4.6 Editorial Material

Inflammatory comorbidities: to train or not to train?


Article Hematology

The bacterial microbiota regulates normal hematopoiesis via metabolite-induced type 1 interferon signaling

Hannah Yan et al.

Summary: Antibiotic therapy, especially long term use, can have adverse hematologic effects, but the mechanisms by which the gut microbiota signals to the host bone marrow to regulate hematopoiesis are still unclear. Through their research, the authors identified that STAT1 signaling in non-myeloid hematopoietic cells, induced by the microbiota, is critical for normal hematopoiesis. They also found that type I interferon signaling is necessary for STAT1 signaling and that antibiotic treatment reduces this basal signaling in hematopoietic progenitor cells. Furthermore, the authors discovered that certain microbial metabolites can stimulate type I interferon signaling and rescue antibiotic-induced hematopoietic defects.


Review Immunology

Local and systemic mechanisms linking periodontal disease and inflammatory comorbidities

George Hajishengallis et al.

Summary: Periodontitis is causally linked to the development of other chronic inflammatory diseases outside the oral mucosa, and intervention studies have shown that local treatment of periodontitis can ameliorate surrogate markers of comorbid conditions. Experimental animal studies have further strengthened the potential causal link by establishing biologically plausible and clinically consistent mechanisms. Understanding the impact of disseminated periodontal pathogens and systemic inflammation associated with periodontitis on extra-oral pathologies may lead to new therapeutic options to reduce the risk of periodontitis-associated comorbidities.


Review Immunology

Defining trained immunity and its role in health and disease

Mihai G. Netea et al.


Review Medicine, Research & Experimental

Targeting innate immunity for tuberculosis vaccination

Shabaana A. Khader et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Modulation of Myelopoiesis Progenitors Is an Integral Component of Trained Immunity

Ioannis Mitroulis et al.