4.7 Article

Chimeric 3D gastruloids - a versatile tool for studies of mammalian peri-gastrulation development


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Human blastoids model blastocyst development and implantation

Harunobu Kagawa et al.

Summary: Human pluripotent stem cells cultured in specific conditions can efficiently form blastoids resembling blastocyst-stage analogues, providing a faithful model for investigating human implantation and development.

NATURE (2022)

Article Developmental Biology

Spatiotemporal sequence of mesoderm and endoderm lineage segregation during mouse gastrulation

Simone Probst et al.

Summary: Research shows that in mouse embryo development, progenitors of anterior mesoderm and definitive endoderm differentiate specifically in the primitive streak under the control of the Eomes signal. Through genetic experiments and single-cell RNA sequencing, the relationships and differentiation trajectories of these cell types are revealed.


Article Cell Biology

Inducible Stem-Cell-Derived Embryos Capture Mouse Morphogenetic Events In Vitro

Gianluca Amadei et al.

Summary: The study demonstrates that replacing XEN cells with ESCs transiently expressing Gata4 enhances the developmental potential of iETX embryos, enabling the study of anterior-posterior patterning and gastrulation in an in vitro system.


Review Developmental Biology

Sculpting with stem cells: how models of embryo development take shape

Jesse V. Veenvliet et al.

Summary: During embryogenesis, organisms develop their shape under various constraints imposed by geometry, mechanics, and biochemistry. Understanding the mechanisms that pattern and shape the mammalian embryo is challenging due to the inaccessibility of live embryos for direct observation. Developmental engineering of embryo-like structures from pluripotent stem cells provides a way to study these mechanisms. By modulating the cellular environment, researchers can identify the essential mechanical and biochemical inputs required for embryo patterning and shaping. Further studies on tissue biochemistry, mechanics, and geometry at different scales can provide insights into the mechanochemical feedback loops governing embryo morphogenesis. Additionally, inherent phenotypic variability in stembryos can be leveraged to understand the constraints that ensure reproducible morphogenesis in vivo.


Article Cell & Tissue Engineering

Capturing Cardiogenesis in Gastruloids

Giuliana Rossi et al.

Summary: It has been found that mouse embryonic stem cells can mimic early heart organogenesis steps and support the development of cardiovascular progenitors. This new platform tool can be used to study heart development in detail.


Review Developmental Biology

Understanding axial progenitor biology in vivo and in vitro

Filip J. Wymeersch et al.

Summary: The generation of components of the embryonic body axis occurs in an anterior-to-posterior direction, driven by the production of various cell types from axial progenitors. Recent research focuses on the in vitro production of neuromesodermal progenitors and their potential implications in disease modeling and regenerative medicine.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Blastocyst-like structures generated from human pluripotent stem cells

Leqian Yu et al.

Summary: The study developed an effective three-dimensional culture strategy to generate blastocyst-like structures in vitro which resemble human blastocysts. These structures, termed 'human blastoids', are readily accessible, scalable, versatile, and perturbable alternative to blastocysts for studying early human development, understanding early pregnancy loss, and gaining insights into early developmental defects.

NATURE (2021)

Review Cell Biology

3D gastruloids: a novel frontier in stem cell-based in vitro modeling of mammalian gastrulation

Susanne C. van den Brink et al.

Summary: 3D gastruloids are powerful tools for studying early mammalian development, providing a unique opportunity to study normal and pathological embryogenesis in a high throughput manner. While this model system has great potential for clinical applications, there are current limitations and ethical implications that need to be addressed through further research.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Construction of a mammalian embryo model from stem cells organized by a morphogen signalling centre

Peng-Fei Xu et al.

Summary: By instructing mouse embryonic stem cell aggregates with an experimentally engineered morphogen signalling centre, embryo-like structures called embryoids are formed, exhibiting characteristics of a neurula-stage mouse embryo with patterning of germ layer derivatives along both the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axes.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single-cell and spatial transcriptomics reveal somitogenesis in gastruloids

Susanne C. van den Brink et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

An in vitro model of early anteroposterior organization during human development

Naomi Moris et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Generation of Blastocyst-like Structures from Mouse Embryonic and Adult Cell Cultures

Ronghui Li et al.

Article Biochemical Research Methods

In vitro generation of mouse polarized embryo-like structures from embryonic and trophoblast stem cells

Sarah Ellys Harrison et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Multi-axial self-organization properties of mouse embryonic stem cells into gastruloids

Leonardo Beccari et al.

NATURE (2018)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Assembly of embryonic and extraembryonic stem cells to mimic embryogenesis in vitro

Sarah Ellys Harrison et al.

SCIENCE (2017)

Article Cell Biology

SOX17 links gut endoderm morphogenesis and germ layer segregation

Manuel Viotti et al.


Article Cell Biology

Pluripotency factors regulate definitive endoderm specification through eomesodermin

Adrian Kee Keong Teo et al.


Review Cell Biology

Making a commitment: cell lineage allocation and axis patterning in the early mouse embryo

Sebastian J. Arnold et al.


Article Developmental Biology

A global double-fluorescent cre reporter mouse

Mandar Deepak Muzumdar et al.

GENESIS (2007)

Article Developmental Biology

Brachyury is required for elongation and vasculogenesis in the murine allantois

Kimberly E. Inman et al.


Article Developmental Biology

Primitive streak formation in mice is preceded by localized activation of Brachyury and Wnt3

JA Rivera-Pérez et al.


Article Developmental Biology

Development of definitive endoderm from embryonic stem cells in culture

A Kubo et al.


Article Developmental Biology

Brachyury is a target gene of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway

SJ Arnold et al.