4.6 Article

Geometric-arithmetic master equation in large and fast open quantum systems


IOP Publishing Ltd
DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/ac9f30


nonsecular open quantum systems; non-Markovian open quantum dynamics; complete positivity; Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad master equation; open quantum systems


This article discusses the understanding of nonsecular dynamics in open quantum systems, with an emphasis on systems with large numbers of Bohr frequencies, zero temperature, and fast driving. By employing the master equation and replacing arithmetic averages of decay rates with geometric averages, improvements can be made to the second order perturbation theory (known as the Redfield equation) while maintaining the complete positivity of quantum dynamics. The accuracy of the approximation is studied using the Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin-chain model and a Gaussian unitary ensemble. The geometric-arithmetic approach is found to be significantly simpler and faster compared to the Redfield approach.
Understanding nonsecular dynamics in open quantum systems is addressed here, with emphasis on systems with large numbers of Bohr frequencies, zero temperature, and fast driving. We employ the master equation, which replaces arithmetic averages of the decay rates in the open system, with their geometric averages, and find that it can improve the second order perturbation theory, known as the Redfield equation, while enforcing complete positivity on quantum dynamics. The characteristic frequency scale that governs the approximation is the minimax frequency: the minimum of the maximum system oscillation frequency and the bath relaxation rate; this needs to be larger than the dissipation rate for it to be valid. The concepts are illustrated on the Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin-chain model. To study the accuracy of the approximation, a Hamiltonian is drawn from the Gaussian unitary ensemble, for which we calculate the fourth order time-convolutionless master equation, in the Ohmic bath at zero temperature. Enforcing the geometric average, decreases the trace distance to the exact solution. Dynamical decoupling of a qubit is examined by applying the Redfield and the geometric-arithmetic master equations, in the interaction picture of the time dependent system Hamiltonian, and the results are compared to the exact path integral solution. The geometric-arithmetic approach is significantly simpler and can be super-exponentially faster compared to the Redfield approach.








