4.6 Article

Rotation-induced granular motion on the secondary component of binary asteroids: Application to the DART impact on Dimorphos


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Non-principal axis rotation in binary asteroid systems and how it weakens the BYORP effect

Alice C. Quillen et al.

Summary: In this study, we used viscoelastic mass/spring model simulations to investigate the tidal evolution and migration of compact binary asteroid systems. Our results showed that the non-principal axis rotation in the secondary can be long-lived after it is captured into a spin-synchronous state. Furthermore, the inward orbital semi-major axis migration can resonantly excite non-principal axis rotation.

ICARUS (2022)

Article Engineering, Mechanical

Influence of the projectile geometry on the momentum transfer from a kinetic impactor and implications for the DART mission

S. D. Raducan et al.

Summary: This study investigates the effects of different simple projectile geometries on the outcome of the DART impact. The results show that these geometries have minimal effects on the crater morphology and momentum enhancement, but have more noticeable effects on the ejection velocity.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Investigating the effects of density and spin period on surface slopes of asteroids

Hannah C. M. Susorney et al.

Summary: The internal density of C-type rubble-pile asteroids Bennu and Ryugu was found to be lower than that of the previously explored S-type rubble pile Itokawa, which suggests that low-density asteroids may have more evidence of downslope motion. Additionally, irregularly shaped asteroids appear to be more sensitive to changes in spin period.

ICARUS (2022)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Propagation and attenuation of pulses driven by low velocity normal impacts in granular media

A. C. Quillen et al.

Summary: In this study, we conducted low velocity normal impacts on granular materials and found that the longitudinal pulses excited by impact attenuate and spread as they travel away from the impact site. Using a model, we estimated the relationship between pulse properties and travel distance from the impact site, and observed a decay in peak pressure, velocity, and seismic energy as distance increases. Our experimental results support a seismic jolt model and we applied our model to estimate the physical properties of the seismic pulse generated by the upcoming mission impact on the asteroid Dimorphos.

ICARUS (2022)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Predictions for the Dynamical States of the Didymos System before and after the Planned DART Impact

Derek C. Richardson et al.

Summary: NASA's DART spacecraft is planned to impact the natural satellite of Didymos to test kinetic impactor technology and measure momentum transfer enhancement factor beta. Earth-based observations, LICIACube spacecraft, and ESA's Hera mission will provide additional observations and characterizations. After the impact, the dynamical state of the system will change, including a reduction in orbital period, an orbital tilt, enhanced libration of Dimorphos, and possible moon rotation.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Model of Double Asteroid Redirection Test Impact Ejecta Plume Observations

Andrew F. Cheng et al.

Summary: The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft will impact the moon Dimorphos of the Didymos binary in order to demonstrate asteroid deflection by a kinetic impactor. DART will measure the deflection by using ground-based telescopic observations of the orbital period change of Didymos and will carry the LICIACube cubesat, which will perform a flyby of Didymos and obtain images of the DART impact ejecta plume. This study develops a model for the optical depth of the impact ejecta plume and applies it to LICIACube plume images to determine the mass versus velocity distribution, effectively improving the determination of DART impact momentum transfer.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): Mutual Orbital Period Change Due to Reshaping in the Near-Earth Binary Asteroid System (65803) Didymos

Ryota Nakano et al.

Summary: The Double Asteroid Redirection Test is the first mission to demonstrate the kinetic deflection technique for planetary defense. By colliding with the asteroid Dimorphos, the spacecraft will cause changes in its orbital period and shape. The orbital period change caused by reshaping can be constrained by observing changes in spin period, and further investigation will be conducted by the ESA's Hera mission.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

The ESA Hera Mission: Detailed Characterization of the DART Impact Outcome and of the Binary Asteroid (65803) Didymos

Patrick Michel et al.

Summary: Hera is a planetary defense mission developed by the European Space Agency, scheduled for launch in October 2024. It will rendezvous with the binary asteroid Didymos and its moon Dimorphos in December 2026. The mission aims to characterize the physical properties of Didymos and Dimorphos, measure the momentum transfer efficiency of the DART impact, and provide insights into asteroid science and the evolutionary history of our solar system.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Dynamical Evolution of the Didymos-Dimorphos Binary Asteroid as Rubble Piles following the DART Impact

Harrison F. Agrusa et al.

Summary: Previous studies modeled the Didymos system as rigid bodies, but this study finds that rubble-pile models produce similar results to rigid-body models under specific conditions. However, if Dimorphos has an irregular shape or a large beta value, the rubble-pile effects may become important.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Global-scale Reshaping and Resurfacing of Asteroids by Small-scale Impacts, with Applications to the DART and Hera Missions

Sabina D. D. Raducan et al.

Summary: This research presents a novel approach to directly simulate the entire cratering process resulting from impacts on small, weak asteroids using shock physics code calculations. The study finds that small-scale impacts can significantly deform weak asteroids and cause global resurfacing. Additionally, even low asteroid cohesions have a drastic influence on the impact outcome. If the target asteroid is homogeneous and weaker than a certain threshold, the impact may not result in a cratering event as originally anticipated, but instead change the global morphology of the asteroid. Future observations by the ESA's Hera mission will provide further insights into the evolution of small asteroid shapes and structures through subcatastrophic impacts.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Geologic Context of the OSIRIS-REx Sample Site from High-resolution Topography and Imaging

O. S. Barnouin et al.

Summary: This study explores the geology of the sample collection site on the asteroid Bennu by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, revealing the materials of varying brightnesses, compositions, and exposure ages that may be included in the sample.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

The excited spin state of Dimorphos resulting from the DART impact

Harrison F. Agrusa et al.

Summary: The DART mission is a planetary defense-driven test of a kinetic impactor on the satellite Dimorphos of the binary asteroid Didymos. Three independent methods were used to investigate the post-impact attitude stability of Dimorphos, showing that attitude instabilities are possible at resonance locations among specific frequencies.

ICARUS (2021)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

The effect of planetary flybys on singly synchronous binary asteroids

Alex J. Meyer et al.

Summary: The evolution of binary asteroid dynamics is not fully understood, with planetary encounters potentially affecting their dynamic evolution. Models and numerical analyses can be used to study the effects of planetary flybys on binary asteroid systems.

ICARUS (2021)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

The surface sensitivity of rubble-pile asteroids during a distant planetary encounter: Influence of asteroid shape elongation

Yaeji Kim et al.

Summary: The study shows that the elongation of an asteroid affects its surface sensitivity to tidal effects, with more elongated asteroids having higher slope variations, but this may not necessarily result in an increase of the total area with such variations.

ICARUS (2021)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

LICIACube - The Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids In support of the NASA DART mission towards asteroid (65803) Didymos

E. Dotto et al.

Summary: LICIACube, managed by the Italian Space Agency, is a CubeSat satellite that will participate in NASA's DART mission to document the impact effects on an asteroid, characterize its shape, and conduct scientific investigations. This deep space mission, autonomously managed by an Italian team, involves a wide Italian scientific community and engineering tasks supported by a strong synergy of all teams.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Libration-induced Orbit Period Variations Following the DART Impact

Alex J. Meyer et al.

Summary: The DART mission will test a kinetic impactor for planetary defense by colliding with the secondary asteroid Dimorphos in late 2022, causing changes in its orbit period and inducing libration. The coupled dynamics in binary asteroid systems mean that the libration of the secondary also leads to variations in its orbit period, driven by impact perturbations and the secondary's moments of inertia. These orbit period variations present challenges and opportunities for the mission, offering insights into the system's libration state and the impact of DART.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Barrel Instability in Binary Asteroids

Matija Cuk et al.

Summary: Most close-in planetary satellites are in synchronous rotation, but Saturn's moon Hyperion is chaotic. Irregularly shaped asteroidal secondaries can be in an intermediate rotational state. The binary's eccentricity, separation, and secondary's shape are important for determining the system's stability.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): Planetary Defense Investigations and Requirements

Andrew S. Rivkin et al.

Summary: The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) is a Planetary Defense mission aimed at demonstrating the kinetic impactor technique, with four level 1 requirements that must be met in order to declare mission success.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

The Onset of Chaos in Permanently Deformed Binaries from Spin-Orbit and Spin-Spin Coupling

Darryl Seligman et al.

Summary: This study investigates the complex rotational evolution of permanently deformed objects in binary systems, analyzing the effects of spin-orbit coupling and spin-spin interactions. By using a simplified model, the resonances and onset of chaos are determined, and the obliquity evolution is explored through an extended geometric theory. The criteria for resonance overlap in the context of chaotic rotational dynamics are applied to a specific binary system, suggesting potential exotic rotational states in small bodies in the Solar System.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Doubly synchronous binary asteroid mass parameter observability

Alex B. Davis et al.

ICARUS (2020)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

High-fidelity Modeling of Rotationally Fissioned Asteroids

Alex B. Davis et al.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Tidal dissipation in rubble-pile asteroids

Francis Nimmo et al.

ICARUS (2019)

Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Craters, boulders and regolith of (101955) Bennu indicative of an old and dynamic surface

K. J. Walsh et al.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Surface refreshing of Martian moon Phobos by orbital eccentricity-driven grain motion

Ronald-Louis Ballouz et al.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Small body shapes and spins reveal a prevailing state of maximum topographic stability

James E. Richardson et al.

ICARUS (2019)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Modeling the coupled dynamics of an asteroid with surface boulder motion

Daniel N. Brack et al.

ICARUS (2019)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Binary asteroid population. 3. Secondary rotations and elongations

P. Pravec et al.

ICARUS (2016)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment mission: Kinetic impactor

A. F. Cheng et al.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Mineralogies and source regions of near-Earth asteroids

Tasha L. Dunn et al.

ICARUS (2013)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Dynamics of rotationally fissioned asteroids: Source of observed small asteroid systems

Seth A. Jacobson et al.

ICARUS (2011)

Article Astronomy & Astrophysics


Peter Goldreich et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Radar Imaging of binary near-Earth asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4

Steven. J. Ostro et al.

SCIENCE (2006)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Dynamical configuration of binary near-Earth asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4

D. J. Scheeres et al.

SCIENCE (2006)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Seismic resurfacing by a single impact on the asteroid 433 Eros

PC Thomas et al.

NATURE (2005)