4.7 Article

Contamination of food crops by unintentionally released PCB 47, PCB 51 and PCB 68 in the vicinity of silicone production sites and their relevance for human health assessment


Article Environmental Sciences

Significant release of unintentionally produced non-Aroclor polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners PCB 47, PCB 51 and PCB 68 from a silicone rubber production site in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Katja Hombrecher et al.

Summary: The use of 2,4-DCBP in silicone rubber production leads to emissions of PCB pollutants into the air, impacting the surrounding environment and ecosystems. Substituting the cross-linking agent and implementing mitigation measures significantly reduces the environmental impact.


Article Environmental Sciences

How polluted are cities in central Europe? - Heavy metal contamination in Taraxacum officinale and soils collected from different land use areas of three representative cities

Marta Lisiak-Zielinska et al.

Summary: This study aimed to determine the relationships among Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cr content in plants and soils for 10 types of land use in urban areas of representative cities in central Europe region. The analysis revealed variation among sites, plant organs, and cities, with nickel being the element with the highest content in roots. Cluster analysis showed cadmium to be different from the other three elements in leaves.


Article Environmental Sciences

The occurrence and sources of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in agricultural soils across China with an emphasis on unintentionally produced PCBs

Shuduan Mao et al.

Summary: Recent studies have shown that unintentionally produced PCBs are major contributors to atmospheric PCBs and are controlling PCB burdens in agricultural soils across China. The dominant contributors to PCBs in Chinese agricultural soils are the legacy of historically produced and used commercial PCB mixtures, especially high-chlorinated congeners. Unintentional sources, such as pigment/paint, combustion-related sources, and polymer sealants, account for a significant portion of total PCBs in Chinese soils.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Emissions of Tetrachlorobiphenyls (PCBs 47, 51, and 68) from Polymer Resin on Kitchen Cabinets as a Non-Aroclor Source to Residential Air

Nicholas J. Herkert et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Air pollution tolerance index and heavy metal bioaccumulation in selected plant species from urban biotopes

Aleksandra Nadgorska-Socha et al.


Article Toxicology

Perinatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls alters social behaviors in rats

Banafsheh Jolous-Jamshidi et al.


Article Psychology, Biological

Effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on maternal odor conditioning in rat pups

Howard C. Cromwell et al.


Article Toxicology

Ortho-substituted PCBs kill cells by altering membrane structure

YS Tan et al.


Article Toxicology

Ortho-substituted PCBs kill thymocytes

YS Tan et al.


Article Psychology, Biological

Developmental exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls affects sexual behavior of rats

XQ Wang et al.


Article Psychology, Biological

Effects of neonatal polychlorinated biphenyl exposure on female sexual behavior

YW Chung et al.