4.7 Article

The formulation of a base fuel for gasoline-type bioblendstocks


Article Energy & Fuels

Investigations of prenol reactions catalyzed by zinc and molybdenum complexes

Lelia Cosimbescu et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates the formation of symmetrical and unsymmetrical allylic ethers using molybdenum catalysts for the first time. By optimizing reaction conditions, it was possible to maximize the conversion of prenol and generate the main products.
Article Energy & Fuels

The intrinsic value of bioblendstocks: Prenol as a case study

M. M. Ramirez-Corredores et al.

Summary: This study examines the intrinsic value of bioblendstocks for fuel blenders by investigating the properties of binary mixtures with gasoline components. The results show that prenol can improve the research octane number and octane sensitivity of the base fuel, while reducing the fuel's vapor pressure. By adjusting the formulation of the base fuel, the performance of bioblendstocks can be optimized.
Article Construction & Building Technology

Long-term implications of electric vehicle penetration in urban decarbonization scenarios: An integrated land use?transport?energy model

Runsen Zhang et al.

Summary: This study explored the impacts of EV adoption on urban decarbonization and social welfare using an integrated model, finding that market diffusion of EVs will significantly reduce emissions in city centers and bring economic benefits to suburban areas. EV adoption is expected to play a key role in shaping the spatial organization and structure of cities.


Article Environmental Studies

Carbon footprint impacts of banning cars with internal combustion engines

Johannes Morfeldt et al.

Summary: The study analyzed the effects of banning sales of passenger cars with internal combustion engines on the carbon footprints of passenger car travel in Sweden. The ban resulted in significantly decreased carbon footprints primarily due to reduced tailpipe CO2 emissions, but the full effect was delayed. Increasing the pace of electrification is beneficial for reducing carbon footprints, and a ban in 2030 may not be sufficient to achieve national policy targets.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Assessing the Impacts of Ethanol and Isobutanol on Gaseous and Particulate Emissions from Flexible Fuel Vehicles

Georgios Karavalakis et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

Reformulation of FCC gasoline

N. Viswanadham et al.