4.7 Article

Multi-microgrid low-carbon economy operation strategy considering both source and load uncertainty: A Nash bargaining approach


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Hierarchical optimal configuration of multi-energy microgrids system considering energy management in electricity market environment

Jiayue Zhao et al.

Summary: This paper proposes an optimal configuration method for a multi-energy microgrid system in the context of the electricity market. By establishing a hierarchical collaborative optimization configuration framework and a dynamic electricity price model, it enables the collaborative operation and economic cost minimization of microgrids.


Review Energy & Fuels

Coordinated ancillary services, market participation and communication of multi-microgrids: A review

Junior Alexis Villanueva-Rosario et al.

Summary: Renewable microgrids offer an alternative to centralized generation sources, providing reliability and reducing costs. However, the variability and uncertainty of renewables pose challenges in controlling and operating multiple microgrids. Coordinated control, architectures, and energy management strategies can improve flexibility and reliability.


Article Thermodynamics

Modeling and optimal dispatch of a carbon-cycle integrated energy system for low-carbon and economic operation

Guangming Zhang et al.

Summary: Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation are important topics in modern energy systems research. This study integrated power-to-gas, carbon capture, and supercritical CO2 cycle systems into a carbon cycle system to explore its role in an electricity-heat integrated energy system. The optimization results showed a reduction in wind power and photovoltaics' curtailment rates, as well as a significant decrease in carbon emissions, leading to increased energy and exergy efficiencies in the system.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Thermodynamics

A Nash bargaining-based cooperative planning and operation method for wind-hydrogen-heat multi-agent energy system

Tengfei Ma et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a cooperative planning and operative model for the Wind-Hydrogen-Heating multi-agent energy system based on the Nash bargaining game theory. Two distributed algorithms are proposed to solve the subproblems. Simulation results demonstrate that the model and algorithms significantly improve the benefits of the participants and the cooperative alliance.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Energy & Fuels

An intelligent decentralized energy management strategy for the optimal electric vehicles' charging in low-voltage islanded microgrids

Vasileios Boglou et al.

Summary: The modernization of energy distribution grids due to the expected increase in global electricity demand and adoption of green energy sources has led to the development of microgrids, which improve electric power system reliability. The integration of electric vehicles is expected to have a negative impact on microgrid operation, but a decentralized energy management system based on multi-agent systems and fuzzy logic controller has been developed to efficiently charge EVs. This system reduces investment costs, increases chargeable EVs, and decreases peak load and load variances without delaying charging, offering operational and financial benefits for islanding distribution grids with a high penetration of electric vehicles.


Article Energy & Fuels

Decentralized coordinated operation model of VPP and P2H systems based on stochastic-bargaining game considering multiple uncertainties and carbon cost

Xuejie Wang et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a decentralized coordinated operation method for the VPP-P2H combined system considering the profits of each player. By building stochastic optimization operation model and multi-agent decentralized coordinated operation model, the information asymmetry between VPP and P2H is addressed. The simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


Article Energy & Fuels

A bargaining game-based profit allocation method for the wind-hydrogen-storage combined system

Xuejie Wang et al.

Summary: This study proposes a new profit allocation mechanism for the coexistence of multiple players in the wind-hydrogen-storage combined system. By using renewable energy to produce hydrogen, the combination of wind power plant, hydrogen energy system, and energy storage system aims to promote renewable energy consumption and improve overall system benefits. The study addresses the uncertainty of wind output and the balance of profits among multiple players through the development of a distributionally robust optimization model and a profit allocation model based on Nash-Harsanyi bargaining game theory.


Article Energy & Fuels

Nearly-zero carbon optimal operation model and benefit allocation strategy for a novel virtual power plant using carbon capture, power-to-gas, and waste incineration power in rural areas

Liwei Ju et al.

Summary: This study designed a novel structure of a virtual power plant connected with gas-power plant carbon capture, power-to-gas, and waste incineration power, aiming at utilizing a large number of distributed energy sources in rural areas. The proposed operation optimization model and benefit distribution strategy can balance the interest requirements of different entities and promote the optimal aggregation and utilization of rural distributed energy resources.


Article Energy & Fuels

Low carbon optimal operation of integrated energy system based on carbon capture technology, LCA carbon emissions and ladder-type carbon trading

Rutian Wang et al.

Summary: This paper explores the low-carbon operation of an integrated energy system (IES) considering carbon capture technology (CCT). By analyzing the greenhouse gas emissions and carbon trading costs of different energy chains, it evaluates the economic benefits of carbon capture power plants. Through example analysis, it demonstrates the effectiveness of carbon trading market planning and the transformation of high-carbon power plants in promoting low-carbon development.


Article Energy & Fuels

The role of power-to-gas in the integration of variable renewables

Carlos Andrade et al.

Summary: Limiting global temperature rise requires rapid and massive deployment of solutions to reduce carbon emissions. P2G technologies are essential for the development of renewable energy and decarbonization of the energy system.


Article Thermodynamics

Optimal market-based operation of microgrid with the integration of wind turbines, energy storage system and demand response resources

Mohammad MansourLakouraj et al.

Summary: This paper discusses the optimal operation of a microgrid in the electricity market and the communication between the distribution market operator and microgrid operator. Through effective short-term scheduling and a risk based stochastic model, the optimal operation of the microgrid is achieved, demonstrating the significant role of demand response in reducing operating costs.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Thermodynamics

Optimal energy management for multi-energy multi-microgrid networks considering carbon emission limitations

Xiaoqing Zhong et al.

Summary: Multi-energy multi-microgrid (MMG) networks are an important form of energy systems that aim to integrate energy resources and improve energy utilization efficiency. This paper proposes an optimal energy management strategy for minimizing the operation cost of an MMG network, considering operation constraints and carbon emissions. The strategy consists of a day-ahead phase and an intra-day phase to address the uncertainty effects of renewable energy sources (RESs) generation and load demands.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Thermodynamics

An efficient and economical storage and energy sharing model for multiple multi-energy microgrids

Wenzhi Cao et al.

Summary: This paper proposes an efficient and economic hybrid storage and energy sharing model for multiple microgrids. By introducing a hybrid energy storage system (HESS), energy conversion and collaborative energy sharing among multiple microgrids are achieved. An energy optimization problem is solved using the ADMM algorithm in a distributed manner to address privacy concerns. The storage and energy sharing benefits are determined by the Nash bargaining solution. Simulation results demonstrate that the model effectively improves renewable energy utilization and provides economic benefits for both microgrids and the HESS.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Peer-to-peer multi-energy distributed trading for interconnected microgrids: A general Nash bargaining approach

Shuai Xuanyue et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a distributed coordinated operation model for multi-microgrids, which can reduce the operating cost of microgrids and maintain the enthusiasm of each microgrid for cooperation, taking into account factors such as electric and heat demand response, multi-energy interaction, and uncertainties.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Research on optimal dispatch method of virtual power plant considering various energy complementary and energy low carbonization

Xiaoou Liu

Summary: Virtual power plant (VPP) is a new generation intelligent control technology that enables energy interconnection and sharing. By establishing a natural gas production and consumption system and regulating it, multi-energy can be used synthetically and efficiently to promote low carbon energy development. A coordinated operation framework is constructed to solve the problem of power real-time balance caused by the fluctuation of distributed renewable energy. The proposed model and method achieve the coordinated and optimal dispatch of power and heat energy between regions in multiple regions VPP, improving the utilization of renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions, and increasing the operation income of VPP.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Multi-time scale dynamic robust optimal scheduling of CCHP microgrid based on rolling optimization

Zhiping Cheng et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a robust optimal scheduling strategy for the coordinated operation of CCHP microgrid. The strategy considers uncertainties at both the day-ahead and intraday scales and utilizes a rolling optimization approach to obtain optimal scheduling results.


Article Energy & Fuels

Peer-to-Peer energy trading strategy for energy balance service provider (EBSP) considering market elasticity in community microgrid

Zibo Wang et al.

Summary: Peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading technology facilitates energy exchange and complementation within community microgrids. By involving an energy balance service provider (EBSP) in the market, energy allocation performance can be improved and overall microgrid benefit increased. However, the market power of EBSP may impact P2P market equilibrium, and considering market elasticity in trading strategies is essential to optimize profits and benefits.


Article Energy & Fuels

A two-stage stochastic Stackelberg model for microgrid operation with chance constraints for renewable energy generation uncertainty

Yolanda Matamala et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a novel Stackelberg stochastic model to address the challenges posed by the variability of renewable sources and uncertainty in electricity prices. The model evaluates the risk levels of microgrids in different scenarios and provides insights for the adaptation of smart grids. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


Article Thermodynamics

Modeling and optimization of combined heat and power with power-to-gas and carbon capture system in integrated energy system

Yiming Ma et al.

Summary: By proposing a novel model and optimal dispatch for CHP with P2G and CCS, the accommodation capacity of renewable energy can be enhanced while reducing carbon emissions and operating costs of the integrated energy system.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Thermodynamics

Optimization of a standalone photovoltaic-based microgrid with electrical and hydrogen loads

Angel Xin Yee Mah et al.

Summary: This study investigates the design and operation optimization framework for integrating electricity and hydrogen supply systems in a standalone microgrid, proposing two energy management strategies. A case study demonstrates the optimal microgrid design and sensitivity analysis results, showing potential for significant cost reduction by targeting only 95% of loads.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Automation & Control Systems

Economic Storage Sharing Framework: Asymmetric Bargaining-Based Energy Cooperation

Shichang Cui et al.

Summary: This article proposes an economic storage sharing framework to promote renewable energy utilization through cooperative bargaining and sharing among prosumers and ESPs, ensuring fairness and efficiency in the benefits sharing model based on the contributions of participants.


Article Thermodynamics

Low-carbon economic dispatch of electricity-gas systems

Yue Xiang et al.

Summary: An investigation into a low-carbon economic dispatch model for electricity-gas systems, incorporating carbon capture systems, carbon emissions trading, demand response, and renewable generation. The study formulates the dispatch problem as a risk-constrained two-stage stochastic model and introduces a predefined confidence level to control risks associated with renewable generation and carbon emissions trading. Case studies demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Thermodynamics

An improved two-stage robust optimization model for CCHP-P2G microgrid system considering multi-energy operation under wind power outputs uncertainties

Yanbin Li et al.

Summary: This paper presents a CCHP-P2G microgrid system combining a P2G device with traditional CCHP microgrid, and proposes a DSRO model to consider the uncertainties of wind power and multiple DRPs. Simulations show the advantages of the system in terms of stability, economy, and operating cost reduction.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Distributed Consensus-Based Coordination of Flexible Demand and Energy Storage Resources

Jing Li et al.

Summary: This paper discusses the limitations of current consensus-based algorithms in coordinating distributed energy resources when considering time-coupling characteristics. The authors propose a novel algorithm that addresses this issue by introducing additional consensus variables, and they theoretically prove and numerically demonstrate its effectiveness in achieving convergence, optimality, robustness, and plug-and-play adaptability.


Article Automation & Control Systems

A Novel Approach to Neighborhood Fair Energy Trading in a Distribution Network of Multiple Microgrid Clusters

Ashok M. Jadhav et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Multiclass Energy Management for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Driven by Prosumer Preferences

Thomas Morstyn et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Optimal Scheduling of Biogas-Solar-Wind Renewable Portfolio for Multicarrier Energy Supplies

Bin Zhou et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Modeling of Carbon Capture Technology Attributes for Unit Commitment in Emission-Constrained Environment

Reddy K. Srikanth et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Leader-Follower Strategies for Energy Management of Multi-Microgrids

Georgia E. Asimakopoulou et al.