4.7 Editorial Material

Editorial: Research Topic for Frontiers in Endocrinology (Obesity): Fetal Origin of Obesity and Diabetes


Review Endocrinology & Metabolism

Animal Foetal Models of Obesity and Diabetes - From Laboratory to Clinical Settings

Emilia Grzeda et al.

Summary: The prenatal period is critical for human development, and the foetus is particularly vulnerable to environmental factors. Maternal nutrition plays a significant role in the offspring's health, with imbalanced metabolic status potentially leading to metabolic disorders. Animal studies and human research have shown the influence of maternal diet on offspring development, but the mechanisms linking impaired foetal development and adult diseases are still not fully understood.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Maternal High-Fat Diet During Pre-Conception and Gestation Predisposes Adult Female Offspring to Metabolic Dysfunction in Mice

Brian Akhaphong et al.

Summary: Maternal high-fat diet before and during pregnancy may predispose female offspring to insulin resistance in adulthood.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Programming With Varying Dietary Fat Content Alters Cardiac Insulin Receptor, Glut4 and FoxO1 Immunoreactivity in Neonatal Rats, Whereas High Fat Programming Alters Cebpa Gene Expression in Neonatal Female Rats

Annelene Govindsamy et al.

Summary: This study investigates the effects of varying dietary fat content on the expression profiles of factors in the neonatal rat heart, revealing the role of genes and gender-related factors.


Review Endocrinology & Metabolism

Early Life Interventions Can Shape Aging

Andrzej Bartke et al.

Summary: It is well documented that the environment during fetal development and postnatal period can significantly influence adult phenotype, age-related traits, and risk of chronic disease. Researchers have found that early life hormonal interventions, such as growth hormone replacement therapy, can impact the trajectory of aging and adult metabolic characteristics in mice. Important regulatory mechanisms involving epigenetic phenomena are likely involved.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Impact Of Prepregnancy Overweight And Obesity On Treatment Modality And Pregnancy Outcome In Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Tina Linder et al.

Summary: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of prepregnancy overweight on treatment modalities and pregnancy outcomes in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The results showed that an increased BMI in pregnant women was associated with a higher likelihood of needing glucose lowering medication and an increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Maternal High-Fat Diet Disturbs the DNA Methylation Profile in the Brown Adipose Tissue of Offspring Mice

Qian Zhang et al.

Summary: Excess maternal energy intake leads to long-term disorders in offspring's brown adipose tissue (BAT), affecting blood lipid panel and BAT structure. It also influences the methylation levels and expression of genes involved in thermogenesis and fatty acid oxidation in BAT.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Lack of Offspring Nrf2 Does Not Exacerbate the Detrimental Metabolic Outcomes Caused by In Utero PCB126 Exposure

Brittany B. Rice et al.

Summary: This study investigated the effects of PCB exposure on glucose tolerance and body composition in offspring expressing or lacking Nrf2, finding that PCB exposure during nursing led to reduced body weight and impaired glucose disposal. The study also revealed that the presence or absence of Nrf2 did not significantly impact the metabolic responses of offspring to in utero PCB exposure. Future research will focus on understanding the influence of maternal Nrf2 genotypic differences on offspring metabolic responses.