4.8 Article

Large-scale achromatic flat lens by light frequency-domain coherence optimization


Article Optics

Broadband achromatic polarization insensitive metalens over 950 nm bandwidth in the visible and near-infrared

Peng Sun et al.

Summary: Metalenses are important in miniaturized and integrated optical imaging, but designing efficient broadband achromatic metalenses is challenging. This study proposes a phase manipulation approach to design a broadband achromatic metalens with high efficiency. An achromatic polarization-independent metalens is successfully designed for the wavelength range of 450 nm to 1400 nm with over 70% focusing efficiency.


Article Optics

Experimental Demonstration of Genetic Algorithm Based Metalens Design for Generating Side-Lobe-Suppressed, Large Depth-of-Focus Light Sheet

Yulong Fan et al.

Summary: The use of a genetic algorithm-generated metalens can effectively address the issues of phototoxicity and low signal-to-noise ratio in light-sheet fluorescence microscopy, enhancing the axial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the light sheet, and extending its depth of focus. This innovative technology may play an important role in large-scale bioimaging applications without the need for mechanical dithering.


Editorial Material Optics

Standardizing flat lens characterization

Jacob Engelberg et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Meta-lens light-sheet fluorescence microscopy for in vivo imaging

Yuan Luo et al.

Summary: Light-sheet fluorescent microscopy (LSFM) is the leading technique for in vivo imaging in the fields of disease, medicine, and cell biology research. This study demonstrates the successful integration of a nanophotonic meta-lens as the illumination component for LSFM, addressing the challenges of high image resolution and optical sectioning. With the meta-lens, the LSFM system complexity is significantly reduced, enabling multicolor fluorescent imaging of live biological specimens with cellular resolution.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Vacuum ultraviolet nonlinear metalens

Ming Lun Tseng et al.

Summary: A metalens that can generate and focus VUV light simultaneously has been successfully created by the research team. The metalens is ultracompact and phase-matching free, making it a useful tool for developing low-loss VUV components and increasing the accessibility of VUV light.


Article Optics

Meta-objective with sub-micrometer resolution for microendoscopes

Yan Liu et al.

Summary: A meta-objective based on cascaded metalenses is proposed to achieve high-resolution microobservations, allowing clear visualization of single cell contours in biological tissues.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A High Aspect Ratio Inverse-Designed Holey Metalens

Soon Wei Daniel Lim et al.

Summary: This study introduces an alternative metasurface geometry based on high aspect ratio via-holes, designing and characterizing metalenses that focus incident infrared light into a diffraction-limited spot. By engineering both transmitted phase and amplitude profiles simultaneously, the impedance match between the incident and transmitted waves is improved, leading to increased focusing efficiency. The holey platform enhances the accessible aspect ratio of optical nanostructures while maintaining mechanical robustness, paving the way for a generation of high aspect ratio ruggedized flat optics.


Article Optics

Phase characterisation of metalenses

Maoxiong Zhao et al.

Summary: Metalenses have shown superior performance and abundant applications as a new optical element, but the direct measurement of their phase distribution is still a challenge. A newly developed interferometric imaging phase measurement system allows for the direct measurement of the phase distribution of a metalens, enabling further analysis of its performance and characteristics.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Neural nano-optics for high-quality thin lens imaging

Ethan Tseng et al.

Summary: The research introduces a neural nano-optics imager that learns the physical structure of metasurfaces and a neural feature-based image reconstruction algorithm to improve image quality. Experimentally verified, the proposed method achieves an order of magnitude lower reconstruction error than existing approaches. This imager combines the widest field-of-view for full-color metasurface operation and simultaneously achieves the largest demonstrated aperture of 0.5 mm at an f-number of 2.


Review Optics

Achromatic flat lens performance limits

Jacob Engelberg et al.

Summary: This paper reviews the performance limits of flat lenses, including achromatic diffractive lenses and metalenses. It shows that these lenses can support a wide spectral range but have limitations in focusing power and broadband response.

OPTICA (2021)

Article Optics

Bandpass-filter-integrated multiwavelength achromatic metalens

Hanmeng Li et al.

Summary: The design of large-scale, high-numerical-aperture, and broadband achromatism is a challenge in metalens research, but focusing on RGB lights' achromatism can improve efficiency. Implementing a bandpass filter in a metalens results in good RGB achromatism and improved signal-to-noise ratio and resolution in imaging experiments.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Varifocal Metalens for Optical Sectioning Fluorescence Microscopy

Yuan Luo et al.

Summary: A dielectric Moire metalens is designed, fabricated, and implemented for fluorescence imaging with varifocal capabilities, utilizing two complementary phase metasurfaces with adjustable focal length through mutual angle tuning. The compact design may have important applications in clinical fluorescence microscopy and endoscopy.


Article Optics

Polarization-insensitive achromatic metalens based on computational wavefront coding

Ti Sun et al.

Summary: The study presents a polarization-insensitive achromatic metalens (PIA-ML) based on computational wavefront coding for broadband imaging. By coding simple nanostructures, the focal depths at different wavelengths overlap, removing the need for linear phase dispersion and enabling ultra-broadband achromatic imaging with simple-shaped nanostructures.


Article Optics

Imaging from the visible to the longwave infrared wavelengths via an inverse-designed flat lens

Monjurul Meem et al.

Summary: By allowing the phase in the image plane to be a free parameter, it is possible to correct chromatic aberrations over an extremely large bandwidth using a single diffractive surface, leading to thinner, lighter, and simpler imaging systems with improved performance.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

High-efficiency broadband achromatic metalens for near-IR biological imaging window

Yujie Wang et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates a polarization-insensitive, broadband titanium dioxide achromatic metalens for near-infrared biological imaging applications, which compensates for dispersion in the wavelength range of 650-1000 nm. The metalens shows high average efficiency and numerical aperture.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Large-Scale Metasurfaces Based on Grayscale Nanosphere Lithography

Hanyu Zheng et al.

Summary: The paper proposes a novel manufacturing method for metasurfaces based on self-assembly of nanospheres combined with grayscale lithography, enabling large-scale metasurfaces with nonperiodic phase profiles in a cost-effective manner. This approach demonstrates diffraction-limited focusing and holograms on a series of large-scale metalenses, potentially opening new doors for cost-effective and large-scale fabrication of a wide range of metasurface-based optics.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Edge detection with meta-lens: from one dimension to three dimensions

Mu Ku Chen et al.

Summary: The article introduces an imaging system for light-field edge detection based on a gallium nitride achromatic meta-lens array, capable of one-dimensional to three-dimensional edge detection. With 60x60 achromatic meta-lenses operating in the visible range, the system captures and computes all light field information, providing focused edge images with depth estimation through image rendering. The multidimensional edge detection system offers advantages such as broadband detection and device miniaturization, showing potential applications in biological diagnosis and robotic vision.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

An ultrabroadband 3D achromatic metalens

Fatih Balli et al.

Summary: The research team designed and fabricated ultra-broadband achromatic metalenses operating from visible into shortwave infrared wavelengths. The hybrid 3D architecture allowed realization in low refractive index materials, with prototyping done using two-photon lithography and mass production using molding. The experimental results showed excellent performance of the metalenses, demonstrating the feasibility of using low-refractive index materials and two-photon lithography for metalenses operating at visible wavelengths.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Meta-optics achieves RGB-achromatic focusing for virtual reality

Zhaoyi Li et al.

Summary: The study demonstrated the design of millimeter-scale diameter, high-NA, submicron-thin metasurface lenses and their application in a virtual reality system.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Large-Scale Metasurfaces Made by an Exposed Resist

Daniel Andren et al.


Article Optics

Focusing on bandwidth: achromatic metalens limits

Federico Presutti et al.

OPTICA (2020)

Article Optics

Design of diffractive lenses operating at several wavelengths

Leonid L. Doskolovich et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Octave bandwidth photonic fishnet-achromatic-metalens

Abdoulaye Ndao et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A hybrid achromatic metalens

F. Balli et al.


Article Optics

A broadband achromatic metalens array for integral imaging in the visible

Zhi-Bin Fan et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

All-Glass, Large Metalens at Visible Wavelength Using Deep-Ultraviolet Projection Lithography

Joon-Suh Park et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Achromatic metalens array for full-colour light-field imaging

Ren Jie Lin et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A broadband achromatic polarization-insensitive metalens consisting of anisotropic nanostructures

Wei Ting Chen et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

A broadband achromatic metalens in the visible

Shuming Wang et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

A broadband achromatic metalens for focusing and imaging in the visible

Wei Ting Chen et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Broadband imaging with one planar diffractive lens

Nabil Mohammad et al.


Article Optics

Full-color video and still imaging using two flat lenses

Monjurul Meem et al.


Article Optics

Broadband achromatic dielectric metalenses

Sajan Shrestha et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Broadband achromatic optical metasurface devices

Shuming Wang et al.


Article Computer Science, Software Engineering

The Diffractive Achromat Full Spectrum Computational Imaging with Diffractive Optics

Yifan Peng et al.


Article Materials Science, Coatings & Films

Fabrication of high aspect ratio TiO2 and Al2O3 nanogratings by atomic layer deposition

Evgeniy Shkondin et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Metalenses at visible wavelengths: Diffraction-limited focusing and subwavelength resolution imaging

Mohammadreza Khorasaninejad et al.

SCIENCE (2016)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Chromatic-aberration-corrected diffractive lenses for ultra-broadband focusing

Peng Wang et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Multiwavelength achromatic metasurfaces by dispersive phase compensation

Francesco Aieta et al.

SCIENCE (2015)