4.7 Review

History of the Study of the Genus Thiothrix: From the First Enrichment Cultures to Pangenomic Analysis


Article Microbiology

CANDIDATUS LIST No. 3. Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus taxa

Aharon Oren et al.

Summary: According to the guidelines in Appendix 11 of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes, a record of organisms with the status Candidatus must be kept and published by the Judicial Commission of the International Committee on Systematics. We previously presented two Candidatus Lists, one including names published until the end of 2018 and another with names proposed in 2019. This article provides a record of Candidatus names proposed in 2020 and updates to the earlier lists. Corrections for incorrectly formed names are suggested, and submissions for periodic updates can be made to the IJSEM editorial office. The List Editors continue to search the literature for new Candidatus names.


Article Environmental Sciences

Simultaneous nitrification-denitrification (SND) using a thermoplastic gel as support: pollutants removal and microbial community in a pilot-scale biofilm membrane bioreactor

Alvaro Javier Salcedo Moyano et al.

Summary: The study used a biofilm membrane bioreactor to treat sanitary wastewater, finding that oxygen concentration significantly influences the nitrogen conversion process. Denitrification rate was higher at low dissolved oxygen, with specific bacterial genera contributing to the nitrogen cycle.


Article Microbiology

Two New Species of Filamentous Sulfur Bacteria of the Genus Thiothrix, Thiothrix winogradskyi sp. nov. and 'Candidatus Thiothrix sulfatifontis' sp. nov.

Nikolai Ravin et al.

Summary: The metagenome of fouling from a sulfidic spring in Russia was sequenced, and the dominant microbial community consisted of members of the phyla Gammaproteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Campilobacteriota. The complete genomes of two Thiothrix species, Thiothrix sulfatifontis and Thiothrix winogradskyi, were assembled and their taxonomic status was determined. The study also observed the anaerobic growth of Thiothrix in the presence of thiosulfate for the first time.


Article Ecology

Metagenomic analysis revealed the sulfur- and iron- oxidation capabilities of heterotrophic denitrifying sludge

Kailong Huang et al.

Summary: Heterotrophic denitrifying sludge harbors diverse mixotrophic denitrifying bacterial species with sulfur- and iron-oxidizing abilities, indicating potential for autotrophic denitrification. The study suggests that organic carbon and inorganic electron donors can be jointly used in engineering practices to balance the cost and efficiency of denitrification processes.


Article Microbiology

Comparative Genome Analysis of the Genus Thiothrix Involving Three Novel Species, Thiothrix subterranea sp. nov. Ku-5, Thiothrix litoralis sp. nov. AS and Candidatus Thiothrix anitrata sp. nov. A52, Revealed the Conservation of the Pathways of Dissimilatory Sulfur Metabolism and Variations in the Genetic Inventory for Nitrogen Metabolism and Autotrophic Carbon Fixation

Nikolai V. Ravin et al.

Summary: Two strains of filamentous, colorless sulfur bacteria were isolated from a coal mine and the White Sea, while a metagenome-assembled genome was obtained from a sulfidic spring in Russia. Phylogenetic analysis showed that all genomes belonged to the genus Thiothrix, with three proposed new species identified. The core genome of Thiothrix includes genes for metabolism, respiration, and sulfur oxidation pathways.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Recovery of complete genomes and non-chromosomal replicons from activated sludge enrichment microbial communities with long read metagenome sequencing

Krithika Arumugam et al.

Summary: New long read sequencing technologies show great potential for recovering complete genomes from complex microbial communities, including key functional species relevant for wastewater bioprocesses. The study successfully recovered closed or complete genomes of several important microbial species and circularized plasmids, phages, and small microbial genomes from these communities using long read data.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

16S rRNA gene profiling of rhizospheric microbial community of Eichhornia crassipes

Ruchi Sharma et al.

Summary: The rhizosphere of a plant is a crucial interface for plant-microbe interaction, facilitating the uptake and removal of heavy metals from contaminated soil. Eichhornia crassipes, a known metal hyperaccumulator, harbors a diverse microbial community in its rhizosphere, making it a promising candidate for plant growth support and phytoremediation enhancement.


Article Microbiology

Chironomus ramosus Larval Microbiome Composition Provides Evidence for the Presence of Detoxifying Enzymes

Rotem Sela et al.

Summary: This study investigated the endogenous microbiota composition of Chironomus ramosus larvae from the Mutha River in India and a laboratory culture. Significant differences were found in the bacterial community composition between river-sampled larvae and laboratory-reared larvae. Metagenomic analysis identified unique amplicon sequence variants in river-sampled larvae. The study also highlighted the presence of detoxifying enzymes in the larval microbiome, potentially protecting the insect in polluted environments.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Effects of quorum quenching on temporal succession of activated sludge microbial community in a membrane bioreactor

S. J. Jo et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Adding an anaerobic step can rapidly inhibit sludge bulking in SBR reactor

Junqin Yao et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

A standardized bacterial taxonomy based on genome phylogeny substantially revises the tree of life

Donovan H. Parks et al.


Article Microbiology

Thiothrix caldifontis sp nov and Thiothrix lacustris sp nov., gammaproteobacteria isolated from sulfide springs

Elena Chernousova et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Novel epibiotic Thiothrix bacterium on a marine amphipod

DC Gillan et al.