4.6 Article

Assembly of the 81.6 Mb centromere of pea chromosome 6 elucidates the structure and evolution of metapolycentric chromosomes


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Complete genomic and epigenetic maps of human centromeres

Nicolas Altemose et al.

Summary: Current human genome assemblies have neglected repetitive sequences near centromeres, hindering our understanding of their organization and evolution. A new approach has allowed researchers to comprehensively study these sequences, revealing their structural rearrangements and variations.

SCIENCE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Epigenetic patterns in a complete human genome

Ariel Gershman et al.

Summary: This study presents a high-resolution epigenetic analysis of the telomere-to-telomere human reference genome, revealing important insights into gene activity, clinical regulation, and providing a framework for investigating elusive regions of the genome.

SCIENCE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

The complete sequence of a human genome

Sergey Nurk et al.

Summary: The Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium has presented a complete sequence of a human genome, T2T-CHM13, which covers the whole genome except for the Y chromosome. This new sequence includes gapless assemblies, error corrections in previous references, and nearly 200 million base pairs of additional sequence with gene predictions, including protein coding genes. The completion of important regions allows for further studies on genetic variations and functions.

SCIENCE (2022)

Article Genetics & Heredity

High-quality Arabidopsis thaliana Genome Assembly with Nanopore and HiFi Long Reads

Bo Wang et al.

Summary: This study successfully assembled a high-quality and almost complete genome of Arabidopsis thaliana using multiple advanced sequencing technologies. The new genome assembly contains more information compared to the previous reference genome, providing valuable insights into the global pattern of centromeric polymorphisms and the genetic and epigenetic features in plants.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Repeat-based holocentromeres influence genome architecture and karyotype evolution

Paulo G. Hofstatter et al.

Summary: This study compares the genome organization and evolution of holocentric chromosomes to monocentric chromosomes, revealing the impact of holocentromeres on 3D genome architecture and the distribution of centromere function. The researchers also uncover the complex genome organization and unexpected polyploidy in Rhynchospora pubera, as well as the reduction in chromosome number in Rhynchospora tenuis. The study highlights the role of repeat-based holocentromeres in chromosomal evolution and diploidization.
Article Plant Sciences

De novo centromere formation in pericentromeric region of rice chromosome 8

Chao Xue et al.

Summary: This research discovered the formation of neocentromeres in rice, which are assembled at DNA loci not previously associated with CenH3 nucleosomes. Neocentromeres can rescue rearranged chromosomes that have lost a functional centromere and avoid chromosomal regions containing functional genes. It was also found that canonical histone H3 was replaced by CENH3 in regions with low CENH3 levels.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Haplotype-resolved de novo assembly using phased assembly graphs with hifiasm

Haoyu Cheng et al.

Summary: hifiasm is a novel assembler that utilizes long high-fidelity sequence reads to accurately represent haplotype information, outperforming existing tools in haplotype-resolved assembly on various datasets, including a hexaploid genome dataset.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

The genetic and epigenetic landscape of the Arabidopsis centromeres

Matthew Naish et al.

Summary: The study used long-read sequencing to assemble the Arabidopsis genome and resolve all five centromeres. It found that centromeres consist of megabase-scale tandemly repeated satellite arrays and are invaded by retrotransposons. The centromeres are evolving through cycles of satellite homogenization and retrotransposon-driven diversification.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Biochemical Research Methods

FINDER: an automated software package to annotate eukaryotic genes from RNA-Seq data and associated protein sequences

Sagnik Banerjee et al.

Summary: FINDER is a fully automated computational tool that optimizes gene and transcript structure annotation directly from raw expression data. It is capable of processing eukaryotic genomes of all sizes and requires no manual supervision, making it ideal for bench researchers with limited experience in handling computational tools.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Ryuto: improved multi-sample transcript assembly for differential transcript expression analysis and more

Thomas Gatter et al.

Summary: Research shows that multi-sample RNA-Seq experiments exhibit better stability and accuracy in RNA-seq assembly. The extended version of Ryuto can generate consensus transcriptomes and provide a better sensitivity-precision trade-off. Utilizing a (incomplete) reference for multi-sample assembly is an effective way to improve precision.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Two gap-free reference genomes and a global view of the centromere architecture in rice

Jia-Ming Song et al.

Summary: This study reported the assembly and analysis of gap-free reference genome sequences for two elite Oryza sativa rice varieties, providing a global view of the structure and function of rice centromeres. The research found that all rice centromeric regions share conserved centromere-specific satellite motifs, with a higher similarity of CentO repeats within the same chromosome.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

De novo assembly, annotation, and comparative analysis of 26 diverse maize genomes

Matthew B. Hufford et al.

Summary: The study reports de novo genome assemblies, transcriptomes, annotations, and methylomes for 26 maize inbreds, with over 103,000 pangenes identified. It shows that the ancient tetraploid character of maize continues to degrade by fractionation, and reveals variation in DNA methylation levels across genotypes.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Genetics & Heredity

BRAKER2: automatic eukaryotic genome annotation with GeneMark-EP plus and AUGUSTUS supported by a protein database

Tomas Bruna et al.

Summary: The task of eukaryotic genome annotation remains challenging and the new BRAKER2 pipeline is an automatic method that outperforms other pipelines in terms of accuracy and performance, yet further innovations are required to achieve highly accurate annotation.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

CenH3-Independent Kinetochore Assembly in Lepidoptera Requires CCAN, Including CENP-T

Nuria Cortes-Silva et al.


Article Oncology

What makes a centromere?

Paul B. Talbert et al.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Diversity of Plant Centromere Architecture

Veit Schubert et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Extraordinary Sequence Diversity and Promiscuity of Centromeric Satellites in the Legume Tribe Fabeae

Laura Avila Robledillo et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Multiple wheat genomes reveal global variation in modern breeding

Sean Walkowiak et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Gapless assembly of maize chromosomes using long-read technologies

Jianing Liu et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

epic2 efficiently finds diffuse domains in ChIP-seq data

Endre Bakken Stovner et al.


Review Genetics & Heredity

Centromere Repeats: Hidden Gems of the Genome

Gabrielle Hartley et al.

Article Genetics & Heredity

A reference genome for pea provides insight into legume genome evolution

Jonathan Kreplak et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A multi-sample approach increases the accuracy of transcript assembly

Li Song et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Minimap2: pairwise alignment for nucleotide sequences

Heng Li


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

What is behind centromere repositioning?

Ingo Schubert


Editorial Material Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

How complete are complete genome assemblies?-An avian perspective

Valentina Peona et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Fast and accurate de novo genome assembly from long uncorrected reads

Robert Vaser et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

deepTools2: a next generation web server for deep-sequencing data analysis

Fidel Ramirez et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Sambamba: fast processing of NGS alignment formats

Artem Tarasov et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Centromeres Off the Hook: Massive Changes in Centromere Size and Structure Following Duplication of CenH3 Gene in Fabeae Species

Pavel Neumann et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Trimmomatic: a flexible trimmer for Illumina sequence data

Anthony M. Bolger et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Holocentric chromosomes: convergent evolution, meiotic adaptations, and genomic analysis

Daniel P. Melters et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Fast gapped-read alignment with Bowtie 2

Ben Langmead et al.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Stretching the Rules: Monocentric Chromosomes with Multiple Centromere Domains

Pavel Neumann et al.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Plant centromeric retrotransposons: a structural and cytogenetic perspective

Pavel Neumann et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

rtracklayer: an R package for interfacing with genome browsers

Michael Lawrence et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS)

Yong Zhang et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Gepard: a rapid and sensitive tool for creating dotplots on genome scale

Jan Krumsiek et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

TRAP: automated classification, quantification and annotation of tandemly repeated sequences

TJP Sobreira et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Chromosome sorting and PCR-based physical mapping in pea (Pisum sativum L.)

P Neumann et al.


Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

The centromere paradox: Stable inheritance with rapidly evolving DNA

S Henikoff et al.

SCIENCE (2001)