from single cells. By developing a 3D biophysical model and utilizing multiple mechanical perturbations, it demonstrates the synergistic effects of actomyosin-driven crypt apical contraction and villus basal tension with lumen volume reduction in driving crypt morphogenesis. Additionally, a sodium/glucose cotransporter specific to differentiated enterocytes was identified, which modulates lumen volume reduction through cell swelling in the villus region.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Lineage tracing on transcriptional landscapes links state to fate during differentiation

Caleb Weinreb et al.

SCIENCE (2020)

Review Genetics & Heredity

Lineage tracing meets single-cell omics: opportunities and challenges

Daniel E. Wagner et al.


Review Developmental Biology

Mechanisms of human embryo development: from cell fate to tissue shape and back

Marta N. Shahbazi


Article Developmental Biology

Human Embryogenesis: A Comparative Perspective

Claudia Gerri et al.

Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology (2020)

Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Unraveling Hematopoiesis through the Lens of Genomics

L. Alexander Liggett et al.

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single-molecule imaging of transcription dynamics in somatic stem cells

Justin C. Wheat et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single-cell lineage tracing unveils a role for TCF15 in haematopoiesis

Alejo E. Rodriguez-Fraticelli et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Lineage Tracing in Humans Enabled by Mitochondrial Mutations and Single-Cell Genomics

Leif S. Ludwig et al.

Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

Transcription factors and 3D genome conformation in cell-fate decisions

Ralph Stadhouders et al.

NATURE (2019)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

A comparison of single-cell trajectory inference methods

Wouter Saelens et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Inferring population dynamics from single-cell RNA-sequencing time series data

David S. Fischer et al.


Review Developmental Biology

Concepts and limitations for learning developmental trajectories from single cell genomics

Sophie Tritschler et al.


Review Medicine, Research & Experimental

The genetics of human hematopoiesis and its disruption in disease

Erik L. Bao et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Hydraulic control of mammalian embryo size and cell fate

Chii Jou Chan et al.

NATURE (2019)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Droplet-based combinatorial indexing for massive-scale single-cell chromatin accessibility

Caleb A. Lareau et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Spatiotemporal structure of cell fate decisions in murine neural crest

Ruslan Soldatov et al.

SCIENCE (2019)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Massively parallel single-cell chromatin landscapes of human immune cell development and intratumoral T cell exhaustion

Ansuman T. Satpathy et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A lineage-resolved molecular atlas of C. elegans embryogenesis at single-cell resolution

Jonathan S. Packer et al.

SCIENCE (2019)

Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

Mapping human cell phenotypes to genotypes with single-cell genomics

J. Gray Camp et al.

SCIENCE (2019)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Gene expression cartography

Mor Nitzan et al.

NATURE (2019)

Review Cell Biology

Unravelling cellular relationships during development and regeneration using genetic lineage tracing

Chloe S. Baron et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

An ultra high-throughput method for single-cell joint analysis of open chromatin and transcriptome

Chenxu Zhu et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Ribosome Levels Selectively Regulate Translation and Lineage Commitment in Human Hematopoiesis

Rajiv K. Khajuria et al.

Review Cell & Tissue Engineering

Causes and Consequences of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Heterogeneity

Simon Haas et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Clonal analysis of lineage fate in native haematopoiesis

Alejo E. Rodriguez-Fraticelli et al.

NATURE (2018)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Simultaneous lineage tracing and cell-type identification using CRISPR-Cas9-induced genetic scars

Bastiaan Spanjaard et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Fundamental limits on dynamic inference from single-cell snapshots

Caleb Weinreb et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single-cell reconstruction of developmental trajectories during zebrafish embryogenesis

Jeffrey A. Farrell et al.

SCIENCE (2018)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Lineage marker synchrony in hematopoietic genealogies refutes the PU.1/GATA1 toggle switch paradigm

Michael K. Strasser et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

RNA velocity of single cells

Gioele La Manno et al.

NATURE (2018)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Hierarchically related lineage-restricted fates of multipotent haematopoietic stem cells

Joana Carrelha et al.

NATURE (2018)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Population dynamics of normal human blood inferred from somatic mutations

Henry Lee-Six et al.

NATURE (2018)

Review Genetics & Heredity

Limb development: a paradigm of gene regulation

Florence Petit et al.


Article Mathematical & Computational Biology

Parameter identifiability analysis and visualization in large-scale kinetic models of biosystems

Attila Gabor et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Epigenetic Memory Underlies Cell-Autonomous Heterogeneous Behavior of Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Vionnie W. C. Yu et al.

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Early myeloid lineage choice is not initiated by random PU.1 to GATA1 protein ratios

Philipp S. Hoppe et al.

NATURE (2016)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Fundamental properties of unperturbed haematopoiesis from stem cells in vivo

Katrin Busch et al.

NATURE (2015)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Single-cell ChIP-seq reveals cell subpopulations defined by chromatin state

Assaf Rotem et al.


Review Developmental Biology

Cell Fate Decision Making through Oriented Cell Division

Evan B. Dewey et al.


Article Mathematical & Computational Biology

Classification of transient behaviours in a time-dependent toggle switch model

Berta Verd et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Clonal dynamics of native haematopoiesis

Jianlong Sun et al.

NATURE (2014)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Altered translation of GATA1 in Diamond-Blackfan anemia

Leif S. Ludwig et al.


Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

Exome sequencing identifies GATA1 mutations resulting in Diamond-Blackfan anemia

Vijay G. Sankaran et al.


Review Genetics & Heredity

Transcription factors: from enhancer binding to developmental control

Francois Spitz et al.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Hematopoiesis: An evolving paradigm for stem cell biology

Stuart H. Orkin et al.

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A bivalent chromatin structure marks key developmental genes in embryonic stem cells

BE Bernstein et al.

Article Chemistry, Physical

The chemical Langevin equation

DT Gillespie