4.6 Editorial Material

New roads in retroperitoneal sarcomas


Article Oncology

EJSO educational Special issue from the TARPSWG-Standard medical treatment and new options in retroperitoneal sarcoma

Bernd Kasper et al.

Summary: Retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcomas consist mainly of liposarcomas and leiomyosarcomas. The prognosis of liposarcoma patients depends on the local relapse rate, while leiomyosarcoma patients face the challenge of metastatic disease. Current available treatments are limited, resulting in poor prognosis for patients with locally advanced and/or metastatic disease.
Article Oncology

New developments in the pathology and molecular biology of retroperitoneal sarcomas

Sarah Watson et al.

Summary: RPS refers to a group of heterogeneous tumors originating from retroperitoneal tissues and vessels. Well-differentiated/dedifferentiated liposarcomas and leiomyosarcomas are the most common subtypes, but other rare histological subtypes can also be observed. Significant advances have been made in the pathological and molecular characterization of sarcomas, leading to changes in diagnostic management and the development of new therapeutic strategies based on tumor biology and microenvironment. This review summarizes the current knowledge and recent findings in the pathology and molecular biology of the most frequent RPS subtypes.
Article Oncology

How to treat liposarcomas located in retroperitoneum

Maria Danieli et al.

Summary: Almost half of retroperitoneal sarcomas are liposarcomas, and surgery is the only potentially curative treatment. Better understanding of different histology-specific patterns and the development of outcome predictors have improved management of these rare tumors.
Article Oncology

Histology-tailored multidisciplinary management of primary retroperitoneal sarcomas

S. Bonvalot et al.

Summary: Until recently, the recommended approach for primary retroperitoneal sarcomas (RPS) was complete en-bloc gross excision, with (neo) adjuvant treatments as optional and unvalidated by randomized studies, leading to variations in practice among different centers. However, recent studies on surgery and adjuvant treatments have provided insights to refine these recommendations. This review aims to summarize the recent advancements and future directions in RPS management.
Article Oncology

Management of recurrent retroperitoneal sarcomas

Caroline C. H. Siew et al.

Summary: Recurrent retroperitoneal sarcomas are challenging to manage due to the diverse patient characteristics, treatment profiles, and patterns of recurrence. While surgical resection can improve survival, the oncological outcomes are inferior to primary retroperitoneal sarcomas. Management options for unresectable disease include local ablative therapy, radiation, systemic therapy, and occasional palliative surgery. This review provides insights into the understanding and management of recurrent retroperitoneal sarcomas.
Article Oncology

The role of standard and novel radiotherapy approaches in management of retroperitoneal sarcomas

L. M. Wiltink et al.

Summary: Primary non-metastatic retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcoma patients can be cured by radical surgery, but there is a risk of local recurrence. Preoperative radiotherapy may benefit patients with low grade liposarcomas. This review summarizes all issues related to the irradiation of patients with retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcoma.
Article Oncology

Has the Outcome for Patients Who Undergo Resection of Primary Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Changed Over Time? A Study of Time Trends During the Past 15 years

Dario Callegaro et al.

Summary: The long-term survival of patients who underwent resection for primary RPS has improved over the past 15 years, attributed to better patient selection for resection, quality of surgery, and perioperative patient management, as indicated by the study data.


Article Oncology

Management of Primary Retroperitoneal Sarcoma (RPS) in the Adult: An Updated Consensus Approach from the Transatlantic Australasian RPS Working Group

Carol J. Swallow et al.

Summary: Primary retroperitoneal sarcomas are rare and complex malignancies that are best managed by experienced multidisciplinary teams in specialized referral centers. Individualized management plans based on consensus statements should be made, and participation in prospective trials and studies is encouraged to improve outcomes.


Article Oncology

Analysis of Differentiation Changes and Outcomes at Time of First Recurrence of Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma by Transatlantic Australasian Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Working Group (TARPSWG)

Carolyn Nessim et al.

Summary: The differentiation change in retroperitoneal liposarcoma (RLPS) from primary tumor to first local recurrence appears to impact survival rates, with patients in the DD -> WD and WD -> DD groups showing better overall survival probabilities.