4.7 Article

Quantifying interspecies competition for water in tomato-corn intercropping system using an improved evapotranspiration model considering radiation interception by neighboring plants in two-dimensional profile


Article Agronomy

Modeling effects of biodegradable film mulching on evapotranspiration and crop yields in Inner Mongolia

Ning Chen et al.

Summary: The use of biodegradable film as an alternative to plastic films in agriculture has been recommended. This study proposed an improved DSSAT model under biodegradable film mulching, considering the impact of film disintegration rates on air temperature compensation. The model accurately simulated soil water storage, evapotranspiration, and crop yield. The study highlighted the spatial differences in soil water storage, evapotranspiration, and crop yield in different regions due to soil texture, meteorological data, and agricultural management strategies.


Article Agronomy

Modeling evapotranspiration and evaporation in corn/tomato intercropping ecosystem using a modified ERIN model considering plastic film mulching

Ning Chen et al.

Summary: This study successfully estimated evapotranspiration and evaporation in a corn-tomato intercropping ecosystem under high plastic film mulching using the proposed MERIN model. The most intense water competition between corn and tomato was observed in stage II of the growth season, and the variation of water competition under different irrigation levels was similar in the intercropping ecosystem.


Article Agronomy

Evaluating crop coefficient and associated processes in a drip irrigation with different color of biodegradable film mulching

Ning Chen et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the differences in crop coefficient (K-c) and its components under different types and colors of agricultural film mulching. The results showed that the evaporation coefficient (K-e) increased significantly under biodegradable film mulching, while the basal crop coefficient (K-cb) and water stress coefficient (K-s) decreased. There were also significant differences in K-c and actual evapotranspiration (ETc) under different colors of film mulching.


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Quantifying inter-species nitrogen competition in the tomato-corn intercropping system with different spatial arrangements

Ning Chen et al.

Summary: This study investigates the differences in soil nitrogen dynamics in a tomato-corn intercropping system with different spatial arrangements and determines suitable arrangements. The findings improve understanding of inter-species nitrogen competition and provide recommendations for sustainable agriculture development.


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Interplay: A game for the participatory design of locally adapted cereal-legume intercrops

Clementine Meunier et al.

Summary: Interplay is a serious game designed to support players exploring intercropping scenarios. It assesses eight ecosystem services provided by intercrops and promotes knowledge sharing on intercropping.


Article Agronomy

Integrated Nutrient Management in Maize-Cowpea Intercropping System Is an Attractive Option to Improve the Fodder Productivity and Quality

Malu Ram Yadav et al.

Summary: The aim of this study was to assess the impact of integrated nutrient management in cereal-legume intercropping on fodder productivity, quality and nutrient uptake. The results showed that intercropping maize and cowpea in a ratio of 1M:1C with application of 75%RDF+Zn+PGPR+FYM or 100%RDF+Zn+FYM had the best effects, increasing fodder productivity and nutrient uptake, while also reducing the need for external protein sources.


Article Horticulture

Photosynthetic and grain yield responses to intercropping of two common bean lines with maize under two types of fertilizer applications in the colombian amazon region

Juan Carlos Suarez et al.

Summary: The objective of this study was to determine the photosynthetic and grain yield responses of two common bean lines to intercropping with maize under different fertilizer applications in the Colombian Amazon region. The results showed that both bean lines had improved photosynthetic efficiency and yield when intercropped with maize and using organic fertilizer, with significant effects during the pod filling growth stage. This study suggests that small farmers in the Amazon region can benefit from intercropping beans with maize and using organic fertilizer.


Article Plant Sciences

Intercropping improves yield and phytochemical attributes in guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) plants under nitrogen application

Zahra Rahmati Ahmadabad et al.

Summary: The study evaluated the yield, phytochemical attributes, and competition indices of the intercropping system of guar-roselle compared to the monoculture system. The results showed that the ratio of guar and roselle, as well as the application of nitrogen fertilizer, had an impact on the biomass and yield of both crops.


Article Ecology

Using spatially-explicit plant competition models to optimise crop productivity in intercropped systems

Laura Stefan et al.

Summary: Intercropping is a promising option to increase agricultural sustainability, but the complexity and context-dependency of plant-plant interactions make it challenging for farmers to find suitable crop combinations. In this study, we present a spatially-explicit yield analysis method based on plant ecological interaction models that allows for the optimization of crop species combinations and spatial configurations for maximal yield in intercropped systems.


Article Agricultural Engineering

How to enhance the agronomic performance of cactus-sorghum intercropped system: planting configurations, density and orientation

Cleber Pereira Alves et al.

Summary: Clarifying cultivation techniques and improving production systems have been the focus of agricultural systems in recent decades. This study in Brazil's biosaline production systems determined the optimal cultivation strategies for intercropping forage cactus and sorghum, and found that the intercropped system had higher productivity and biological efficiency, especially at higher planting densities.


Article Agronomy

Integrating thermal stress indexes within Shuttleworth-Wallace model for evapotranspiration mapping over a complex surface

Jamal Elfarkh et al.

Summary: This study successfully evaluated the potential of the Shuttleworth-Wallace model for mapping crop evapotranspiration in complex surface areas near the Atlas Mountain in Morocco. By combining thermal proxy variables with soil and vegetation temperatures, a new approach was developed to estimate ET, providing satisfactory maps with RMSE, bias, and R-2 of 0.08 mm/h, 0.06 mm/h, and 0.80, respectively.


Article Agronomy

Optimizing water use between intercropped pea and maize through strip row ratio expansion and N fertilizer reduction in arid areas

Yan Tan et al.

Summary: The study investigated the impact of different strip row ratios and nitrogen fertilizer rates on maize/pea intercropping, finding that expanding strip row ratio and reducing nitrogen fertilization can improve water productivity and yield. This provides a new approach for saving water and achieving sustainable development goals in semi-arid areas.


Article Horticulture

The effect of different mulching on tomato development and yield

Sara Raquel Mendonca et al.

Summary: The study investigated the effects of different soil mulching on tomato development and yield for fresh consumption in field conditions. The results indicated that colored plastic film mulches influenced soil temperature and plant growth, with varying effects depending on the growing season.


Article Horticulture

Evapotranspiration in young lime trees with automated irrigation

A. B. Mira-Garcia et al.

Summary: This study establishes a scalable weighing lysimeter prototype for determining the ET of lime trees grown in Mediterranean semi-arid conditions, using real-time soil water balance monitoring managed by an irrigation automation protocol. This approach could be replicated for precise ET measurements in other crops.


Article Horticulture

Influence of shade intensity on growth, biomass allocation, yield and quality of pineapple in mango-based intercropping system

Kundan Kishore et al.

Summary: The study shows that moderate shade intensity can increase growth and fruit yield of pineapple, as well as enhance chlorophyll content and nutrient uptake. Decreased light intensity leads to a reduction in total soluble solids and sugar content in fruits, while titratable acidity increases.


Review Agronomy

Intercropping-A Low Input Agricultural Strategy for Food and Environmental Security

Sagar Maitra et al.

Summary: The traditional intercropping system reduces inputs by diversifying crop cultivation, improving the quality of the agro-ecosystem, and ensuring resource utilization efficiency. Proper management of intercropping enhances the combined yields of crops by minimizing intercrop competition and maximizing resource utilization for sustainable agricultural practices.


Article Agronomy

Evaluating deficit irrigation scheduling strategies to improve yield and water productivity of maize in arid environment using simulation

Ahmed Attia et al.

Summary: The study focused on calibrating the DSSAT model for maize cultivation in arid regions and testing different irrigation scheduling strategies. The results indicated that the proposed irrigation strategies could save water resources and maximize yield.


Article Agronomy

Evapotranspiration partitioning, water use efficiency, and maize yield under different film mulching and nitrogen application in northwest China

Heng Fang et al.

Summary: The study found that using ridge-furrow with biodegradable film mulch and plastic film mulch can increase crop transpiration without nitrogen application, while flat planting without mulching had higher transpiration increment during the dry and wet seasons in 2017 and 2019 with nitrogen application. Nitrogen application improved yields and water use efficiency, but in the 2019 season, flat planting without mulching had higher yields compared to the other two treatments.


Article Horticulture

Intercropping and fertilizer type impact seed productivity and secondary metabolites of dragon's head and fenugreek

Esmaeil Rezaei-Chiyaneh et al.

Summary: Organic and bio-fertilizers are effective in increasing seed and oil yields, as well as secondary metabolites of dragon's heads and fenugreeks. Bacterial and vermicompost fertilizers resulted in the highest values for most parameters, followed by mycorrhizal and unfertilized control. Intercropping with organic fertilizers and biofertilizers is an effective strategy to enhance overall seed and oil yields and secondary metabolites of medicinal plants.


Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] herbage yield and nutritional quality in cowpea-sorghum mixed strip intercropping systems

Muhammad Aamir Iqbal et al.

Summary: The research found that in 12-row strips with a row-row spacing of 60 cm, it positively affected the agronomic traits of cowpea, resulting in the maximum forage yield and dry matter biomass. In contrast, the 8-row strips with a 30 cm row-row spacing outperformed other intercropping systems in terms of yield and dry matter biomass of sorghum.


Review Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Impact of climate change on reference evapotranspiration in Egypt

Ahmed Nagy Yassen et al.

CATENA (2020)

Review Agronomy

Water utilization in intercropping: A review

Wen Yin et al.


Article Agronomy

Modeling evapotranspiration for irrigation water management in a humid climate

Saseendran S. Anapalli et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

The new Green Revolution: Sustainable intensification of agriculture by intercropping

Marc-Olivier Martin-Guay et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A two-dimensional microscale model of gas exchange during photosynthesis in maize (Zea mays L.) leaves

Moges Retta et al.


Article Engineering, Civil

Evaporation from multi-component canopies: Generalized formulations

Jean Paul Lhomme et al.


Article Horticulture

Water-use efficiency and evapotranspiration of mango orchard grown in northeastern region of Brazil

Vicente de Paulo Rodrigues da Silva et al.


Article Agronomy

A model of radiation interception and use by a maize-bean intercrop canopy

M Tsubo et al.


Article Agronomy

Crop water requirements model tested for crops grown in Greece

M Anadranistakis et al.


Article Agronomy

Comparison of models for daily light partitioning in multispecies canopies

H Sinoquet et al.