4.7 Article

Incremental prognostic value of acute serum biomarkers for functional outcome after traumatic brain injury (CENTER-TBI): an observational cohort study


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Relationship of admission blood proteomic biomarkers levels to lesion type and lesion burden in traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI study

Daniel P. Whitehouse et al.

Summary: The relationship between serum biomarker concentration and lesion type and volume in TBI is primarily determined by the severity of injury and intracranial disease burden, rather than the pathoanatomical type of injury.


Review Critical Care Medicine

Blood-Based Protein Biomarkers for the Management of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Adults Presenting to Emergency Departments with Mild Brain Injury: A Living Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Stefania Mondello et al.

Summary: The study found that measurement of S100B can help informed decision making in the emergency department, but there is insufficient evidence that any of the other markers is ready for clinical application. Serious problems in the design, analysis, and reporting of many of the studies were identified, as well as substantial heterogeneity and research gaps.


Article Critical Care Medicine

Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury: Data Standards and Statistical Considerations

J. Russell Huie et al.

Summary: Recent biomarker innovations have the potential to revolutionize diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI), but the management, analysis, and synthesis of high-throughput data present challenges. Application of biomarkers involves three key steps (discovery, evaluation, and evidence synthesis) to simplify complex data, assess biomarker clinical utility, and support health decisions with the highest quality evidence. The discussion focuses on experiences from specific clinical projects and the importance of statistical techniques in successful adoption of biomarkers for precision medicine in TBI.


Article Critical Care Medicine

Explaining Outcome Differences between Men and Women following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Ana Mikolic et al.

Summary: In this study, it was found that women had worse outcomes following mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), and this was only partly explained by psychiatric history. Other factors beyond specified variables seem to underlie the observed differences between men and women in TBI outcomes. Future research should explore further aspects of gender roles and identity, as well as biological factors, to understand sex and gender differences in TBI outcomes.


Article Critical Care Medicine

Imputation of Ordinal Outcomes: A Comparison of Approaches in Traumatic Brain Injury

Kevin Kunzmann et al.

Summary: Loss to follow-up and missing outcomes data are important issues for longitudinal studies and clinical trials in traumatic brain injury research. The study compared the performance of model-based single imputation methods with the commonly used LOCF approach in handling missing outcomes, finding that model-based methods outperformed LOCF and provided more comprehensive outcome data.


Article Cell Biology

Axonal marker neurofilament light predicts long-term outcomes and progressive neurodegeneration after traumatic brain injury

Neil S. N. Graham et al.

Summary: Plasma NfL serves as a sensitive and clinically meaningful measure of axonal injury resulting from TBI, validated through advanced MRI, cerebral microdialysis, and experimental models. The results support the incorporation of NfL sampling into clinical practice to aid in diagnosis and improve prognosis.


Article Critical Care Medicine

A Manual for the Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended Interview

Lindsay Wilson et al.

Summary: The Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOSE) is widely used for assessing global disability and recovery after traumatic brain injury, but achieving consistency in its application is challenging. The manual provides guidance on assessment principles, administering the interview, handling borderline cases, and discussing the properties of GOSE. Recommendations for assessor training, accreditation, and monitoring are also outlined.


Article Critical Care Medicine

Prognostic Value of a Combination of Circulating Biomarkers in Critically Ill Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: Results from the European CREACTIVE Study

Primoz Gradisek et al.

Summary: This pilot study aimed to investigate the association between circulating biomarker patterns upon ICU admission and disability level of TBI patients at 6 months post-injury. Results showed that patients could be grouped into different clusters based on protein expression patterns, which may assist in evaluating patient prognosis.


Article Critical Care Medicine

A Serum Protein Biomarker Panel Improves Outcome Prediction in Human Traumatic Brain Injury

Eric Thelin et al.


Article Critical Care Medicine

Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase is a novel biomarker in humans for severe traumatic brain injury

Linda Papa et al.