4.8 Article

Precision mitochondrial DNA editing with high-fidelity DddA-derived base editors


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA editing in human cells with zinc finger deaminases

Kayeong Lim et al.

Summary: The researchers propose a novel base editing platform that enables targeted C-to-T base conversions in human cells without inducing insertions and deletions. The platform, called zinc finger deaminases (ZFDs), consists of custom-designed zinc-finger DNA-binding proteins, the split interbacterial toxin deaminase DddA(tox), and a uracil glycosylase inhibitor (UGI). By assembling plasmids encoding ZFDs using publicly available zinc finger resources, base editing can be achieved at high frequencies in both nuclear DNA and mtDNA. Unlike CRISPR-derived base editors, ZFDs do not cleave DNA and therefore do not produce unwanted indels at target sites. Additionally, recombinant ZFD proteins expressed in and purified from E. coli can penetrate cultured human cells spontaneously, demonstrating the proof-of-principle of gene-free gene therapy.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

In vivo mitochondrial base editing via adeno-associated viral delivery to mouse post-mitotic tissue

Pedro Silva-Pinheiro et al.

Summary: Mutations in mitochondrial DNA can lead to clinically heterogeneous diseases. Here the authors demonstrate in vivo base editing of mouse mitochondrial DNA in a post-mitotic tissue by AAV delivery of DddA-derived cytosine base editor (DdCBE).


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Mitochondrial base editor induces substantial nuclear off-target mutations

Zhixin Lei et al.

Summary: The study reveals that the mitochondrial base editor induces extensive off-target editing in the nuclear genome, highlighting the need to thoroughly define and evaluate the off-target effects of base-editing tools.

NATURE (2022)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

CRISPR-free base editors with enhanced activity and expanded targeting scope in mitochondrial and nuclear DNA

Beverly Y. Mok et al.

Summary: Evolved DddA variants enhance the editing efficiency and expand the target compatibility of the all-protein base editor DdCBE, allowing efficient editing at non-T(C) target sites and broadening the sequence compatibility for mitochondrial and nuclear base editing.


Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

DdCBE mediates efficient and inheritable modifications in mouse mitochondrial genome

Jiayin Guo et al.

Summary: The discovery of DddA-derived cytosine base editor (DdCBE) enables precise manipulation of mtDNA, holding potential for the treatment of mitochondrial disorders. In vivo testing using mouse cells and embryos demonstrated the effectiveness and accuracy of DdCBE in editing mtDNA.


Article Biology

An interbacterial DNA deaminase toxin directly mutagenizes surviving target populations

Marcos H. de Moraes et al.

Summary: When bacterial cells come in contact, antagonism mediated by the delivery of toxins frequently ensues, leading to potential long-term beneficial consequences in recipient cells. Investigation has shown that despite the killing potential of toxins like DddA, some bacterial species can resist and accumulate mutations, potentially acquiring antibiotic resistance. Furthermore, it has been discovered that toxins from the deaminase superfamily have mutagenic activity, suggesting that antagonistic interactions between bacteria could promote adaptation via the action of directly mutagenic toxins.
Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Mitochondrial DNA editing in mice with DddA-TALE fusion deaminases

Hyunji Lee et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates highly efficient mitochondrial DNA editing using DdCBEs in mouse embryos, creating mitochondrial disease models and showing the potential for treating mitochondrial disorders. The authors show the use of split DddA-derived base editors fused to TALEs in mouse embryos with germline transmission.


Letter Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

High-efficiency plastome base editing in rice with TAL cytosine deaminase

Riqing Li et al.


Article Plant Sciences

Targeted base editing in the plastid genome of Arabidopsis thaliana

Issei Nakazato et al.

Summary: By fusing bacterial cytidine deaminase with the DNA binding domains of transcription activator-like effector nucleases, targeted base editing in the plastid genome of Arabidopsis thaliana was achieved, with mutations inherited by offspring independently of their nuclear-introduced vectors.


Article Plant Sciences

Chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA editing in plants

Beum-Chang Kang et al.

Summary: A new Golden Gate cloning system was developed for gene editing in plant organelles, enabling efficient point mutation editing in mitochondria and chloroplasts. This system achieved high frequencies of base editing in plant calli and plantlets, providing a promising approach for genetic manipulation in plants.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A bacterial cytidine deaminase toxin enables CRISPR-free mitochondrial base editing

Beverly Y. Mok et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Biochemical Research Methods

Cas-analyzer: an online tool for assessing genome editing results using NGS data

Jeongbin Park et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Improved specificity of TALE-based genome editing using an expanded RVD repertoire

Jeffrey C. Miller et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

A library of TAL effector nucleases spanning the human genome

Yongsub Kim et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Structural Basis for Sequence-Specific Recognition of DNA by TAL Effectors

Dong Deng et al.

SCIENCE (2012)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

A TALE nuclease architecture for efficient genome editing

Jeffrey C. Miller et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Structure-based redesign of the dimerization interface reduces the toxicity of zinc-finger nucleases

Michal Szczepek et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

An improved zinc-finger nuclease architecture for highly specific genome editing

Jeffrey C. Miller et al.