4.1 Article

Global caregiver concerns of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in children with cancer: a cross-sectional mixed-methods study


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Evaluation of the BNT162b2 Covid-19 Vaccine in Children 5 to 11 Years of Age

E. B. Walter et al.

Summary: A regimen of two 10-mu g doses of BNT162b2 administered 21 days apart was found to be safe, immunogenic, and efficacious in children aged 5 to 11 years.


Article Oncology

SARS-CoV-2 vaccine acceptability among caregivers of childhood cancer survivors

Courtney E. Wimberly et al.

Summary: The study aimed to investigate the willingness/hesitancy of caregivers of childhood cancer survivors (CCS) to vaccinate themselves and their children against COVID-19. Results showed that 21% of caregivers hesitated to vaccinate themselves and 29% hesitated to vaccinate their CCS, with concerns related to the speed of COVID-19 vaccine development and inadequate safety/efficacy data in children and CCS. The findings emphasize the importance of vaccination education and timely dissemination of relevant information among highly engaged families within the medical community.


Article Psychology, Developmental

Parents' Experiences of Childhood Cancer During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Australian Perspective

Jenny Davies et al.

Summary: This study explored the experiences of parents of children receiving treatment for cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings revealed both positive and negative impacts of the pandemic on parents' experiences. For children with neutropenia, the pandemic brought benefits in terms of increased community understanding of infection control. However, it also intensified feelings of isolation for parents and reduced access to support services.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among low-income, racially and ethnically diverse US parents

Samantha Schilling et al.

Summary: This study examined the factors influencing U.S. parents' intention to vaccinate their children against COVID-19. The results showed that many parents were hesitant about vaccinating their children, primarily due to concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, as well as the milder illness severity in children.


Article Oncology

The national COVID-19 vaccination campaign targeting the extremely vulnerable: the Florence Medical Oncology Unit experience in patients with cancer

Maria S. Pino et al.

Summary: This study assessed the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines in 623 cancer patients. The results showed that the vaccines did not raise any specific safety concerns and supported the prioritization of vaccination for cancer patients.


Article Oncology

COVID-19 and children with cancer: Parents' experiences, anxieties and support needs

Anne-Sophie E. Darlington et al.

Summary: This study explored the experiences and decision-making of parents with a child with cancer in response to the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. The majority of parents were worried about SARS-CoV-2 and transmitting the virus to their child, with hospitals no longer perceived as safe places. Parents described fear, anxiety, and the psychological, social, and economic impact of isolation.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Promoting COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: recommendations from the Lancet Commission on Vaccine Refusal, Acceptance, and Demand in the USA

Saad B. Omer et al.

Summary: COVID-19 has had a significant impact on American society and economy. Although vaccines are the most effective way to control the pandemic, a sizable minority of US residents are unwilling to get vaccinated, leading to sustained community transmission and prolonging the effects of the pandemic. To improve vaccination rates and success, a coordinated, evidence-based strategy for education, communication, and behavioral interventions is necessary.

LANCET (2021)

Article Oncology

Global characteristics and outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents with cancer (GRCCC): a cohort study

Sheena Mukkada et al.

Summary: The study found that around one fifth of children and adolescents with cancer infected with SARS-CoV-2 developed severe or critical illness, with a higher death rate than in the general pediatric population. Factors associated with treatment modification were different from those associated with disease severity, highlighting the need to raise global awareness of the high risk of severe COVID-19 illness in children and adolescents with cancer. These findings could inform clinical guidelines and improve care practices for this vulnerable population.


Article Oncology

SARS-CoV-2 vaccines for cancer patients: a call to action

Chiara Corti et al.

Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected over 96 million people globally, with cancer patients at a higher risk of severe illness. Efforts to develop effective vaccines are crucial, but cancer patients may be underrepresented in clinical trials. Real-time data on vaccine recipients, including cancer patients, is needed to ensure safety and efficacy. Prioritizing vaccinations for cancer patients and implementing pharmacovigilance registries are important steps in attenuating the consequences of the pandemic for this vulnerable population.


Editorial Material Oncology

COVID-19 vaccination in pediatric cancer patients: A high priority

Yashika Charla et al.


Article Oncology

Impacts of COVID-19 on caregivers of childhood cancer survivors

Courtney E. Wimberly et al.

Summary: Caregivers of childhood cancer survivors are experiencing changes to medical care, financial disruptions, and emotional distress due to COVID-19. Caregivers who express confidence in the government response to COVID-19 report less disruption to daily life, decreased feelings of depression and anxiety, better sleep, and greater hopefulness.


Article Pediatrics

SARS-CoV-2 vaccine testing and trials in the pediatric population: biologic, ethical, research, and implementation challenges

Dan M. Cooper et al.

Summary: There are key challenges to address in implementing pediatric SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, including understanding the impact of immune system maturation on vaccine effectiveness, the rationale for vaccines in children, ethical concerns, specific needs of children with developmental disorders and chronic conditions, health inequities, and vaccine hesitancy. Careful consideration of the risk-benefit of a pediatric SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is necessary due to the milder symptoms of COVID-19 in children. Efforts must also be made to address health equity issues and general vaccine hesitancy in pediatric populations.


Article Pediatrics

Global effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric cancer care: a cross-sectional study

Dylan Graetz et al.

Summary: A global survey revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted pediatric oncology services worldwide, causing major disruptions in cancer diagnosis and management, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries.


Article Environmental Sciences

Caregiver Willingness to Vaccinate Their Children against COVID-19 after Adult Vaccine Approval

Ran D. Goldman et al.

Summary: Despite vaccine approval for adults, fewer caregivers planned to vaccinate their children against COVID-19 compared to what was reported at the peak of the pandemic. The most significant positive predictor of willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19 was if the child was vaccinated per recommended local schedules. Older caregivers who fully vaccinated their children were more likely to adopt vaccinating children, which could inform target strategy design to implement adherence to a vaccination campaign.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Individual and social determinants of COVID-19 vaccine uptake

K. Viswanath et al.

Summary: Our study identified race/ethnicity, risk perceptions, exposure to different media for COVID-19 news, party identification and confidence in scientists as factors that would be affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake. The good news is that these are addressable through strategic public health communications, but a lot of work remains to be done with some urgency.


Article Pediatrics

Illness duration and symptom profile in symptomatic UK school-aged children tested for SARS-CoV-2

Erika Molteni et al.

Summary: Most school-aged children in the UK with SARS-CoV-2 infection are asymptomatic or experience mild illness, with longer duration and higher symptom burden observed in older children. Persistence of illness is more common in older children, but symptom burden does not increase over time and most recover within 56 days. Children who test negative for SARS-CoV-2 may also experience prolonged illness with higher symptom burden.


Article Oncology

Value of influenza vaccines in cancer patients during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: a cross-sectional study

Mozaffar Aznab et al.

Summary: This study investigated the value of influenza vaccination in cancer patients, finding that only two patients experienced adverse effects, while the majority did not show any side effects after one month of follow-up. It is recommended that cancer patients receive the flu vaccine annually during the pandemic and flu epidemic season to reduce mortality risk.


Article Immunology

Attitudes of Patients with Cancer towards Vaccinations-Results of Online Survey with Special Focus on the Vaccination against COVID-19

Anna Brodziak et al.

Summary: Most Polish cancer patients have a positive attitude towards COVID-19 vaccination, but express concerns about safety, effectiveness, and the development process of the vaccine. Key factors influencing willingness to vaccinate include education level, marital status, and positive attitude towards vaccinations.


Article Oncology

SARS-CoV-2 in children with cancer in Brazil: Results of a multicenter national registry

Mariana Cristina M. Corso et al.

Summary: This study indicates that COVID-19 infection has a significant impact on pediatric cancer patients, with lower BMI associated with worse prognosis. The severity of presentation at diagnosis is closely related to treatment outcomes.


Editorial Material Medicine, General & Internal

Covid-19 vaccination hesitancy

Mohammad S. Razai et al.


Article Health Care Sciences & Services

Vaccine Enthusiasm and Hesitancy in Cancer Patients and the Impact of a Webinar

Amar H. Kelkar et al.

Summary: Clinical oncologists can influence cancer patients' attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination, and positive communication about vaccines can increase enthusiasm for vaccination.


Review Microbiology

Vaccine Safety: Myths and Misinformation

Sarah Geoghegan et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Psychological distress in parents of children treated for cancer: An explorative study

Tommy Carlsson et al.

PLOS ONE (2019)

Article Pediatrics

Countering Vaccine Hesitancy

Kathryn M. Edwards et al.


Review Immunology

Vaccination of special populations: Protecting the vulnerable

Mark Doherty et al.

VACCINE (2016)