4.6 Editorial Material

Balcony of Hope: a key element of new intensive care units


Review Critical Care Medicine

The future of intensive care: delirium should no longer be an issue

Katarzyna Kotfis et al.

Summary: The article discusses how to eliminate delirium in the ideal ICU and proposes improvements in ICU design and connectivity to create a comfortable environment for the prevention and management of delirium. The importance of humanizing ICU care is also emphasized.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Long-term outcome of prolonged critical illness: A multicentered study in North Brisbane, Australia

Kevin B. Laupland et al.

Summary: The study found that most patients with prolonged stays in the ICU are alive one year post-admission. Older age and previous comorbidities are associated with adverse long-term mortality outcome, while severity of illness or duration of ICU stay are not correlated with long-term survival.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Review Critical Care Medicine

Recovery after critical illness: putting the puzzle together-a consensus of 29

Elie Azoulay et al.