4.4 Article

Advantages and limitations of an interdisciplinary approach in woodland archaeology: An example of 18th-19th century tar production in European temperate forest


Article Soil Science

Evidence of prehistoric and early medieval agriculture and its impact on soil and land relief transformation in the Bialowieza natural forest (NE Poland)

Mateusz Krupski et al.

Summary: The Bialowieza Forest is a rare example of temperate, old-growth woodlands in Europe. Recent research has found evidence of anthropogenic landforms associated with human activities throughout history.


Article Environmental Sciences

Semantic Segmentation (U-Net) of Archaeological Features in Airborne Laser Scanning-Example of the Bialowieza Forest

Pawel Zbigniew Banasiak et al.

Summary: Airborne Laser Scanning technology, used in forested areas, can help identify terrain relief features and potentially discover unknown archaeological monuments. Archaeologists face challenges in interpreting spatial relationships of objects of different shapes and sizes. Deep learning neural networks, such as the U-Net model, can be used for automatic recognition of archaeological monuments by performing image segmentation based on ALS data, with performance evaluated using metrics like IoU and Dice-Sorensen coefficient.


Article Forestry

Dendrochronology improves understanding of the charcoal production history

M. Rybnicek et al.

Summary: In recent years, charcoal piles have been the focus of research to better understand human activities in forests. This study explores the potential use of dendrochronological and radiocarbon dating methods in charcoal pile research. The analysis of charcoal remains from 14 sites in the Czech Republic revealed that fir was the most dominant species, followed by oak, beech, spruce, and pine. Dendrochronological dating had a relatively low success rate but proved to be more effective than radiocarbon dating, especially for samples from the last 350 years.


Article Forestry

Wood Anatomical Traits Reveal Different Structure of Peat Bog and Lowland Populations of Pinus sylvestris L. in the Carpathian Region

Balazs Palla et al.

Summary: The study found that populations of Scots pine in different ecologically extreme habitats adjust their wood anatomical traits to adapt to local environmental conditions, enhancing population survival.

FORESTS (2021)

Article Geography, Physical

High resolution reconstruction of modern charcoal production kilns: An integrated approach combining dendrochronology, micromorphology and anthracology in the French Pyrenees

Leonel Fouedjeu et al.

Summary: This study combines multiple methods including archaeology, micromorphology, anthracology, and dendrochronology to overcome the limitations of radiocarbon dating in precise dating. By studying a target charcoal kiln terrace, the research successfully determined the chronology of charcoal production activities, revealing the multiperiod nature of the terrace.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Mediterranean radiocarbon offsets and calendar dates for prehistory

Sturt W. Manning et al.


Review Biodiversity Conservation

Where are Europe's last primary forests?

Francesco Maria Sabatini et al.


Article Anthropology

Viking Age tar production and outland exploitation

Andreas Hennius


Article Geography, Physical

The old charcoal kiln sites in Central Italian forest landscapes

Elisa Carrari et al.


Article Environmental Studies

Charcoal kilns as a source of data on the past iron industry (an example from the River Czarna valley, Central Poland)

Pawel Rutkiewicz et al.


Article Forestry

Radiocarbon and dendrochronology

Bernd Kromer


Article Forestry

A dendrochronology program library in R (dplR)

Andrew G. Bunn


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Wiggle-match dating of tree-ring sequences

M Galimberti et al.