4.8 Editorial Material

The time is right for an Antarctic biorepository network


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Improving species-based area protection in Antarctica

Laura M. Phillips et al.

Summary: This study focuses on the type locality criterion for area protection in Antarctica and reveals the inadequacy of the current protected areas network. By analyzing a comprehensive database of type localities, the study identifies numerous unprotected areas that should be considered for future conservation efforts. The authors propose alternative approaches to deploy the type locality criterion, such as systematic conservation planning and emphasis on species habitat.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A vast icefish breeding colony discovered in the Antarctic

Autun Purser et al.

Summary: A breeding colony of unprecedented extent of notothenioid icefish has been discovered in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica, providing support for the establishment of a regional marine protected area.


Article Biology

Climate drives long-term change in Antarctic Silverfish along the western Antarctic Peninsula

Andrew D. Corso et al.

Summary: This study uses a 25-year time series to demonstrate how variations in sea ice coverage and ocean temperatures affect the larval abundance of an important forage fish, the Antarctic Silverfish. The findings provide insights into the potential impacts of current reductions in this keystone species on the vulnerable pelagic ecosystem along the western Antarctic Peninsula.


Article Biology

Antarctic ecosystems in transition - life between stresses and opportunities

Julian Gutt et al.

Summary: Experts synthesized important findings on the impact of environmental change on biological processes in Antarctica during the second decade of the 21st century, identifying ten key messages with stakeholder-relevance and high impact for the scientific community. Most Antarctic biotas are considered vulnerable to environmental change due to multiple stresses, narrow tolerance ranges, and migration barriers, with important ecosystem functions and biodiversity patterns already shifting. Confidence assessment revealed an intermediate level of 'scientific understanding', highlighting the need for continued efforts to inform protection measures for Antarctic ecosystems.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Progress towards a representative network of Southern Ocean protected areas

Cassandra M. Brooks et al.

PLOS ONE (2020)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A snapshot of biodiversity protection in Antarctica

Hannah S. Wauchope et al.


Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

Antarctic environmental change and biological responses

Peter Convey et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 1992 to 2017

Andrew Shepherd et al.

NATURE (2018)

Article Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences

Dominance of the Southern Ocean in Anthropogenic Carbon and Heat Uptake in CMIP5 Models

Thomas L. Frolicher et al.


Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

The changing form of Antarctic biodiversity

Steven L. Chown et al.

NATURE (2015)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Antarctica's Protected Areas Are Inadequate, Unrepresentative, and at Risk

Justine D. Shaw et al.


Editorial Material Multidisciplinary Sciences

Challenges to the Future Conservation of the Antarctic

S. L. Chown et al.

SCIENCE (2012)