4.7 Editorial Material

Virus Infection in Equine


Article Virology

Seroepidemiological Survey of West Nile Virus Infections in Horses from Berlin/Brandenburg and North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Felicitas Bergmann et al.

Summary: After the introduction of West Nile virus (WNV) in eastern Germany in 2018, increasing infections have been observed in birds, equines, and humans over time, but the spread of WNV in western Germany is still unclear. A screening of equine sera from both eastern and western parts of Germany between 2018 and 2020 revealed WNV-specific antibodies in horses from the eastern part, indicating the establishment of WNV circulation in this region, whereas no WNV-specific antibodies were found in horses from the western part. The results highlight the difficulty of diagnosing WNV infection in horses based solely on clinical signs.


Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Equine Encephalosis Virus

Sharon Tirosh-Levy et al.

Summary: Equine encephalosis (EE) is a febrile disease of horses caused by EE virus (EEV) and transmitted by Culicoides midges. The virus was first isolated from a horse in South Africa in 1967 and has since spread to other regions. Although EEV does not cause severe clinical disease, its spread may indicate the potential spread of more pathogenic viruses. This review provides an overview of the structure, pathogenesis, clinical significance, and epidemiology of EEV.

ANIMALS (2022)

Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Investigation of the Role of Healthy and Sick Equids in the COVID-19 Pandemic through Serological and Molecular Testing

Kaila O. Y. Lawton et al.

Summary: This study found that horses may be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 when in close contact with humans with the infection, but clinical disease was not observed. Some racing Thoroughbreds had antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 without showing any clinical symptoms.

ANIMALS (2022)

Article Virology

Widespread Circulation of Flaviviruses in Horses and Birds in Northeastern Spain (Catalonia) between 2010 and 2019

Sebastian Napp et al.

Summary: The surveillance in Catalonia has detected flaviviruses beyond WNV, with a widespread circulation of viruses like WNV and USUV. Chickens and horses could be sentinels for these viruses, but current diagnostic techniques have limitations. There is overlap between WNV and USUV in some regions, but no significant geographical aggregation was observed, and human infections have not been reported so far. Zoonotic flaviviruses like WNV, USUV, and TBEV should be monitored within a One Health framework.


Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Investigation of Three Newly Identified Equine Parvoviruses in Blood and Nasal Fluid Samples of Clinically Healthy Horses and Horses with Acute Onset of Respiratory Disease

Nicola Pusterla et al.

Summary: A study on three newly identified equine parvoviruses found no statistically significant association between the viruses and clinical presentation of respiratory disease in horses, based on comparisons between horses with respiratory signs and clinically healthy horses.

ANIMALS (2021)

Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Association of Equine Herpesvirus 5 with Mild Respiratory Disease in a Survey of EHV1,-2,-4 and-5 in 407 Australian Horses

Charles El-Hage et al.

Summary: This study revealed an increased awareness of and attention to equine herpesviruses in horses, prompting further research to determine the exact causes and consequences of infection.

ANIMALS (2021)

Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Seroprevalence of Equine Herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) and Equine Herpesvirus 4 (EHV-4) in the Northern Moroccan Horse Populations

Zineb El Brini et al.

Summary: This study investigated the seroprevalence of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) and equine herpesvirus-4 (EHV-4) in horse populations in the north of Morocco. The results showed that both viruses are endemic in the horse populations, with vaccinated horses having low antibody titers. This highlights the importance of reevaluating vaccination strategies and vaccines used in the field.

ANIMALS (2021)

Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Seroprevalence and Risk Factors for Exposure to Equine Coronavirus in Apparently Healthy Horses in Israel

Gili Schvartz et al.

Summary: Equine coronavirus (ECoV) is an emerging cause of enteric disease in adult horses, with outbreaks reported in the USA, EU, and Japan, as well as sporadic cases in the UK and Saudi Arabia. Infection of ECoV in horses in Israel has never been reported, and the risk of exposure is unknown. The study found that exposure to ECoV in horses in Israel was significantly associated with geographical area.

ANIMALS (2021)

Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Serological Evidence of Common Equine Viral Infections in a Semi-Isolated, Unvaccinated Population of Hucul Horses

Barbara Bazanow et al.

Summary: This research aimed to analyze common equine viral infections in a Hucul herd based on serological studies. The study provided epidemiological data on animals in a semi-isolated herd without specific prophylaxis, giving insight into viruses circulating within a local ecosystem. Results indicated that the Hucul herd could serve as a sentinel group for detecting equine viruses/arboviruses in the local ecosystem.

ANIMALS (2021)

Review Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification Technologies for the Detection of Equine Viral Pathogens

Alexandra Knox et al.

Summary: Equine viral diseases pose a significant threat to global health, with some viruses having zoonotic potential. Current diagnostic techniques are time-consuming, costly, and require laboratory conditions. New isothermal nucleic acid amplification technologies, such as LAMP and iiPCR, offer rapid results within an hour and potential for field deployment.

ANIMALS (2021)

Article Virology

Exposure of Horses in Israel to West Nile Virus and Usutu Virus

Gili Schvartz et al.


Editorial Material Infectious Diseases

West Nile virus keeps on moving up in Europe

Tamfis Bakonyi et al.


Article Pharmacology & Pharmacy

West Nile virus epizootic in Germany, 2018

Ute Ziegler et al.


Article Immunology

Equine Encephalosis Virus in India, 2008

Pragya D. Yadav et al.


Article Infectious Diseases

Usutu virus infections in humans: a retrospective analysis in the municipality of Modena, Italy

A. Grottola et al.


Article Immunology

Distribution of Usutu Virus in Germany and Its Effect on Breeding Bird Populations

Renke Luehken et al.


Article Immunology

Usutu Virus RNA in Mosquitoes, Israel, 2014-2015

Batya Mannasse et al.


Article Veterinary Sciences

Seroprevalence and risk factor analysis for exposure to equine encephalosis virus in Israel, Palestine and Jordan

Sharon Tirosh-Levy et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Correction: Evidence for the Circulation of Equine Encephalosis Virus in Israel since 2001

David G. Westcott et al.

PLoS One (2013)

Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Equine encephalosis virus: evidence for circulation beyond southern Africa

C. A. L. Oura et al.


Article Veterinary Sciences

Insights into the economic consequences of the 2007 equine influenza outbreak in Australia

G. B. Smyth et al.


Article Veterinary Sciences

West Nile Virus in the United States (1999-2005)

Reid Gerhardt


Article Veterinary Sciences

Clinical and neuropathological features of West Nile virus equine encephalomyelitis in Italy

C Cantile et al.