4.6 Article

A Method of Multi-Objective Optimization and Multi-Attribute Decision-Making for Huangjinxia Reservoir


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

The stochastic decision making framework for long-term multi-objective energy-water supply-ecology operation in parallel reservoirs system under uncertainties

Zhe Yang et al.

Summary: The study proposes a framework for solving reservoir operation and MCDM problem under various uncertainties, using a novel multi-objective method based on SFLA. A stochastic multi-criteria acceptability analysis (SMAA) model is developed by constructing a new utility function based on SMAA-2 and modified GCA, aiming to reduce impact of complex uncertainties on MCDM for LTMORO under stochastic environment.


Article Agronomy

Evaluating water-energy-food system of Yellow River basin based on type-2 fuzzy sets and Pressure-State-Response model

Donglin Gu et al.

Summary: This study aims to establish a Pressure-State-Response (PSR) model to evaluate the water-energy-food (WEF) system security and clarify the main factors affecting WEF development, system state and social response. Different quantitative methods were used to assess the WEF system security in the nine provinces of the Yellow River basin from 2006 to 2019. The results show that the WEF system security in each province has improved over time.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Optimization of ecological reservoir operation rules for a northern river in China: Balancing ecological and socio-economic water use

Yadi Ai et al.

Summary: Ecological reservoir operation is a feasible approach to coordinate socio-economic water use and ecological water use in rivers. However, satisfying ecological water demand in water shortage areas remains a challenge. This study improved the reservoir operation rules and developed an optimization model based on dual-control management indexes. The results showed that the optimization model effectively balanced ecological and socio-economic water use, providing a scientific basis for water resources management.


Article Environmental Sciences

Water-energy-ecosystem nexus modeling using multi-objective, non-linear programming in a regulated river: Exploring tradeoffs among environmental flows, cascaded small hydropower, and inter-basin water diversion projects

Dongqin Yin et al.

Summary: This study focuses on the optimal operation and scientific management of a complicated water resources system in a regulated river with cascaded small hydropower plants and inter-basin water diversion projects. The research established a nexus system model that considers water resources utilization, energy production, and riverine environmental conservation as the main objectives, using weighted multi-objective programming. Furthermore, the study estimated environmental flows and assessed the environmental impact on the river, conducted optimizations and analyses for multiple scenarios using historical runoff data, and quantitatively identified sectoral linkages relating to the water-energy-ecosystem nexus.


Article Environmental Sciences

Optimal Flood-Control Operation of Cascade Reservoirs Using an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

Yanfang Diao et al.

Summary: The study proposes a novel SAPSO algorithm for optimizing reservoir operation to ensure flood control safety. The experimental results show that using SAPSO algorithm can reduce the maximum outflows and maximum water levels, and provide better objective function values.
Article Engineering, Civil

Reservoir optimal operation with an integrated approach for managing floods and droughts using NSGA-III and prospect behavioral theory

Nafiseh Bahrami et al.

Summary: This study aims to improve the sustainability and decrease the vulnerability of reservoirs against water-related disasters by adopting an integrated management approach for floods and droughts. The results show that the IMFD scenario outperforms the NMFD scenario in terms of reducing water shortage, agricultural and environmental vulnerability, particularly in dry conditions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

A Research on the Ecological Operation of Reservoirs Based on the Indicators of Hydrological Alteration

Dongyang Han et al.

Summary: The conventional reservoir operation strategy that only considers hydropower production neglects the ecological issues in downstream rivers. This research proposes a reservoir ecological operation model that incorporates ecological objectives into the operation strategy, resulting in both economic benefits and ecological benefits. The model is solved using a genetic algorithm, and the results show significant improvements in the ecological situation and reduced hydrological alteration.


Article Environmental Sciences

A Copula-based interval linear programming model for water resources allocation under uncertainty

Wencong Yue et al.

Summary: In this study, a Copula-based interval linear programming model was established to analyze water resources allocation. The model identified the interactions between water demand and socio-economic development levels and explored variations in water shortage with consideration of multiple risk tolerance levels. The results showed that the amount of water supply in Dalian City would gradually decrease with the increase of risk tolerance levels of decision-makers.


Article Engineering, Civil

Use of a Multi-Objective Correlation Index to Analyze the Power Generation, Water Supply and Ecological Flow Mutual Feedback Relationship of a Reservoir

Zhenhui Wu et al.

Summary: The study utilized the Multi-objective Correlation Index (MCI) to analyze the tradeoff relationship among different objectives in multi-objective reservoir operation, revealing a decrease in synergy between water supply and ecological goals as climate conditions shift, while conflict between power generation and water supply or ecological objectives intensifies.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Application of Marginal Rate of Transformation in Decision Making of Multi-Objective Reservoir Optimal Operation Scheme

Yueqiu Wu et al.

Summary: By considering flood control and power generation as two products of a reservoir, a multi-objective optimal operation scheme decision-making model is established to seek the highest water level scheme that can produce the maximum comprehensive benefits, which can significantly increase the overall benefits of the reservoir.


Article Environmental Sciences

Application of Cellular Automata in Bi-Objective Operation of Multi Reservoir Systems

Mohammad Hadi Afshar et al.

Summary: Optimal operation of multi-reservoir systems is a challenging issue in water resource management, and a hybrid method called MPCA-SA is proposed in this paper, which shows superior efficiency and practicality when compared with a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGAII) in solving multi-objective water resource problems.
Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Optimizing operating rules for multi-reservoir hydropower generation systems: An adaptive hybrid differential evolution algorithm

Iman Ahmadianfar et al.

Summary: An adaptive differential evolution with particle swarm optimization (A-DEPSO) algorithm is developed to derive optimal operating rules for multi-reservoir systems in hydropower generation, showing improved performance compared to other well-known optimizers in the literature.


Article Water Resources

Optimal reservoir operation using Nash bargaining solution and evolutionary algorithms

Salman Sharifazari et al.

Summary: This study utilized the Nash bargaining solution method to formulate an objective function for water allocation in the Mahabad Dam in Iran, using genetic and ant colony optimization algorithms to achieve optimal solutions. The results showed a 98% water utility rate and a 10% decrease in failure rate for the domestic sector, demonstrating implications for reservoir operation and policies in the face of increasing water demand and changing climate.


Article Engineering, Civil

Spark-based parallel dynamic programming and particle swarm optimization via cloud computing for a large-scale reservoir system

Yufei Ma et al.

Summary: This study compares parallel dynamic programming (SPDP) with parallel particle swarm optimization (SPPSO) via cloud computing for the optimal operation of a large-scale reservoir system. The results show that SPDP outperforms SPPSO in terms of parallel performance and precision, with SPPSO having faster convergence speed but lower precision compared to SPDP. Overall, DP solves more accurately and efficiently than PSO via parallel cloud computing, ensuring global search capability of the algorithm. Cloud computing is highlighted as flexible, economical, safe, and with high practical value and application prospects.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Stakeholder perceptions in flood risk assessment: A hybrid fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS approach for Istanbul, Turkey

Omer Ekmekcioglu et al.

Summary: The study aims to produce flood risk maps for Istanbul using a hybrid fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS model and considering stakeholder perceptions, ensuring comparative analysis. Cooperation of various stakeholders is essential for accurate generation of flood risk maps in FRM processes.


Article Engineering, Civil

Optimisation of Multiple Hydropower Reservoir Operation Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

Shi-Mei Choong et al.


Article Water Resources

Design and development of bio-inspired framework for reservoir operation optimization

M. Sakthi Asvini et al.


Article Water Resources

A parallel dynamic programming algorithm for multi-reservoir system optimization

Xiang Li et al.


Article Engineering, Civil

Optimized cascade reservoir operation considering ice flood control and power generation

Jianxia Chang et al.


Article Engineering, Civil

Application of ANN, Fuzzy Logic and Decision Tree Algorithms for the Development of Reservoir Operating Rules

A. R. Senthil Kumar et al.


Article Engineering, Civil

Multi-reservoir Operation Rules: Multi-swarm PSO-based Optimization Approach

Leila Ostadrahimi et al.