4.8 Editorial Material

Hybrid technique lights the way for neutral atoms


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A quantum processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays

Dolev Bluvstein et al.

Summary: This article demonstrates a quantum processor with dynamic, non-local connectivity, allowing highly parallel transport of entangled qubits across spatial dimensions. The architecture enables programmable generation of entangled graph states and can be applied in various applications including quantum simulation and metrology.

NATURE (2022)

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Realization of a Fermi-Hubbard Optical Tweezer Array

Benjamin M. Spar et al.

Summary: In this study, we use an optical tweezer array with lithium-6 atoms to create an eight-site Fermi-Hubbard chain near half filling. By combining the tweezer array with a quantum gas microscope, we are able to detect individual sites. By minimizing disorder in energy offsets, we observe Mott insulators with strong antiferromagnetic correlations and measure the spin correlations, which lead us to estimate an upper bound of entropy per atom. We also demonstrate the flexibility of the tweezer platform by initializing atoms on one tweezer and observing tunneling dynamics across the array for different geometries.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Tweezer-programmable 2D quantum walks in a Hubbard-regime lattice

Aaron W. Young et al.

Summary: Quantum walks provide an intuitive and universal framework for designing quantum algorithms, allowing programmable modification of the walker's graph while maintaining coherence. In this study, we combine the control of optical tweezers with the environment of an optical lattice to investigate continuous-time quantum walks of single atoms on a square lattice and demonstrate spatial search. These capabilities can be extended to study various problems in quantum information science, including more effective spatial search using larger, more connected graphs.

SCIENCE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Probing topological spin liquids on a programmable quantum simulator

G. Semeghini et al.

Summary: Researchers utilized a programmable quantum simulator made up of 219 atoms to investigate quantum spin liquid states, creating frustrated quantum states without local order through array placement and evolution, and detecting the onset of a quantum spin liquid phase using topological string operators.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Quantum simulation of 2D antiferromagnets with hundreds of Rydberg atoms

Pascal Scholl et al.

Summary: The article introduces the use of synthetic systems for quantum simulation to solve many-body problems, discussing challenges faced by different platforms. By utilizing an array of atoms in optical tweezers, the study successfully implements a classic many-body problem and demonstrates the platform's versatility through exploring different system sizes.

NATURE (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Quantum phases of matter on a 256-atom programmable quantum simulator

Sepehr Ebadi et al.

Summary: This paper demonstrates a programmable quantum simulator based on deterministic arrays of neutral atoms, realizing a quantum spin model with tunable interactions and investigating various new quantum phases and interactions. These observations offer a new perspective on the study of complex quantum matter and pave the way for investigations of exotic quantum phases and hardware-efficient realization of quantum algorithms.

NATURE (2021)

Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

Quantum simulations with ultracold atoms in optical lattices

Christian Gross et al.

SCIENCE (2017)

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Two Fermions in a Double Well: Exploring a Fundamental Building Block of the Hubbard Model

Simon Murmann et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Two-particle quantum interference in tunnel-coupled optical tweezers

A. M. Kaufman et al.

SCIENCE (2014)

Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Ground-state phase diagram of the two-dimensional extended Bose-Hubbard model

Takahiro Ohgoe et al.