4.7 Editorial Material

Rhythmic Spatial Self-Organization of Bacterial Colonies


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A segmentation clock patterns cellular differentiation in a bacterial biofilm

Kwang-Tao Chou et al.

Summary: This study reveals a ring-like pattern in gene expression underlying the nitrogen stress response of a developing Bacillus subtilis biofilm. Mathematical modeling and experiments show that this pattern is generated by a clock and wavefront mechanism. The study also confirms that this mechanism is driven by cell-autonomous oscillations and is responsible for spatial patterning of sporulation within the biofilm.
Article Ecology

Rare and localized events stabilize microbial community composition and patterns of spatial self-organization in a fluctuating environment

Davide Ciccarese et al.

Summary: This study explores the growth and spatial self-organization of microbial co-cultures and reveals the emergence of rare and highly localized clusters, referred to as spatial jackpot events, that help stabilize the composition of the microbial community under fluctuating environmental conditions. A mechanistic agent-based mathematical model is used to understand the underlying mechanisms for the formation of these spatial jackpot events.


Review Microbiology

Gradients and consequences of heterogeneity in biofilms

Jean Young Jo et al.

Summary: The appreciation for resource gradients in biology, especially in microbiology, has gained widespread recognition in recent years. These gradients influence the physiological differentiation and ecological roles of microbial assemblages, highlighting their importance in understanding microbial behavior and applications.


Article Microbiology

Light/Dark and Temperature Cycling Modulate Metabolic Electron Flow in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms

Lisa Juliane Kahl et al.

Summary: Organisms that do not obtain energy from light can be affected by daily changes in light exposure. This study found that light/dark and temperature cycling have lasting effects on redox metabolism in biofilms formed by a nonphototrophic, pathogenic bacterium.
Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A circadian clock in a nonphotosynthetic prokaryote

Zheng Eelderink-Chen et al.

Summary: Circadian clocks are widespread in nature, but have been surprisingly unexplored in nonphotosynthetic bacteria. Studies on Bacillus subtilis have shown that these bacteria exhibit properties similar to canonical circadian clocks, suggesting potential applications in biomedicine, ecology, and industrial processes.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Phenazine production promotes antibiotic tolerance and metabolic heterogeneity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

Konstanze T. Schiessl et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Photosensing and quorum sensing are integrated to control Pseudomonas aeruginosa collective behaviors

Sampriti Mukherjee et al.


Review Biology

Are There Circadian Clocks in Non-Photosynthetic Bacteria?

Francesca Sartor et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Human Gut Bacteria Are Sensitive to Melatonin and Express Endogenous Circadian Rhythmicity

Jiffin K. Paulose et al.

PLOS ONE (2016)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Cycles of light and dark co-ordinate reversible colony differentiation in Listeria monocytogenes

Teresa Tiensuu et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Peroxiredoxins are conserved markers of circadian rhythms

Rachel S. Edgar et al.

NATURE (2012)

Review Microbiology

A field guide to bacterial swarming motility

Daniel B. Kearns