4.7 Article

Implementation of various bowl designs in an HPDI natural gas engine focused on performance and pollutant emissions


Article Energy & Fuels

Effect of natural gas energy fractions on combustion performance and emission characteristics in an optical CI engine fueled with natural gas/diesel dual-fuel

Zhaojun Zhu et al.

Summary: Increasing the natural gas energy fraction (NGEF) delays the start of combustion and decreases peak pressure; NGEF significantly affects the distribution of the ignition kernel, with higher NGEF scattering the ignition kernel; Lower soot volume fraction and unburned hydrocarbon emissions can be obtained by increasing NGEF from 0% to 70%, but further increasing NGEF to 85% deteriorates combustion.
Article Energy & Fuels

Comparison and implementation of machine learning models for predicting the combustion phases of hydrogen-enriched Wankel rotary engines

Huaiyu Wang et al.

Summary: The combustion phases, crucial for hydrogen-enriched Wankel rotary engines, were analyzed using five machine learning models. Among them, the Gaussian process regression model demonstrated the best generalization ability and prediction performance, suggesting its applicability for combustion phase prediction and control system modeling.
Article Energy & Fuels

Effect of hydrogen enrichment on the flame propagation, emissions formation and energy balance of the natural gas spark ignition engine

Xingyu Sun et al.

Summary: Adding hydrogen to natural gas in spark ignition engines improves combustion rate, thermal efficiency, and emissions control.
Article Energy & Fuels

Effects of advanced injection timing and inducted gaseous fuel on performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine operated in dual-fuel mode

Swarup Kumar Nayak et al.

Summary: The study explores the use of waste oil methyl ester and biogas in a dual-fuel mode with advanced injection timing to improve diesel engine efficiency and emissions under high loads. The results show increased thermal efficiency and decreased emissions compared to traditional diesel fuel, highlighting the potential benefits of this approach.
Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Experimental assessment on performance and combustion behaviors of reactivity-controlled compression ignition engine operated by n-pentanol and cottonseed biodiesel

Nataraj Ganesan et al.

Summary: The use of Reactivity-Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) technique in diesel engines has shown significant reductions in NOx and smoke emissions, while improving engine thermal efficiency. However, increased emissions of unburnt hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide were observed at certain load conditions. Overall, RCCI mode resulted in a simultaneous reduction of smoke opacity and NOx emission, with a marginal improvement in engine performance.


Article Thermodynamics

Comparison and evaluation of advanced machine learning methods for performance and emissions prediction of a gasoline Wankel rotary engine

Huaiyu Wang et al.

Summary: In this study, machine learning methods were applied to develop a prediction model for a gasoline Wankel rotary engine. Artificial neural network, support vector machine, and Gaussian process regression were compared, and the best parameters for the prediction model construction were determined. The results showed that the Gaussian process regression model had the best generalization ability in scarce data sets.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Energy & Fuels

Modeling and parametric study of the performance-emissions trade-off of a hydrogen Wankel rotary engine

Huaiyu Wang et al.

Summary: This study investigates the effects of intake port closing (IPC) timing and exhaust port opening (EPO) timing on the performance and emissions of a hydrogen Wankel rotary engine (WRE) using a one-dimensional model. The simulation results show that leakage and crevice reduce the indicated mean effective pressure, while crevice has a smaller impact on volumetric efficiency compared to leakage. Advancing the IPC increases in-cylinder mass and indicated mean effective pressure, but also leads to higher relative NOx emissions. In contrast, the effects of EPO timing on performance and emissions are reversed.
Article Environmental Sciences

Potential improvement in combustion and pollutant emissions of a hydrogen-enriched rotary engine by using novel recess configuration

Cheng Shi et al.

Summary: This study proposes a novel turbulence-induced blade (TIB) configuration for improving the combustion characteristics and controlling emissions of rotary engines. The results show that the introduction of TIB enhances turbulent flow, leading to significant improvements in indicated thermal efficiency and a notable impact on spark timing and rotor chamber pressure.


Article Energy & Fuels

Understanding the role of turbulence-induced blade configuration in improving combustion process for hydrogen-enriched rotary engine

Cheng Shi et al.

Summary: The effects of turbulence-induced blade (TIB) configuration on ignition, combustion process, and emission performance in rotary engines were investigated using numerical simulations. The results show that introducing TIB improves turbulent flow, with the leading-blade rotor chamber exhibiting better combustion and emission characteristics. The TIB configuration has a greater impact on combustion improvement in pure gasoline engines.
Article Energy & Fuels

Parametric analysis of hydrogen two-stage direct-injection on combustion characteristics, knock propensity, and emissions formation in a rotary engine

Cheng Shi et al.

Summary: The study explores a novel hydrogen injection strategy to improve the efficiency and reduce emissions of gasoline rotary engines. Through CFD modeling and experimental validation, it was found that two-stage direct-injected hydrogen significantly improves combustion characteristics and thermal efficiency.
Article Energy & Fuels

Development of a simplified n-heptane/methane model for high-pressure direct-injection natural gas marine engines

Jingrui Li et al.

Summary: The study successfully simulated the combustion and emissions characteristics of HPDI natural gas marine engines by constructing and reducing n-heptane/methane models, achieving good agreement with experimental data. The reduced models provide an efficient and reliable method for simulating combustion and emissions in these engines.


Article Energy & Fuels

Numerical simulation on the combustion and NOx emission characteristics of a turbocharged opposed rotary piston engine fuelled with hydrogen under wide open throttle conditions

Jianbing Gao et al.

Summary: Hybrid vehicles are gaining attention due to environmental concerns, and Opposed Rotary Piston (ORP) engines are seen as a promising power source for these vehicles. Research on a turbocharged ORP engine fueled with hydrogen revealed high volumetric efficiency and excellent torque characteristics, with a maximum indicated power density significantly higher than turbocharged four-stroke reciprocating engines fueled with gasoline.
Article Energy & Fuels

Investigation of the Combustion Kinetics Process in a High-Pressure Direct Injection Natural Gas Marine Engine

Jingrui Li et al.

Summary: The study investigates the detailed combustion kinetics of a high-pressure direct injection natural gas marine engine, observing that an earlier NG start of injection timing results in a higher heat release rate with limited impact on the main representative exothermic reactions and dominant formation reactions of CH2O and OH.


Article Energy & Fuels

Hydrogen-Enriched Biogas Premixed Charge Combustion and Emissions in Direct Injection and Indirect Injection Diesel Dual Fueled Engines: A Comparative Study

Van Ga Bui et al.

Summary: This study compared the combustion and emissions performance of hydrogen-enriched biogas dual-fuel engines with two injection methods, finding that the IDIDF engine performs better in terms of engine work and emissions of CO, soot, and noise, but has higher NOx emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Intake characteristics and pumping loss in the intake stroke of a novel small scale opposed rotary piston engine

Jianbing Gao et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

High swirl-inducing piston bowls in small diesel engines for emission reduction

B. V. V. S. U. Prasad et al.


Review Thermodynamics

Natural-gas fueled spark-ignition (SI) and compression-ignition (CI) engine performance and emissions

T. Korakianitis et al.


Article Transportation Science & Technology

Influence of Injection Timing and Piston Bowl Geometry on PCCI Combustion and Emissions

Li Cao et al.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Characteristic and computational fluid dynamics modeling of high-pressure gas jet injection

Y Li et al.