4.7 Article

Initial Investigations of Intrinsically Disordered Regions in Inherited Retinal Diseases


Review Genetics & Heredity

Variant interpretation using population databases: Lessons from gnomAD

Sanna Gudmundsson et al.

Summary: Reference population databases are crucial for variant and gene interpretation, aiding in identifying pathogenic variants and discovering new disease-gene relationships. The Genome Aggregation Database is currently the largest and most widely utilized collection of population variation, accessible through the gnomAD browser for rapid and intuitive variant analysis.


Review Ophthalmology

Inherited retinal diseases: Linking genes, disease-causing variants, and relevant therapeutic modalities

Nina Schneider et al.

Summary: Inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) are a complex and heterogeneous group of visual impairments caused by pathogenic variants in numerous genes. The understanding of the genotype-phenotype correlations, inheritance patterns, hypomorphic alleles, and modifier genes associated with IRDs is challenging due to their unique characteristics. Advances in next-generation sequencing have facilitated the identification of novel IRD-related genes and variants. The Global Retinal Inherited Disease (GRID) dataset provides valuable information on the frequencies and complexities of pathogenic variants among 194 genes.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

idpr: A package for profiling and analyzing Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in R

William A. McFadden et al.

Summary: Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are flexible peptides that can adopt multiple conformations, providing unique advantages for biological processes. The 'idpr' package in R integrates computational tools for the analysis of IDPs, facilitating the analysis of these important yet under-characterized proteins.

PLOS ONE (2022)

Editorial Material Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The Amazing World of IDPs in Human Diseases II

Simona Maria Monti et al.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: An Overview

Rakesh Trivedi et al.

Summary: This review discusses different aspects of disordered proteins and protein regions, as well as the experimental and computational methods used to characterize them. Additionally, the role of disordered proteins in diseases and their potential as drug targets are explored.


Article Geriatrics & Gerontology

Machine-learning analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins identifies key factors that contribute to neurodegeneration-related aggregation

Akshatha Ganne et al.

Summary: Protein structure is determined by amino acid sequence and post-translational modifications. Non-structured proteins, known as intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), are overrepresented in protein aggregates associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Machine learning models can predict the properties determining the enrichment of IDPs in neuropathic aggregates.


Article Biology

Artificial intelligence guided conformational mining of intrinsically disordered proteins

Aayush Gupta et al.

Summary: This study developed generative autoencoders that can learn from short molecular dynamics simulations and generate full conformational ensembles of intrinsically disordered proteins.


Review Biophysics

Intrinsically disordered proteins and proteins with intrinsically disordered regions in neurodegenerative diseases

Orkid Coskuner-Weber et al.

Summary: Many neurodegenerative diseases are associated with intrinsically disordered proteins or proteins with intrinsically disordered regions. These proteins, including amyloid-β, tau, α-synuclein, CHCHD2, CHCHD10, and G-protein coupled receptors, are being evaluated as potential drug targets in pharmaceutical-based treatments. This article focuses on the neurobiology of these proteins, their involvement in various neurodegenerative diseases, and the design strategies for treating these diseases. It also highlights the need for new analysis methods for G-protein coupled receptors due to their intrinsically disordered regions.


Article Biology

An inducible amphipathic α-helix mediates subcellular targeting and membrane binding of RPE65

Sheetal Uppal et al.

Summary: RPE65 recognizes and binds to membranes through specific mechanisms, including interaction between residues 107-125 and membranes, as well as palmitoylation at C112. The study reveals the membrane recognition mechanism of RPE65 and the impact of the alpha-helical structure on its function, while also suggesting a novel role for cysteine palmitoylation.


Article Ophthalmology

Exploring the mutational landscape of genes associated with inherited retinal disease using large genomic datasets: identifying loss of function intolerance and outlying propensities for missense changes

Alexander Tanner et al.

Summary: This study explores the parameters of haploinsufficiency and missense variants prevalence in inherited retinal disease (IRD) genes. It finds that a minority of IRD-associated genes appear to be haploinsufficient and observes over-representation of spliceosome pathways. Variants found in genes with over-representation of missense variants should be interpreted with caution when interpreting genetic tests.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Dynamical Behavior of Disordered Regions in Disease-Related Proteins Revealed by Quasielastic Neutron Scattering

Satoru Fujiwara

Summary: This study characterizes the dynamical behavior of disease-related proteins and provides insights into the functional and behavioral aberrations caused by disease-related mutations. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of familial cardiomyopathy and Parkinson's disease, highlighting the importance of protein dynamics in disease mechanisms.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Structural and dynamics analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins by high-speed atomic force microscopy

Noriyuki Kodera et al.

Summary: High-speed atomic force microscopy imaging can provide a semiquantitative, realistic description of the dynamic structure of intrinsically disordered proteins, which dynamically sample a multitude of conformational states, making their structural analysis difficult.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Pathogenic missense protein variants affect different functional pathways and proteomic features than healthy population variants

Anna Laddach et al.

Summary: This study establishes a statistical framework for quantifying variant enrichment in protein structures, identifying molecular features that distinguish pathogenic from population variants, and providing a rationale for therapeutic targeting of variant-enriched proteins and domains. The created ZoomVar database allows programmatically annotating missense variants with protein structural information and calculating variant enrichment in different regions.


Article Biophysics

Metapredict: a fast, accurate, and easy-to-use predictor of consensus disorder and structure

Ryan J. Emenecker et al.

Summary: Consensus disorder scores integrate multiple independent predictors to provide a per-residue value reflecting the number of tools predicting disorder.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

ClinVar: improving access to variant interpretations and supporting evidence

Melissa J. Landrum et al.


Review Ophthalmology

Review on Dynamic Contour Tonometry and Ocular Pulse Amplitude

Koen Willekens et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Intrinsic Disorder in Transmembrane Proteins: Roles in Signaling and Topology Prediction

Jerome Burgi et al.

PLOS ONE (2016)

Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Functional advantages of dynamic protein disorder

Rebecca B. Berlow et al.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Classification of Intrinsically Disordered Regions and Proteins

Robin van der Lee et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Three-dimensional reconstruction of protein networks provides insight into human genetic disease

Xiujuan Wang et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Disease-Associated Mutations Disrupt Functionally Important Regions of Intrinsic Protein Disorder

Vladimir Vacic et al.