4.7 Article

Effect of Organic Manure and Moisture Regimes on Soil Physiochemical Properties, Microbial Biomass Cmic:Nmic:Pmic Turnover and Yield of Mustard Grains in Arid Climate


Article Plant Sciences

The Stabilization Method of Sewage Sludge Affects Soil Microbial Attributes and Boosts Soil P Content and Maize Yield in a Sludge-Amended Soil in the Field

William Ramos da Silva et al.

Summary: This study compares two stabilization methods of sewage sludge and their effects on soil organic carbon, microbial biomass and activity, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus availability and maize yield. The results show that the chemical stabilization method (CSS) is more effective in degrading soil carbon and phosphorus, and promoting the rapid release of nutrients, leading to higher maize yield.


Article Ecology

Passive restoration considerably improved the community structure, soil health and carbon stock in the Pine forests of Kashmir Himalaya, India

Aabid Hussain Mir et al.

Summary: The study found that forest restoration in the coniferous forests of Kashmir Himalaya improved vegetation characteristics, biomass, and soil health. The restored forests showed higher soil quality and greater plant species population, as well as an increase in the number of larger diameter trees.


Article Agronomy

Tea planting age effects on the soil aggregation and aggregate-related organic matters, microbial biomass and activity in the southern Guangxi of China

Shengqiang Wang et al.

Summary: The age of tea planting affects the accumulation of organic carbon and nitrogen in soil aggregates. The microbial biomass and activity in soil aggregates reach their highest levels after 17 years of tea plantation, but gradually decrease afterwards.


Article Biology

Contrasting Effects of Forest Type and Stand Age on Soil Microbial Activities: An Analysis of Local Scale Variability

Anna Walkiewicz et al.

Summary: Different forest types have seasonal effects on soil microbial activities, with mature deciduous forests showing the most sustainable microbial activities. The diversity of forest environments and the multifactorial dependence of microbiological activities in forest soils warrant further research to better understand forest ecosystem functioning. Continued analysis of the interrelationship between soil parameters and forest types with different tree ages is necessary for a more comprehensive understanding.


Article Plant Sciences

Salinity and phosphorus availability differentially affect plant growth, leaf morphology, water relations, solutes accumulation and antioxidant capacity inAeluropus littoralis

Ons Talbi Zribi et al.

Summary: The study found that plants cultivated under low phosphorus availability exhibited higher leaf hair and trichome densities, root length, and shoot soluble sugars concentrations. Plants' response to combined salinity and phosphorus deficiency was similar to that of plants cultivated under only phosphorus deficiency.


Article Agronomy

Seasonal Variation of Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen as Affected by Land Use in a Mediterranean Agro Ecosystem.

Eleftherios Evangelou et al.

Summary: The dynamics of soil microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and nitrogen (Nmic) in Mediterranean agroecosystems are significantly influenced by different land use types and seasonal variations. Hot and dry Mediterranean summers have a noticeable impact on the activity of soil micro-organisms, resulting in fluctuations of Cmic and Nmic.


Article Agronomy

Indicative Value of the Dominant Plant Species for a Rapid Evaluation of the Nutritional Value of Soils

Ana Cano-Ortiz et al.

Summary: This study conducted research on 14 grassland communities located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula and their edaphology, which is identified as specific plant associations. The integration of edaphic and phytosociological study provides a valuable tool for obtaining quick information on the content of nutrients in the soil.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Using Digestate as Fertilizer for a Sustainable Tomato Cultivation

Maria Rosaria Panuccio et al.

Summary: The study revealed that the two digestates had different effects on tomato production, with the type of solid fraction being more influential than concentration. The liquid fractions' effectiveness was largely dependent on concentrations rather than the type of digestate used. The nutritional values of tomatoes were positively affected by both digestates, enhancing health-promoting compounds in the fruits.


Article Agronomy

Impact of Grass Cover Management with Herbicides on Biodiversity, Soil Cover and Humidity in Olive Groves in the Southern Iberian

J. C. Pinar Fuentes et al.

Summary: The study found that long-term use of herbicide for vegetation management resulted in decreased biodiversity, increased dominance of herbicide-resistant species, reduced vegetation cover, and lower soil moisture content. Therefore, there is a need to change the management models for tree crops in order to protect biodiversity, soil quality, and optimize water resources.


Article Plant Sciences

Effect of Organic Amendment on Soil Fertility, Mineral Nutrition, and Yield of Majhoul Date Palm Cultivar in Draa-Tafilalet Region, Morocco

Mohamed Ou-Zine et al.

Summary: The study investigated the effects of organic amendment on mineral nutrition and yield of Majhoul date palm cultivar under Moroccan oasis conditions, finding that organic amendment can improve soil fertility, enhance mineral nutrition of date palms, and increase yield.


Review Microbiology

Regulation of Plant Mineral Nutrition by Signal Molecules

Vipin Chandra Kalia et al.

Summary: Quorum sensing (QS) activities operate at high cell densities through specific chemical signals, with acylhomoserine lactones being the most widely reported in Gram-negative bacteria. A novel QS-like system involving strigolactones has been elucidated for communication between microbes and plants, regulating important bioprocesses that influence the health of plants, animals, and humans. This mini-review discusses recent developments in QS and QS-like signal molecules in promoting plant health.


Article Environmental Studies

Vegetation Degradation of Guanshan Grassland Suppresses the Microbial Biomass and Activity of Soil

Yanmei Liu et al.

Summary: Changes in vegetation from forest grassland to herb grassland in Guanshan grassland have led to a decline in soil microbial biomass and microbial activities. Soil pH, available nitrogen, organic carbon, total phosphorus, available phosphorus, and total nitrogen were key factors in this decline. Additionally, slope aspects have also impacted soil microbial properties, with the east slope showing higher microbial biomass and enzymatic activities compared to the west slope.
Article Environmental Sciences

Management of grazing Italian river buffalo to preserve habitats defined by Directive 92/43/EEC in a protected wetland area on the Mediterranean coast: Palude Frattarolo, Apulia, Italy

Enrico V. Perrino et al.

Summary: Through botanic, vegetation, and soil analyses, the study established the maximum herd size for grazing Italian river buffalo to preserve habitats in a coastal area of the Mediterranean basin. Ten habitats defined by Directive 92/43/EEC were identified in the Italian wetland area, with 1410, 3170*, and 3290 identified as the most important buffalo grazing habitats.


Article Environmental Sciences

Reveal the response of enzyme activities to heavy metals through in situ zymography

Chengjiao Duan et al.


Article Plant Sciences

Checklist of gypsophilous vascular flora in Italy

Carmelo Maria Musarella et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Microbial Growth and Carbon Use Efficiency in the Rhizosphere and Root-Free Soil

Evgenia Blagodatskaya et al.

PLOS ONE (2014)

Article Environmental Sciences

SOM genesis: microbial biomass as a significant source

Anja Miltner et al.


Article Soil Science

Temperature and Moisture Effects on Microbial Biomass and Soil Organic Matter Mineralization

Denis Curtin et al.


Article Soil Science

Changes in variability of soil moisture alter microbial community C and N resource use

Lisa K. Tiemann et al.


Article Soil Science

Soil organic C and N pools under long-term pasture management in the Southern Piedmont USA

AJ Franzluebbers et al.