4.7 Letter

Classification of rare pediatric myeloid neoplasia-Quo vadis?


Article Hematology

International Consensus Classification of Myeloid Neoplasms and Acute Leukemias: integrating morphologic, clinical, and genomic data

Daniel A. Arber et al.

Summary: In 2016, the WHO, Society for Hematopathology, and European Association for Haematopathology collaborated to update the classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemias, advancing the field of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemias.
Review Oncology

The 5th edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours: Myeloid and Histiocytic/Dendritic Neoplasms

Joseph D. Khoury et al.

Summary: This paper summarizes the new WHO classification scheme for myeloid and histiocytic/dendritic neoplasms, emphasizing the refinement of diagnostic criteria and the importance of actionable biomarkers, while maintaining global applicability.


Review Hematology

Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: who's the driver at the wheel?

Charlotte M. Niemeyer et al.

Article Hematology

The current perspective of low-grade myelodysplastic syndrome in children

Daisuke Hasegawa