
Combined Application of the Essential-Use and Functional Substitution Concepts: Accelerating Safer Alternatives (VOL 56, PG 9842, 2022)


Article Engineering, Environmental

Optimizing Chemicals Management in the United States and Canada through the Essential-Use Approach

Simona A. Balan et al.

Summary: Chemicals have been used to improve industrial and consumer products, but their negative impact on human and ecological health calls for an urgent need to address this issue. The essential-use approach suggests that chemicals should only be used if necessary for health, safety, or society and if there are no viable alternatives. To implement this approach effectively, it is important to identify chemicals of concern, expedite decision-making, apply it early in the development process, and involve experts in making essentiality determinations and sharing information. By optimizing and expanding this approach, it can lead to better chemicals management and encourage the use of safer alternatives for human and ecological health.