4.8 Article

Versatile Electrochemical Biosensor Based on the Target-Controlled Capture and Release of DNA Nanotubes for the Ultrasensitive Detection of Multiplexed Biomarkers


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Ultrasensitive Glutathione-Mediated Facile Split-Type Electrochemiluminescence Nanoswitch Sensing Platform

Zhongnan Huang et al.

Summary: This study presents an electrochemiluminescence (ECL) platform based on gold nanoclusters for ultrasensitive detection of glutathione (GSH) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The platform exhibits high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and strong anti-interference properties, showing great potential in the detection of GSH-related substances.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Integration of the Ligase Chain Reaction with the CRISPR-Cas12a System for Homogeneous, Ultrasensitive, and Visual Detection of microRNA

Xinrong Yan et al.

Summary: This study successfully combines the CRISPR-Cas12a system with the ligase chain reaction (LCR), achieving homogeneous, ultrasensitive, and visual detection of microRNA targets. By designing specific LCR probes and guide RNA, the LCR reaction is initiated and ultrasensitive detection is achieved through the secondary signal amplification mechanism of the Cas12a system. Moreover, microRNA can be visually detected by naked eyes and accurately quantified through image analysis using a cationic conjugated polymer.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Copper-Based Metal-Organic Framework Overcomes CancerChemoresistance through Systemically Disrupting DynamicallyBalanced Cellular Redox Homeostasis

Jia Liu et al.

Summary: This study presents a copper/catechol-based metal-organic framework that disrupts the redox homeostasis in drug-resistant cancer cells, leading to increased cellular oxidative stress and selective cytotoxicity. The framework effectively inhibits in vivo drug-resistant tumor growth and improves survival rates in tumor-bearing mice.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Self-Propelled Janus Mesoporous Micromotor for Enhanced MicroRNA Capture and Amplified Detection in Complex Biological Samples

Yufan Zhang et al.

Summary: The article reports a structure with greatly enhanced target transport and accelerated recognition process for microRNA (miRNA) amplified detection in complex biological samples. The structure, called meso-MS/Pt/DNA micromotor, is synthesized using mesoporous MS and Pt nanoparticles, which enable enhanced receptor-target interaction. The micromotor moves around complex biological samples to enhance target miRNA transport and accelerate recognition process due to self-diffusiophoretic propulsion.

ACS NANO (2022)

Article Chemistry, Analytical

A Novel Ratiometric Electrochemical Biosensor Using Only One Signal Tag for Highly Reliable and Ultrasensitive Detection of miRNA-21

Lingqi Kong et al.

Summary: A novel ratiometric electrochemical biosensor with methylene blue (MB) as the only signal tag was developed for highly reliable and ultrasensitive detection of microRNA-21 (miRNA-21). The strategy utilized an intelligent target-induced dual signal amplification (T-DSA) to controllably load and release MB, avoiding false positive responses. With the aid of innovative T-DSA recycle and rolling circle amplification (RCA)-produced functional DNA nanospheres, the detection sensitivity of this biosensor was significantly improved.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Simultaneous Detection of Bladder Cancer Exosomal MicroRNAs Based on Inorganic Nanoflare and DNAzyme Walker

Xiao Zhang et al.

Summary: In this study, a fluorescent biosensor based on inorganic nanoflares and a DNAzyme walker was developed for the simultaneous detection of bladder cancer exosomal miRNAs. The biosensor demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity, and successfully detected bladder cancer-related miRNAs in clinical serum specimens.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Near-Infrared Photoacoustic Probe for Reversible Imaging of theClO-/GSH Redox Cycle In Vivo

Chenming Chan et al.

Summary: Homeostasis of the cellular redox status is crucial for physiological and pathological processes. Current cellular redox probes are not accurate enough to monitor the real redox status. In this study, a reversible photoacoustic probe, DiOH-BDP, was synthesized and applied for PA imaging to monitor the redox status of ClO-/GSH couple in an ALI model. The probe exhibited excellent selectivity and sensitivity and allowed for mapping of the localized redox status.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Systematic discovery of mutation-directed neo-protein-protein interactions in cancer

Xiulei Mo et al.

Summary: Comprehensive sequencing of patient tumors can reveal genomic mutations that drive tumorigenesis and progression. Some of these mutations lead to neomorphic activity in the mutant proteins, resulting in functions different from the parental molecules. In this study, a quantitative high-throughput differential screening platform was used to identify prevalent variant-enabled neomorph-protein-protein interactions (neoPPI). By coupling highly sensitive BRET biosensors with miniaturized co-expression in an ultra-HTS format, the researchers were able to monitor the interactions of wild-type and mutant variant counterparts with a library of cancer-associated proteins in live cells on a large scale. The findings revealed a landscape of gain of interactions involving both oncogenic and tumor suppressor mutations, providing potential therapeutic strategies for precision medicine.
Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Dynamic Assembly of DNA Nanostructures in Living Cells for Mitochondrial Interference

Feng Li et al.

Summary: This study develops a dynamic assembly of DNA tetrahedrons inside cells which mediate K+ and efficiently interfere with mitochondria, leading to a regulation of cell energy metabolism. The developed method significantly inhibits cell migration and holds great potential for biomedical applications.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Silent mutations reveal therapeutic vulnerability in RAS Q61 cancers

Yoshihisa Kobayashi et al.

Summary: This study uncovers the requirement of a silent KRAS(G60G) mutation for the production of a functional KRAS(Q61K) in RAS family mutated cancers. By eliminating the G60G silent mutation, alternative splicing and premature protein termination can be eliminated, resulting in a functional KRAS(Q61K) variant. Interfering with splicing through mutant-specific oligonucleotides shows potential therapeutic effects in mutant-selective treatment of RAS(Q61) cancers.

NATURE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Co-targeting of BAX and BCL-XL proteins broadly overcomes resistance to apoptosis in cancer

Andrea Lopez et al.

Summary: Deregulation of the BCL-2 family interaction network is a major challenge in cancer treatment. This study presents a novel therapeutic strategy to overcome two anti-apoptotic mechanisms in cancer through the combination of a BAX activator and Navitoclax.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

A Cooperatively Activatable DNA Nanoprobe for Cancer Cell-Selective Imaging of ATP

Yizhuo Zhou et al.

Summary: DNA-based nanoprobes, specifically designed to respond to multiple pathological parameters such as GSH and ATP, exhibit high stability and specificity in detecting and imaging ATP within cancer cells, showing potential for accurate disease diagnosis and biochemical research.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

An Integrated Fluorescent Probe for Ratiometric Detection of Glutathione in the Golgi Apparatus and Activated Organelle-Targeted Therapy

Xiaodi Rong et al.

Summary: GSH concentration changes in Golgi are crucial for monitoring and treating tumor cells, making Golgi-targeted therapy a key strategy for effective cancer treatment.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Rapid Reaction, Slow Dissociation Aggregation, and Synergetic Multicolor Emission for Imaging the Restriction and Regulation of Biosynthesis of Cys and GSH

Huming Yan et al.

Summary: Biothiols such as cysteine, homocysteine, and glutathione play crucial roles in oxidative stress and cell homeostasis, with fluorescent probes being useful in detecting their concentrations and functions. Understanding the biosynthetic pathways of these biothiols and their relationships is significant for studying diseases like cardiovascular diseases and cancers. The research also reveals the interaction between cysteine and glutathione biosynthetic pathways in cells for the first time.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Zwitterionic Phospholipidation of Cationic Polymers Facilitates Systemic mRNA Delivery to Spleen and Lymph Nodes

Shuai Liu et al.

Summary: The study introduces a rational design and combinatorial synthesis of zwitterionic phospholipidated polymers (ZPPs) for efficient mRNA delivery to spleen and lymph nodes, with potential for substantial immunotherapeutic applications.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Rational Design of Allosteric Nanodevices Based on DNA Triple Helix

Tianqing Zhang et al.

Summary: A rational design scheme for building synthetic nucleic acid allosteric nanodevices was presented, inspired by allosteric regulation of natural molecules. The scheme includes developing DNA switches with triplex-forming oligos as allosteric modulators, implementing designated allosteric transitions, and applying toehold-mediated strand displacement for synthetic nucleic acid computing.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Cell-type-specific profiling of loaded miRNAs from Caenorhabditis elegans reveals spatial and temporal flexibility in Argonaute loading

Christopher A. Brosnan et al.

Summary: Researchers have generated a genome-wide map of active miRNAs in Caenorhabditis elegans, revealing cell-type-specific patterns of miRNAs loaded into Argonaute silencing complexes. This study demonstrates spatial and temporal dynamicism, flexibility of miRNA loading, and suggests miRNA regulatory mechanisms via AGO selectivity in different tissues and during ageing. Additionally, widespread changes in AGO-regulated gene expression were resolved by analyzing translatomes specifically in neurons, providing insights into AGO loading flexibility.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Duplex-Specific Nuclease-Assisted CRISPR-Cas12a Strategy for MicroRNA Detection Using a Personal Glucose Meter

Shaohua Gong et al.

Summary: This study presents a novel CRISPR-Cas12a strategy using duplex-specific nuclease and a personal glucose meter for miRNA detection, avoiding expensive equipment and demonstrating high sensitivity and good selectivity.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Programmable DNA Framework Sensors for In Situ Cell-Surface pH Analysis

Jingxin Liu et al.

Summary: This study developed programmable pH sensors using tetrahedral DNA framework and i-motif structures, allowing fine-tuning of response characteristics and enabling pH analysis in biological environments.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

MnO2 Nanospheres Assisted by Cysteine Combined with MnO2 Nanosheets as a Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer System for Switch-on Detection of Glutathione

Yan Li et al.

Summary: The combination of manganese dioxide nanosheets and cysteine-assisted emitting manganese dioxide nanospheres has been fabricated for fluorescence detection of glutathione. The system achieved wide response range and superior specificity, showing potential in the field of biomedicine.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Spatially Selective Imaging of Mitochondrial MicroRNAs via Optically Programmable Strand Displacement Reactions

Jian Zhao et al.

Summary: This study presents a DNA nanoreporter technology for imaging of mitomiRs in living cells through near-infrared light-controlled DNA strand displacement reactions, allowing spatially-restricted imaging of cancer-related mitomiRs with improved detection accuracy. Furthermore, it demonstrates in vivo imaging of mitomiRs through spatiotemporally-controlled delivery and activation, illustrating a simple methodology for investigating physiological events associated with mitomiRs.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Encoding Fluorescence Anisotropic Barcodes with DNA Fameworks

Qiuling Huang et al.

Summary: Fluorescence anisotropy (FA) has the potential for multiplexed analysis and imaging of biomolecules, but its susceptibility to environmental variation has limited its applications. By designing FA DNA frameworks (FAFs), the stability of fluorophores' FA is improved, allowing for precise tuning and creating a spectrum of encoded FA barcodes for multiplexed sensing of nucleic acids and labeling of live cells. This FAF system establishes a new paradigm for designing multiplexing FA probes for cellular imaging and other biological applications.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Genetically Encoded Sensor Enables Endogenous RNA Imaging with Conformation-Switching Induced Fluorogenic Proteins

Wen-Jing Zhou et al.

Summary: Genetically encoded molecular tools are crucial for live cell RNA imaging, and this study develops a new sensor system using conformation switching RNA induced fluorogenic proteins that enable multicolor imaging and signal amplification of endogenous RNAs. The sensor is designed with an RNA sensing module and a degron-fused fluorescent protein reporter for high-contrast imaging of RNA abundance and dynamics in live cells. Furthermore, the sensor system is extended to a multicolor palette and engineered into a signal amplifier, providing a valuable platform for RNA imaging in biomedical research and clinical theranostics.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Activating a DNA Nanomachine via Computation across Cancer Cell Membranes for Precise Therapy of Solid Tumors

Yue Zhang et al.

Summary: By modifying DNA strands on upconversion nanoparticles, a transmembrane DNA logical computation strategy is designed to activate a DNA nanomachine only in cancer cells from a complex solid tumor microenvironment, achieving highly precise therapy.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Amplification-Free and Mix-and-Read Analysis of Multiplexed MicroRNAs on a Single Plasmonic Microbead

Xiaohui Lu et al.

Summary: In this study, a single microbead covered with a plasmonic layer is used as a microreactor for multiplexed miRNA analysis without nucleic acid amplification. The S9.6 antibody and SERS reporter gold nanoparticle pool are employed for specific detection of target miRNAs, achieving high-precision sensing of sub-pM target miRNAs.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A core-brush 3D DNA nanostructure: the next generation of DNA nanomachine for ultrasensitive sensing and imaging of intracellular microRNA with rapid kinetics

Lingqi Kong et al.

Summary: A highly loaded and integrated core-brush three-dimensional (3D) DNA nanostructure was constructed for rapid and sensitive intracellular microRNA (miRNA) imaging and sensing. The specific walking range for the DNA walking arm (DA) was provided to avoid invalid and random self-walking, significantly improving the executive ability of the core-brush 3D DNA nanomachine.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Programmable DNA Tweezer-Actuated SERS Probe for the Sensitive Detection of AFB1

Jinjie Li et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Transient DNA-Based Nanostructures Controlled by Redox Inputs

Erica Del Grosso et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A Multi-signal Fluorescent Probe with Multiple Binding Sites for Simultaneous Sensing of Cysteine, Homocysteine, and Glutathione

Guo-xing Yin et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Highly Ordered and Field-Free 3D DNA Nanostructure: The Next Generation of DNA Nanomachine for Rapid Single-Step Sensing

Pu Zhang et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

DNA-Sequence-Encoded Rolling Circle Amplicon for Single-Cell RNA Imaging

Ruijie Deng et al.

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A Reversible Fluorescent Probe for Real-Time Quantitative Monitoring of Cellular Glutathione

Zhixue Liu et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

MicroRNA-34a regulates cardiac ageing and function

Reinier A. Boon et al.

NATURE (2013)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Programming biomolecular self-assembly pathways

Peng Yin et al.

NATURE (2008)