4.7 Article

Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Evolution and Simulation of Dike-Pond Landscape and Ecosystem Service Value Based on MCE-CA-Markov: A Case Study of Shunde, Foshan


Article Environmental Sciences

Responses of flood peaks to land use and landscape patterns under extreme rainstorms in small catchments - A case study of the rainstorm of Typhoon Lekima in Shandong, China

Yuanhao Liu et al.

Summary: This study investigated the responses of flood peaks to land use landscape patterns in small catchments. The results showed correlations between flood peak modulus and landscape indices, as well as the sensitivity of small catchments to floods. The findings provide support for disaster prevention and land use planning.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Evaluation and optimization of ecosystem services under different land use scenarios in a semiarid landscape mosaic

Jiaqi Qiu et al.

Summary: This study used a model to simulate land use changes in Inner Mongolia and investigated the impacts of vegetation recovery and the grain for grass program on ecosystem services. The results showed that vegetation recovery increased some ecosystem services, while the grain for grass program came at the expense of other services.


Article Ecology

Dynamic simulation patterns and spatiotemporal analysis of land-use/land-cover changes in the Wuhan metropolitan area, China

Quan Wang et al.

Summary: With rapid urbanization and industrialization, the Wuhan metropolitan area is facing challenges in land-use conversion, making it important to scientifically measure LULC dynamics and explore spatiotemporal evolution characteristics. Simulation results from the model suggest that the future land-use pattern in the Wuhan metropolitan area will undergo significant changes, primarily due to the decrease in arable land and woodland areas.


Article Environmental Sciences

Temporal and spatial analysis of the ecosystem service values in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of China based on land use change

Xu Zhao et al.

Summary: Research investigated the changes in ecosystem service value (ESV) in the Three Gorges Reservoir area over the past 18 years, showing an increase of 2.7 billion yuan due to the expansion of forestland and water area. The conversion of cropland to forestland had the largest contribution rate to the increase in ESV.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Growing-season vegetation coverage patterns and driving factors in the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor based on Google Earth Engine and geographic detector

Jie Li et al.

Summary: This study quantitatively analyzed the vegetation dynamics and influencing factors in the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) area from 2001 to 2020, revealing an increasing trend in vegetation coverage. The increase in artificial crops offset the decrease in natural vegetation, driving the overall greening trend.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Changes in habitat quality of nature reserves in depopulating areas due to anthropogenic pressure: Evidence from Northeast China, 2000-2018

Hui Wu et al.

Summary: The increasing human impact on the global environment has led to biodiversity decline and species extinction. This research focuses on nature reserves in depopulating areas, particularly in Northeast China, and explores the correlation between anthropogenic pressure and habitat quality. The study finds that the anthropogenic pressure within nature reserves in Northeast China has been greatly eased and habitat quality has improved. However, the vegetation aggregation index shows a downward trend. The research also suggests recommendations for improving conservation effectiveness in these nature reserves.


Article Forestry

Marginal imprint of human land use upon fire history in a mire-dominated boreal landscape of the Veps Highland, North-West Russia

I. Drobyshev et al.

Summary: Dendrochronological reconstructions provide insights into historical climate-fire-human interactions and help calibrate future fire hazard projections. This study presents a 420-year long fire reconstruction in the Veps Nature Park, North-West Russia, which showcases varying fire cycles over different periods and a regional fire cycle of approximately 1300 years in modern times. The findings highlight the significance of seasonal differences in fire activity and suggest that the fire regime in the Veps Highland remained largely natural until the 20th century.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Research on the spatiotemporal evolution of land use landscape pattern in a county area based on CA-Markov model

Fei Fu et al.

Summary: The study of landscape pattern of land use is of great practical significance for land use planning and the construction of ecological cities. In this study, the CAMarkov model was used to simulate and predict the land use landscape pattern of Mianzhu City, and the spatiotemporal changes and evolution characteristics from 2008 to 2026 were analyzed. The findings show that construction and water areas have significantly increased over time, while forest and farmland still account for a large proportion of the total area. The predicted indexes indicate a significant decrease in fragmentation and an increase in agglomeration, diversity, and uniformity of the landscape pattern.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Spatial change and scale dependence of built-up land expansion and landscape pattern evolution-Case study of affected area of the lower Yellow River

Dan Yang et al.

Summary: Land use change is crucial for human well-being, but the disorderly expansion of built-up land poses a threat to landscape pattern stability. This study analyzed the expansion mode and landscape pattern of built-up land in the affected area of the Lower Yellow River. The findings showed that infilling has been the dominant expansion mode, and rapid expansion has led to significant spatial differences in landscape fragmentation and agglomeration. The dependence between built-up land expansion and landscape pattern increases with scale.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Establishing coordinated development index of urbanization based on multi-source data: A case study of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China

Chuncheng Song et al.

Summary: This study constructs a comprehensive evaluation indicator system for the coordinated development of urbanization and evaluates the level of urbanization coordination in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The results show a gradual increase in the coordination development level of urbanization in the area, with slight variations at different scales.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

The response of ecosystem service value to land use change in the middle and lower Yellow River: A case study of the Henan section

Pengfei Guo et al.

Summary: The Henan section of the middle and lower Yellow River plays a crucial role in the economy and ecology of the Central Plains. The rapid urbanization in this area has led to significant land use changes, posing a serious threat to the ecosystem. Through spatial-temporal analysis, it was found that land type conversions, particularly from cultivated land to construction land, had the largest impact on the ecosystem service value (ESV). Decision-makers should recognize this impact and restructure land use, with a focus on developing ecological lands, to promote sustainable development in the Yellow River basin.


Article Ecology

Impact of LUCC on landscape pattern in the Yangtze River Basin during 2001-2019

Hongfei Yang et al.

Summary: This study evaluates the impacts of land use/land cover change (LUCC) on landscape pattern in the Yangtze River Basin from 2001 to 2019. The results show that the main LUCC in the basin during this period includes an increase in forest, wetland, and urban areas, while grassland and cropland are decreasing. The landscape pattern analysis reveals that grassland occupies an important position in the overall landscape structure, with forest, grassland, and urban landscapes exhibiting greater fragmentation.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Impact of land-use/land-cover and landscape pattern on seasonal in-stream water quality in small watersheds

Fei Zhang et al.

Summary: The study revealed high concentrations of total phosphorus and total nitrogen in the middle and lower reaches of the Jing River Watershed, with noticeable spatial variations in water quality. Intense human activities have exacerbated water quality deterioration in this area, while changes in land use types and landscape metrics have notable impacts on seasonal water quality. Key landscape metrics such as patch cohesion index, patch density, and interspersion juxtaposition index were found to be critical factors in predicting water-quality changes at the small-watershed scale.


Article Ecology

Spatiotemporal dynamics and evolution relationships between land-use/ land cover change and landscape pattern in response to rapid urban sprawl process: A case study in Wuhan, China

Quan Wang et al.

Summary: This study explores the impact of urban sprawl on land use and landscape patterns, and predicts future developments through simulation. The results show that during rapid urban sprawl, the area of water, urban land, and other construction land will increase, while the area of forest land and unused land will decrease. The landscape pattern will also undergo significant changes.


Article Environmental Sciences

Analyzing land use and land cover change patterns and population dynamics of fast-growing US cities: Evidence from Collin County, Texas

Bo Zhang et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the patterns of land use and land cover change and population dynamics in Collin County, Texas, and found that the conversion of field lands to built-up land covers is the primary form of land use change in the region. Additionally, the analysis using ordinary least squares and geographically weighted regression showed that population change can explain 75.15% of the change in built-up area.


Article Remote Sensing

A hybrid spatiotemporal convolution-based cellular automata model (ST-CA) for land-use/cover change simulation

Jiachen Geng et al.

Summary: This study proposed a hybrid spatiotemporal convolution-based cellular automata model for accurate land-use/cover change simulation. By incorporating a 3D convolutional neural network, the model effectively captured the nonlinear spatiotemporal properties and improved the simulation accuracy.


Article Environmental Studies

Urban expansion simulation under constraint of multiple ecosystem services (MESs) based on cellular automata (CA)-Markov model: Scenario analysis and policy implications

Yan Zhang et al.

Summary: The study implemented an ecologically constrained urban expansion simulation model in Wuhan, China, based on an ordered weighted averaging operator aggregating multiple ecosystem services. Results indicate that incorporating constraints from ecosystem services is beneficial for ecological conservation, but excessive constraint intensity may lead to unintended consequences such as excessive loss of farmland and irregular urban patterns. A relatively softer constraint strategy was considered optimal for a win-win scenario between urban expansion and ecological conservation.


Article Plant Sciences

Analyzing the impact of changing landscape pattern and dynamics on land surface temperature in Lucknow city, India

Anugya Shukla et al.

Summary: The study explores the impact of urban heat island on urban residents' livelihood and how changing landscape patterns and dynamics affect land surface temperature. Through analyzing the distribution of green space and impervious surfaces, as well as the city's environmental health condition, the study identifies the driving factors behind the development of urban heat island phenomenon.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Quantitative evaluation of ecological cumulative effect in mining area using a pixel-based time series model of ecosystem service value

Jing Li et al.

Summary: This study proposed a pixel-based time series model of ecosystem service value (ESV) to quantify the ecological cumulative effect (ECE) in mining areas, revealing its spatial distribution, heterogeneity and dynamic process. The model showed reliable performance in reflecting the spatio-temporal changes of ECE and achieved dynamic evaluation in the time dimension.


Article Ecology

Mixed-cell cellular automata: A new approach for simulating the spatio-temporal dynamics of mixed land use structures

Xun Liang et al.

Summary: The study introduces a new mixed cell CA (MCCA) for simulating land use change with mixed cells, which is fundamentally different from conventional CAs. The MCCA redesigns the CA structure based on cover proportions, utilizes random-forest regression to construct transition rules, proposes a competition mechanism among land use types, and introduces a mixed-cell accuracy measure (mcFoM) for validation. Applied in Wuhan, China, the MCCA successfully simulates subtle changes in land use proportions, representing a new approach for dynamic simulation of mixed land use structures.


Article Environmental Sciences

Impact of landscape pattern changes on hydrological ecosystem services in the Beressa watershed of the Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia

Hamere Yohannes et al.

Summary: The study evaluated the response of hydrological ecosystem services to structural landscape changes, revealing significant changes in water yield and sediment export over time. Landscape factors such as farmland and plantations were found to be key influencers on HES degradation in the area studied.


Article Environmental Sciences

Characterizing the impact of Land-Use/Land-Cover changes on a Temperate Forest using the Markov model

Jesus S. Ibarra-Bonilla et al.

Summary: This study assessed the Land-Use/Land-Cover changes in a disturbed temperate forest basin of northern Mexico during the period 1990-2019, using the Markov Chains model. Results showed anthropogenic activities as the main driver causing changes on the ecosystem. Projections for 2048 indicate processes of degradation and deforestation will continue, with increases in coverage for open lands, deciduous forest, and secondary forest.


Article Environmental Sciences

Revegetation projects significantly improved ecosystem service values in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China in recent 20 years

Mengzhu Liu et al.

Summary: Revegetation projects in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China have led to significant changes in land use and ecosystem service values, with forestland expansion and grassland shrinkage dominating the landscape changes. Future revegetation projects have the potential to generate more forestland and increase ecosystem service values in the region.


Review Biodiversity Conservation

Identification and scenario prediction of degree of wetland damage in Guangxi based on the CA-Markov model

Ze Zhang et al.

Summary: The study found that the total area of wetlands in Guangxi has decreased over the past 30 years, with paddy fields accounting for the largest proportion. The degree of wetland damage is severe, with key driving factors including distance from cities and towns, average precipitation, and population density. Future development trends indicate that wetlands may experience stable, degraded, or increased states under different scenarios by 2035.


Article Environmental Sciences

Simulation and spatiotemporal evolution analysis of biocapacity in Xilingol based on CA-Markov land simulation

Hao Wang et al.

Summary: The study reveals that biocapacity is determined by land use type, yield, and equivalence factor. High values are mainly found in farmland areas of the south and meadow grasslands, hills, mountains, and hidden forests of the east. The regional biocapacity increased by 1.67% from 2000 to 2020, and it is expected to continue to increase by 0.70% from 2020 to 2030.


Article Environmental Sciences

Integrating machine learning with Markov chain and cellular automata models for modelling urban land use change

Onuwa Okwuashi et al.

Summary: This study integrates support vector machine, Markov chain, and cellular automata for urban change modeling with high accuracy in predicting future urban states based on Landsat data over Lagos, Nigeria. By mining the impact of explanatory variables and urban transition probabilities, the model successfully simulates urban dynamics and minimizes weaknesses of traditional cellular automata models. The robustness of this integrated approach is demonstrated through the substantial fit between predicted and reference data.


Article Environmental Studies

A holistic approach to land system dynamics - The Monfurado case in Alentejo, Portugal

Catarina Esgalhado et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Landscape Conservation Planning to Sustain Ecosystem Services under Climate Change

Yu-Pin Lin et al.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Spatiotemporal dynamic simulation of land-use and landscape-pattern in the Pearl River Delta, China

Mengyu Jiao et al.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Spatio-temporal changes in ecosystem service value in response to land-use/cover changes in the Pearl River Delta

Mengmeng Hu et al.


Article Construction & Building Technology

A modeling approach to path dependent and non-path dependent urban allocation in a rapidly growing region

Reza Arasteh et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Deriving suitability factors for CA-Markov land use simulation model based on local historical data

Xin Fu et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

China's urbanization in 1949-2015: Processes and driving forces

Gu Chaolin et al.


Article Environmental Studies

Second homes and urban landscape patterns in Mediterranean coastal tourism destinations

Maria Trinitat Rovira Soto et al.


Article Ecology

Changes in landscape spatial pattern in the highly developing state of Selangor, peninsular Malaysia

Saiful Arif Abdullah et al.


Article Ecology

Useful techniques of validation for spatially explicit land-change models

RG Pontius et al.