4.4 Article

Trade-off between environmental sustainability and economic growth through coal consumption and natural resources exploitation in China: New policy insights from wavelet local multiple correlation


Article Environmental Studies

Testing the role of economic complexity on the ecological footprint in China: a nonparametric causality-in-quantiles approach

Seyi Saint Akadiri et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of economic complexity, nonrenewable energy, and renewable energy consumption on the ecological footprint in China. The results show that renewable energy, non-renewable energy use, economic growth, and economic complexity have a positive effect on the ecological footprint. In addition, these factors can significantly predict variations in the ecological footprint at different quantiles. It suggests that policymakers should focus on promoting the transition to more eco-friendly energy sources and technologies to achieve sustainable development goals.


Article Environmental Sciences

Production-based disaggregated analysis of energy consumption and CO2 emission nexus: evidence from the USA by novel dynamic ARDL simulation approach

Mustafa Tevfik Kartal

Summary: The study investigates the effects of energy consumption on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by focusing on production sources. The results reveal that there is cointegration between sub-components of the energy production and CO2 emissions in the long run, fossil energy and nuclear energy production have an increasing effect on the CO2 emissions in both short and long run, renewable energy production has an increasing effect on the CO2 emissions in the short run but a decreasing effect in the long run.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The role of renewable energy consumption and financial development in environmental sustainability: implications for the Nordic Countries

Lichao Wu et al.

Summary: The Nordic nations have yet to make significant contributions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 7 and 13, mainly due to financialization concerns and implementation issues in renewable energy generation. The study reveals that both financial development and renewable energy can reduce CO2 emissions, highlighting the need for policy shifts to align with the SDGs.


Article Development Studies

Dynamics between environmental taxes and ecological sustainability: Evidence from top-seven green economies by novel quantile approaches

Sami Ullah et al.

Summary: This study investigates the dynamics between environmental taxes and ecological sustainability using a novel Quantile-on-Quantile (QQ) regression approach. The research finds mixed and asymmetric impact of environmental taxes on ecological sustainability across different quantiles. The study's outcomes provide significant suggestions for formulating policies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals while ensuring ecological sustainability.


Article Development Studies

Do green innovation and financial globalization contribute to the ecological sustainability and energy transition in the United Kingdom? Policy insights from a bootstrap rolling window approach

Muhammad Ramzan et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of green innovation and financial globalization on environmental sustainability and energy transition in the UK. The results show that green innovation and financial globalization have a unidirectional causality towards environmental sustainability and energy transition.


Article Environmental Sciences

Natural resources, population aging, and environmental quality: analyzing the role of green technologies

Xiyue Yang et al.

Summary: This study investigates the linkage between natural resources, population aging, green technologies, and ecological footprint of G7 countries. The results show that natural resource use exacerbates ecological degradation, while population aging and green technologies have positive ameliorative effects on the ecological footprint. Furthermore, green technologies have a moderating effect on the relationship between natural resources and ecological footprint. The study provides some feasible policy recommendations based on the findings.


Article Environmental Sciences

International trade and consumption-based carbon emissions: evaluating the role of composite risk for RCEP economies

Taimoor Hassan et al.

Summary: The study examines the impact of financial, economic, political, and composite risks on consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions in selected RCEP economies during the period from 1990 to 2020. It reveals that lower political risk can help mitigate emissions, while lower financial, economic, and composite risk can increase carbon emissions. Additionally, exports and renewable energy supply have a mitigating effect, while imports lead to an increase in emissions.


Article Environmental Sciences

The potency of eco-innovation, natural resource and financial development on ecological footprint: a quantile-ARDL-based evidence from China

Sahar Afshan et al.

Summary: This study investigates the influence of eco-innovation, natural resources, and financial development on environmental degradation in China. The findings suggest that eco-innovation can reduce ecological deterioration, while over-reliance on natural resources and financial development can worsen it. The results highlight the importance of developing policies and regulations to promote sustainable and efficient technologies and eco-friendly energy sources.


Article Environmental Sciences

Do gasoline and diesel prices co-move? Evidence from the time-frequency domain

Mihai Ioan Mutascu et al.

Summary: This study investigates the co-movements of gasoline and diesel prices in three European countries with different fuel tax systems. The analysis reveals that there are co-movements between gasoline and diesel prices at different frequencies and moments in time, both in the long and short run. The findings suggest that fuel tax systems do not influence the co-movements of fuel prices.


Article Environmental Sciences

Toward a sustainable environment and economic growth in BRICS economies: do innovation and globalization matter?

Opeoluwa Seun Ojekemi et al.

Summary: The research suggests that renewable energy use, exports, and technological innovation can mitigate carbon emissions, while economic growth and imports may exacerbate carbon emissions. Countries should adopt policies and regulations to promote technological innovation and facilitate the shift towards sustainable energy.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Environmental consequences of fossil fuel in Spain amidst renewable energy consumption: a new insights from the wavelet-based Granger causality approach

Tomiwa Sunday Adebayo

Summary: By comparing ecological footprint and biocapacity, this research explores the relationship between load capacity factor (LCF) and various variables in Spain. The outcomes suggest that renewable energy and foreign direct investment enhance environmental quality, while fossil fuels and economic complexity hinder it.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Renewable energy, banking sector development, and carbon dioxide emissions nexus: A path toward sustainable development in South Africa

Ahmed Samour et al.

Summary: Climate change and global warming have significant implications for the environment, particularly in terms of intense droughts. This study examines the impact of banking development on environmental quality in South Africa and finds that it has a negative influence through its association with economic growth and energy factors, leading to increased carbon emissions. The study suggests that policymakers in South Africa should leverage the growth of the banking sector to promote investment in renewable energy and production, thereby enhancing environmental quality.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The nexus between urbanization, renewable energy consumption, financial development, and CO2 emissions: evidence from selected Asian countries

Ahsan Anwar et al.

Summary: This study explores the impact of urbanization, renewable energy consumption, financial development, agriculture, and economic growth on CO2 emissions in 15 Asian economies from 1990 to 2014. The results suggest that urbanization, financial development, and economic growth increase CO2 emissions, while renewable energy consumption reduces CO2 emissions, with agriculture having an insignificant impact. The study recommends a comprehensive SDG-oriented policy framework for these economies to progress towards achieving SDG 13 and SDG 7 objectives, contributing to the literature by including economic growth and its drivers.


Article Environmental Sciences

The Sustainable Environment in Uruguay: The Roles of Financial Development, Natural Resources, and Trade Globalization

Abraham Ayobamiji Awosusi et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of trade globalization, natural resources rents, economic growth, and financial development on carbon emissions in Uruguay. The results indicate that trade liberalization and economic expansion have long and short-term effects on CO2 emissions. The abundance of natural resources increases environmental deterioration in both the long and short run. However, financial development does not have an impact on environmental deterioration. The study suggests that trade policies need to be reassessed, and restrictions on the exportation of polluting-intensive commodities should be reinforced.


Article Environmental Studies

Does it take international integration of natural resources to ascend the ladder of environmental quality in the newly industrialized countries?

Tomiwa Sunday Adebayo et al.

Summary: This study analyzes the data of ten newly industrialized countries (NICs) between 1990 and 2018. The results show that natural resource rent is detrimental to the global goal of carbon neutrality. However, globalization can moderate this effect, and there is a positive correlation between economic growth and environmental quality. Additionally, renewable energy utilization and globalization independently promote environmental quality in these countries.


Article Environmental Studies

Does technological advancement impede ecological footprint level? The role of natural resources prices volatility, foreign direct investment and renewable energy in China

Li Xu et al.

Summary: The study explores the relationship between technological advancement, ecological footprint level, and other factors in China. The findings show that technological advancement hinders ecological footprint level in the long run, while natural resources and renewable energy use also have negative effects. On the other hand, foreign direct investment has a positive influence on ecological footprint level.


Article Environmental Sciences

Asymmetric effect of electricity consumption on CO2 emissions in the USA: analysis of end-user electricity consumption by nonlinear quantile approaches

Mustafa Tevfik Kartal et al.

Summary: The study examines the asymmetric effect of electricity consumption on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by analyzing end-user groups, finding that the impact varies based on conditions, quantiles, means, variances, and end-user groups.


Article Energy & Fuels

Fresh evidence on environmental quality measures using natural resources, renewable energy, non-renewable energy and economic growth for 10 Asian nations from CS-ARDL technique

Yenku Kuo et al.

Summary: Natural resources play a significant role in environmental quality and greenhouse gas emissions. The use of renewable energy contributes to economic development, while non-renewable energy sources and economic expansion increase carbon emissions.
Article Nuclear Science & Technology

Do renewable and nuclear energy enhance environmental quality in France? A new EKC approach with the load capacity factor

Ugur Korkut Pata et al.

Summary: This study tests the validity of the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for France. The results show that there is no inverted U-shaped relationship between CO2 emissions and income, but the EKC hypothesis holds for the load capacity factor. The findings highlight the importance of nuclear energy in green sustainability.


Article Business

Green innovation, resource price and carbon emissions during the COVID-19 times: New findings from wavelet local multiple correlation analysis

Muhammad Ibrahim Shah et al.

Summary: This paper investigates the impact of oil price, COVID-19, and global energy innovation on carbon emissions. The study finds that oil price plays a key role in the dynamics of CO2 emissions, and there is a negative correlation between global energy innovation and CO2 emissions. These findings have important policy implications for governments in their efforts to address COVID-19 and environmental uncertainties.


Article Development Studies

Nexus between green technology innovation, green financing, and CO2 emissions in the G7 countries: The moderating role of social globalisation

Arshian Sharif et al.

Summary: This study examines the importance of green technology innovation and green financing in achieving sustainable environmental development. The findings demonstrate that green technology innovation and green financing have a significant negative impact on CO2 emissions. Additionally, social globalization moderates the relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP positively, while negatively influencing the relationship between green financing, green technology innovation, and CO2 emissions.


Article Energy & Fuels

Effects of income inequality and governance on energy poverty alleviation: Implications for sustainable development policy

Alex O. Acheampong et al.

Summary: This paper examines the effects of income inequality and governance on access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa. The findings indicate that income inequality significantly reduces access to electricity, while governance is ineffective in improving it. Governance interacts with income inequality and economic growth to decrease access to electricity. The results vary among different sub-regions in sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, addressing income inequality requires strong political will and effective governance.


Article Energy & Fuels

The dynamic impact of biomass and natural resources on ecological footprint in BRICS economies: A quantile regression evidence

Abraham Ayobamiji Awosusi et al.

Summary: This research examines the challenges faced by emerging economies, including the BRICS economies, in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It proposes a model for the BRICS economies to establish an SDG framework that can be used as a reference for other countries. The study investigates the impact of biomass energy usage on ecological footprint in the BRICS economies, considering factors such as gross capital formation, natural resources, and globalization. The findings indicate that globalization and biomass energy use can help mitigate environmental degradation, while economic growth, natural resources, and gross capital formation contribute to environmental degradation. The research suggests a shift towards renewable energy alternatives and the improvement of biomass conversion efficiency in energy policies.


Article Environmental Studies

Natural resource rents, globalisation and environmental degradation: New insight from 5 richest African economies

Samson Adeniyi Aladejare

Summary: This study investigated the contributions of natural resource rents and globalization to environmental degradation in the 5 richest African economies from 1990 to 2019, revealing that natural resource rents significantly contribute to environmental degradation, while globalization reduces it.


Article Business, Finance

On the Italian public accounts' sustainability: A wavelet approach

Cosimo Magazzino et al.

Summary: This paper analyzes the relationship between public primary deficit and debt for Italian sustainability from 1862 to 2013. The empirical strategy used in this study is wavelet analysis. The findings confirm the lack of fiscal sustainability in the long-run for Italy, highlighting the need for rebalancing the public accounts.


Article Energy & Fuels

Effects of income inequality and governance on energy poverty alleviation: Implications for sustainable development policy

Alex O. Acheampong et al.

Summary: This study found that income inequality reduces access to electricity, while governance does not improve the situation. Governance interacts with income inequality and economic growth to reduce access to electricity.


Article Economics

Empowering the powerless: Does access to energy improve income inequality?

Alex O. Acheampong et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of energy accessibility on income inequality using a comprehensive dataset for 166 countries from 1990 to 2017. The results indicate that access to electricity reduces global income inequality, while access to modern and clean energy increases it. Urban and rural electrification can reduce global income inequality, with urban electrification having a more significant impact. Access to energy is found to moderate the impact of economic growth and education on global income inequality.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Economic performance of India amidst high CO2 emissions

Edmund Ntom Udemba et al.

Summary: The Indian economy's growth is impacted by CO2 emissions and environmental degradation, with a study highlighting the importance of the relationship between energy consumption and economic growth. A significant negative correlation was found between trade openness and CO2 emissions, as well as economic growth.


Article Environmental Sciences

Can CO2 emissiovns and energy consumption determine the economic performance of South Korea? A time series analysis

Tomiwa Sunday Adebayo et al.

Summary: The study reveals a long-term link between CO2 emissions and economic growth in South Korea, supporting the need for a shift towards renewable energy sources for sustainable development. The hypothesis that energy-induced growth is validated, with causality analysis showing a one-way link from energy consumption to GDP, emphasizing the importance of avoiding conservative energy policies to maintain economic progress.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

A machine learning approach on the relationship among solar and wind energy production, coal consumption, GDP, and CO2 emissions

Cosimo Magazzino et al.

Summary: China, India, and the USA are the world's largest energy consumers and CO2 emitters, playing a crucial role in environmental solutions. Research shows that while China and the USA are predicted to reduce carbon emissions, India is predicted to increase CO2 emissions. To curb CO2 emissions, India must further enhance the use of low-carbon sources in its power supply.


Article Environmental Studies

Does natural resources depletion and economic growth achieve the carbon neutrality target of the UK? A way forward towards sustainable development

Kashif Raza Abbasi et al.

Summary: The study examines the impact of natural resource depletion, energy use, economic growth, population growth, and industrial value added on CO2 emissions in the UK. It finds that in the short run, economic growth, industrial value added, and natural resource depletion substantially stimulate CO2 emissions, while in the long run, energy use, industrial value added, and population growth boost environmental sustainability. The study suggests that the UK government should introduce a new long-term environmental strategy to achieve carbon neutrality.


Article Environmental Studies

The impact of tourism, renewable energy, and economic growth on ecological footprint and natural resources: A panel data analysis

Qamar Ali et al.

Summary: This study developed a new global tourism index and investigated the impact of tourism, renewable energy, GDP, trade openness, urbanization, and cultural globalization on ecological footprints and resource depletion in countries with varying income levels. The study validated the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis and found that measures such as tourism, renewable energy, urbanization, and cultural globalization have positive effects on reducing ecological footprints and resource depletion.


Article Geography

Urbanization, coal consumption and CO2 emissions nexus in China using bootstrap Fourier Granger causality test in quantiles

Kai Cheng et al.

Summary: Using a new quantile causality approach, the study reveals a causal relationship between urbanization and both CO2 emissions and coal consumption in China. The findings have important policy implications for the Chinese government's urbanization and energy policies.


Article Environmental Sciences

Modelling coal rent, economic growth and CO2 emissions: Does regulatory quality matter in BRICS economies?

Festus Fatai Adedoyin et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Role of renewable energy and globalization on ecological footprint in the USA: implications for environmental sustainability

Ojonugwa Usman et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Dynamic wavelet correlation analysis for multivariate climate time series

Josue M. Polanco-Martinez et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

CO2 emissions, economic growth, renewable and non-renewable energy production and foreign trade in China

Yulong Chen et al.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Linking economic growth and ecological footprint through human capital and biocapacity

Danish et al.


Article Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

Package <italic>Wavemulcor</italic>: Wavelet Multiple Regression and Correlation in R

Javier Fernandez-Macho


Article Environmental Sciences

Economic growth, natural resources, and ecological footprints: evidence from Pakistan

Syed Tauseef Hassan et al.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Determinants of the ecological footprint: Role of renewable energy, natural resources, and urbanization

Danish et al.

Sustainable Cities and Society (2019)

Article Economics

Does the inflow of remittances cause environmental degradation: Empirical evidence from China

Manzoor Ahmad et al.


Article Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism

Tourism development and environmental degradation in the United States: evidence from wavelet-based analysis

Syed Ali Raza et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

The dynamic links between CO2 emissions, economic growth and coal consumption in China and India

V. G. R. Chandran Govindaraju et al.