4.5 Review

In-cell NMR: Why and how?



DOI: 10.1016/j.pnmrs.2022.04.002


Structural biology; Biophysics; Metabolomics; Drug research; Cellular environment


  1. CNRS [871037]
  2. CEA-Saclay [ANR-10-INSB-05-01]
  3. iNEXT-Discovery [ANR-14-ACHN-0015, ANR-20-CE92-0013]
  4. Horizon2020 research and innovation programme of the European Commission the French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology [CRF2020.1395]
  5. French National Research Agency
  6. Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
  7. Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) [ANR-14-ACHN-0015, ANR-20-CE92-0013] Funding Source: Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)


NMR spectroscopy has been applied to the analysis of cells and tissues since 1950, providing quantitative information on cellular atoms and their chemical environment, dynamics, and interactions. NMR studies have generated valuable knowledge on a wide range of cellular molecules and events, shaping our understanding of cellular life at the atomic scale.
NMR spectroscopy has been applied to cells and tissues analysis since its beginnings, as early as 1950. We have attempted to gather here in a didactic fashion the broad diversity of data and ideas that emerged from NMR investigations on living cells. Covering a large proportion of the periodic table, NMR spectroscopy permits scrutiny of a great variety of atomic nuclei in all living organisms non-invasively. It has thus provided quantitative information on cellular atoms and their chemical environment, dynamics, or interactions. We will show that NMR studies have generated valuable knowledge on a vast array of cellular molecules and events, from water, salts, metabolites, cell walls, proteins, nucleic acids, drugs and drug targets, to pH, redox equilibria and chemical reactions. The characterization of such a multitude of objects at the atomic scale has thus shaped our mental representation of cellular life at multiple levels, together with major techniques like mass-spectrometry or microscopies. NMR studies on cells has accompanied the developments of MRI and metabolomics, and various sub fields have flourished, coined with appealing names: fluxomics, foodomics, MRI and MRS (i.e. imaging and localized spectroscopy of living tissues, respectively), whole-cell NMR, on-cell ligand-based NMR, systems NMR, cellular structural biology, in-cell NMR. .. All these have not grown separately, but rather by reinforcing each other like a braided trunk. Hence, we try here to provide an analytical account of a large ensemble of intricately linked approaches, whose integration has been and will be key to their success. We present extensive overviews, firstly on the various types of information provided by NMR in a cellular environment (the why, oriented towards a broad readership), and secondly on the employed NMR techniques and setups (the how, where we discuss the past, current and future methods). Each subsection is constructed as a historical anthology, showing how the intrinsic properties of NMR spectroscopy and its developments structured the accessible knowledge on cellular phenomena. Using this systematic approach, we sought i) to make this review accessible to the broadest audience and ii) to highlight some early techniques that may find renewed interest. Finally, we present a brief discussion on what may be potential and desirable developments in the context of integrative studies in biology. (c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).








