4.7 Article

Transmission of B.1.617.2 Delta variant between vaccinated healthcare workers


Article Immunology

The Removal of Airborne Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Other Microbial Bioaerosols by Air Filtration on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Surge Units

Andrew Conway Morris et al.

Summary: Before the activation of HEPA-air filtration, airborne SARS-CoV-2 was detected in a COVID-19 ward, but not during filter operation; however, it was found again after filter deactivation. Airborne SARS-CoV-2 was rarely detected in a COVID-19 intensive care unit, and bioaerosol was effectively filtered.


Article Infectious Diseases

Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK: a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study

Anika Singanayagam et al.

Summary: Vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and accelerates viral clearance. However, fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections may still have similar peak viral loads as unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit the infection.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Altered TMPRSS2 usage by SARS-CoV-2 Omicron impacts infectivity and fusogenicity

Bo Meng et al.

Summary: The Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 has a higher affinity for ACE2 and can evade neutralizing antibodies more effectively compared to the Delta variant. A third dose of mRNA vaccine can provide enhanced protection. Omicron has lower replication in lung and gut cells and less efficiently cleaves its spike protein compared to Delta.

NATURE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Rapid epidemic expansion of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in southern Africa

Raquel Viana et al.

Summary: The SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in southern Africa has experienced three distinct waves, driven by different variants. The recently identified Omicron variant has rapidly spread in South Africa and to numerous countries, raising global concern.

NATURE (2022)

Article Medicine, General & Internal

Effectiveness of mRNA vaccines and waning of protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe covid-19 during predominant circulation of the delta variant in Italy: retrospective cohort study

Massimo Fabiani et al.

Summary: This study suggests that vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection significantly decreased from 82% at 3-4 weeks after the second dose to 33% at 27-30 weeks after the second dose during the epidemic phase when the delta variant was predominant. Similarly, vaccine effectiveness against severe COVID-19 also decreased, albeit to a lesser extent, from 96% to 80% during the same time intervals. High risk individuals, those aged >= 80 years, and those aged 60-79 years did not seem to be protected against infection at 27-30 weeks after the second dose of vaccine.


Article Microbiology

HIV-1 Evolutionary Dynamics under Nonsuppressive Antiretroviral Therapy

Steven A. Kemp et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the whole-genome sequences of chronically infected HIV-1-positive individuals failing 2nd-line regimens under non-suppressive antiretroviral therapy. The findings revealed dramatic changes in virus population structure and highlighted viral diversification, recombination, and haplotype competition during non-suppressive ART.
Article Immunology

Nosocomial Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Retrospective Study of 66 Hospital-acquired Cases in a London Teaching Hospital

Hannah M. Rickman et al.

Summary: COVID-19 can lead to deadly healthcare-associated outbreaks, with 15% of inpatients in a major London teaching hospital being confirmed or probable hospital-acquired cases. Despite a 36% case fatality rate, nosocomial infection rates decreased after comprehensive infection prevention and control measures were implemented.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Transmission event of SARS-CoV-2 delta variant reveals multiple vaccine breakthrough infections

Timothy Farinholt et al.

Summary: This study identified a cluster of 6 vaccinated patients infected with the delta variant, suggesting immune evasion in patients who received the Pfizer BNT162b2, Moderna mRNA-1273, and Covaxin BBV152 vaccines. The delta variant may pose the highest risk among currently circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants, with increased transmissibility over the alpha variant and potential vaccine breakthrough.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Effectiveness of mRNA BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine up to 6 months in a large integrated health system in the USA: a retrospective cohort study

Sara Y. Tartof et al.

Summary: This study aimed to assess the overall and variant-specific effectiveness of the BNT162b2 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19-related hospital admissions among members of a healthcare system in California. The effectiveness of the vaccine remained high against hospital admissions even up to 6 months after full vaccination, despite a decline in effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infections over time, which was likely due to waning immunity rather than the delta variant escaping vaccine protection.

LANCET (2021)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in Qatar

Patrick Tang et al.

Summary: mRNA COVID-19 vaccines demonstrate high effectiveness in preventing severe outcomes and death caused by the Delta variant in Qatar, despite lower effectiveness at blocking infection.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Viral loads of Delta-variant SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections after vaccination and booster with BNT162b2

Matan Levine-Tiefenbrun et al.

Summary: The study found that the effectiveness of the BNT162b2 vaccine in reducing viral loads of breakthrough infections decreases over time. However, this reduction in viral load can be restored by receiving a third vaccine dose.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Effect of Delta variant on viral burden and vaccine effectiveness against new SARS-CoV-2 infections in the UK

Koen B. Pouwels et al.

Summary: A large, community-based study in the United Kingdom indicates that the effectiveness of BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infections with symptoms or high viral burden is reduced with the Delta variant compared to the Alpha variant. Although the effectiveness of two doses is at least as great as protection afforded by prior natural infection, there are significant differences in the dynamics of immunity after the second dose between BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 to mRNA vaccine-elicited antibodies

Dami A. Collier et al.

Summary: The B.1.1.7 variant of SARS-CoV-2 exhibited reduced neutralization by vaccines and antibodies from recovered COVID-19 patients, with a more substantial loss seen when introducing the E484K mutation. This mutation poses a threat to the efficacy of the BNT162b2 vaccine.

NATURE (2021)

Article Medicine, General & Internal

BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Mass Vaccination Setting

Noa Dagan et al.

Summary: A study conducted in Israel on nearly 600,000 individuals showed that the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine was effective in reducing the risk of infection, hospitalization, and severe Covid-19. The effectiveness in preventing death was 72% during the period from day 14 through day 20 after the first dose, and hospitalization was reduced by 87% for the period 7 or more days after the second dose, similar to results from a randomized trial.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Genomic characterization and epidemiology of an emerging SARS-CoV-2 variant in Delhi, India

Mahesh S. Dhar et al.

Summary: Delhi experienced multiple severe outbreaks in 2020, reaching a seropositivity rate of >50% by 2021. The Delta variant's high transmissibility and immune evasion led to a surge in cases in Delhi.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Biology

Efficacy of FFP3 respirators for prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers

Mark Ferris et al.

Summary: This study analyzed infection rates among healthcare workers (HCWs) working on 'red' (COVID-19) and 'green' (non-COVID-19) wards in the UK during the second wave of the pandemic, before and after substituting filtering face piece 3 (FFP3) respirators for fluid-resistant surgical masks (FRSMs). The results showed that HCWs on red wards faced a significantly higher risk of direct, ward-based infection while using FRSMs, but this risk was significantly reduced after switching to FFP3 respirators, providing 52-100% protection.
Letter Infectious Diseases

Applying prospective genomic surveillance to support investigation of hospital-onset COVID-19

William L. Hamilton et al.


Article Psychology, Biological

A global database of COVID-19 vaccinations

Edouard Mathieu et al.

Summary: An effective rollout of COVID-19 vaccines is crucial in ending the pandemic, and Our World in Data's vaccination dataset tracks the progress and scale of vaccine distribution globally, aiding policymakers and researchers in understanding the global vaccination efforts.


Letter Infectious Diseases

Genomic survey of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine breakthrough infections in healthcare workers from Kerala, India

J. Beena Philomina et al.


Article Immunology

SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617 Mutations L452R and E484Q Are Not Synergistic for Antibody Evasion

Isabella A. T. M. Ferreira et al.

Summary: The SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617 variant from India with key mutations L452R and E484Q shows reduced sensitivity to neutralizing antibodies elicited by the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine, similar to the effect of L452R or E484Q mutations alone.


Article Infectious Diseases

Vaccine effectiveness of the first dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and BNT162b2 against SARS-CoV-2 infection in residents of long-term care facilities in England (VIVALDI): a prospective cohort study

Madhumita Shrotri et al.

Summary: Single-dose vaccination with BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 vaccines provides substantial protection against infection in older adults from 4-7 weeks after vaccination and might reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission. However, the risk of infection is not eliminated, highlighting the ongoing need for non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent transmission in long-term care facilities.


Article Biology

Superspreaders drive the largest outbreaks of hospital onset COVID-19 infections

Christopher J. R. Illingworth et al.

Summary: The study revealed an uneven pattern of transmission between individuals, with patients more likely to be infected by other patients. The data also showed a pattern of superspreading, where 21% of individuals caused 80% of transmission events.
Article Biology

Rapid feedback on hospital onset SARS-CoV-2 infections combining epidemiological and sequencing data

Oliver Stirrup et al.

Summary: The study developed a novel statistical method and sequence reporting tool (SRT) that integrates epidemiological and sequence data to rapidly assess the probability of HCAI among HOCI cases, providing useful feedback for infection prevention and control teams. Compared to traditional phylogenetic methods, this approach may be more effective in understanding potential transmission clusters of SARS-CoV-2.
Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 Delta variant replication and immune evasion

Petra Mlcochova et al.

Summary: The B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant of SARS-CoV-2 has lower sensitivity to antibodies and higher replication efficiency compared to other lineages, which may contribute to its dominance and reduced vaccine effectiveness, highlighting the need for continued infection control measures post-vaccination.

NATURE (2021)

Article Health Care Sciences & Services

Decreased infectivity following BNT162b2 vaccination: A prospective cohort study in Israel

Gili Regev-Yochay et al.

Summary: The study found that the BNT162b2 vaccine is moderately to highly effective in reducing infectivity by preventing infection and reducing viral shedding.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia

Qun Li et al.


Article Management

Work stress among Chinese nurses to support Wuhan in fighting against COVID-19 epidemic

Yuanyuan Mo et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19

Xi He et al.


Article Microbiology

A dynamic nomenclature proposal for SARS-CoV-2 lineages to assist genomic epidemiology

Andrew Rambaut et al.


Editorial Material Medicine, General & Internal

Hospital-Acquired SARS-CoV-2 Infection Lessons for Public Health

Aaron Richterman et al.


Article Genetics & Heredity

SNP-sites: rapid efficient extraction of SNPs from multi-FASTA alignments

Andrew J. Page et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

MAFFT Multiple Sequence Alignment Software Version 7: Improvements in Performance and Usability

Kazutaka Katoh et al.