4.8 Editorial Material

Simple solids mimic complex electronic states


Review Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Semiconductor moire materials

Kin Fai Mak et al.

Summary: This article elaborates on the recent developments and future opportunities and challenges in fundamental research on semiconductor moire materials, with a particular focus on transition metal dichalcogenides.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Extended Bose-Hubbard model with dipolar excitons

C. Lagoin et al.

Summary: The Hubbard model is a celebrated theoretical framework in condensed-matter physics. This study implements the extended Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian by confining semiconductor dipolar excitons in an artificial two-dimensional square lattice, showcasing the characteristic features of checkerboard spatial order.

NATURE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Tunable quantum criticalities in an isospin extended Hubbard model simulator

Qiao Li et al.

Summary: Studying strong electron correlations is essential for advancing condensed matter physics. Recent research has demonstrated that moire heterostructures of van der Waals materials can serve as highly tunable quantum platforms for studying strongly correlated quantum physics. In this study, tunable quantum criticalities are observed in a simulator of the extended Hubbard model with spin-valley isospins in chiral-stacked twisted double bilayer graphene. The results showcase the potential of using this solid-state simulator to explore exotic quantum critical states and behaviors.

NATURE (2022)

Review Physics, Multidisciplinary

Moire heterostructures as a condensed-matter quantum simulator

Dante M. Kennes et al.

Summary: Twisted van der Waals heterostructures have attracted attention as a robust quantum simulation platform for studying strongly correlated physics and topology in quantum materials. Their versatility, feasibility to realize many-body quantum models, and availability of experimental readout protocols open up new possibilities in accessible physics and hold promise for future technological applications.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Simulation of Hubbard model physics in WSe2/WS2 moire superlattices

Yanhao Tang et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Hubbard Model Physics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Moire Bands

Fengcheng Wu et al.


Review Physics, Multidisciplinary

Quantum simulations with ultracold quantum gases

Immanuel Bloch et al.