4.8 Editorial Material

The central role of the centrosome


Article Biology

A role for the centrosome in regulating the rate of neuronal efferocytosis by microglia in vivo

Katrin Moller et al.

Summary: The migration of the centrosome in microglia is a crucial step in the engulfment of apoptotic cells. Additionally, microglia demonstrate plasticity in their phagocytic ability, as they can switch between different modes of engulfment under certain conditions.
Article Cell Biology

Multiple centrosomes enhance migration and immune cell effector functions of mature dendritic cells

Ann-Kathrin Weier et al.

Summary: Centrosomes play a crucial role in immune cell interactions and immune response initiation. Immune activation leads to the emergence of extra centrosomes in leukocytes, which contribute to cell migration, secretion of inflammatory cytokines, and optimized T cell responses. These findings highlight the previously underestimated importance of extra centrosomes in cell and tissue homeostasis.


Review Neurosciences

Microglial efferocytosis: Diving into the Alzheimer's disease gene pool

Carmen Romero-Molina et al.

Summary: Genome-wide association studies and functional genomics studies have provided insights into the role of specific cell types, genes, and pathways in the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD), particularly highlighting the involvement of microglia in AD pathogenesis.

NEURON (2022)

Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Macrophages in health and disease

Matthew D. Park et al.

Summary: The heterogeneity of tissue macrophages in health and disease is increasingly apparent. Understanding their origins and functions requires a conceptual framework that takes into account their ontogeny and the influence of various signals on homeostasis and disease progression.
Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

The Centrosome in Cells and Organisms

Michel Bornens

SCIENCE (2012)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Centrosome polarization delivers secretory granules to the immunological synapse

Jane C. Stinchcombe et al.

NATURE (2006)