4.3 Article

Anthropogenic impacts on vegetation landscapes and environmental implications during the Middle-Late Holocene in the Iberian Central Pre-Pyrenees: An anthracological approach


Article Archaeology

The Distribution and Use of Box (Buxus sempervirens L.) in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula During the Holocene

Raquel Pique et al.

Summary: The paper evaluates the distribution of box (Buxus sempervirens L.) in the Holocene vegetation of NE Spain and its use during prehistory. Box charcoal has been systematically used as firewood at archaeological sites in the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula. The importance of this species for prehistoric societies is demonstrated through the evaluation of charcoal and pollen data from different Holocene sites.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Investigating Neolithic caprine husbandry in the Central Pyrenees: Insights from a multi-proxy study at Els Trocs cave (Bisaurri, Spain)

Cristina Tejedor-Rodriguez et al.

Summary: This study utilizes the analysis of Early Neolithic sheep remains in a cave in the highlands of the Southern Pyrenees to demonstrate the impact of herding activities on local ecosystem changes, including altitudinal movements, breeding seasons, and evolution of husbandry techniques.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Article Geography, Physical

Firewood-gathering strategies in high mountain areas of the Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Central Pyrenees) during Prehistory

Laura Obea Gomez et al.

Summary: Interdisciplinary research programs over the past twenty years have studied the impact of human presence in high mountain environments, focusing on activities such as grazing, hunting, mining, and charcoal-making. The study also examines daily household firewood management related to cooking, heat, and light needs in caves and rock-shelters occupied since Prehistory. Anthracological results from multiple sites in the Central Pyrenees reveal different types of occupations and firewood-gathering patterns at different altitudes during various time periods.


Editorial Material Geography, Physical

Anthracology: Charcoal Science in Archaeology and Palaeoecology

Eleni Asouti et al.


Article Geography, Physical

Sampling and quantitative analysis methods in anthracology from archaeological contexts: Achievements and prospects

Ceren Kabukcu et al.

Summary: This paper critically evaluates the main methodological achievements in sampling and quantitative analysis in anthracology, emphasizing the importance of appropriate sampling protocols for studying various archaeo-anthracological assemblages. Sampling directly affects the quantitative taxonomic composition of a charcoal assemblage and its representativeness, particularly in reconstructing ancient woodland composition.


Article Geography, Physical

Late Holocene Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Miller) woodlands in Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean): Investigation of their distribution and the role of human management based on anthracological, dendro-anthracological and archaeopalynological data

Llorenc Picornell-Gelabert et al.

Summary: The study discusses the nature and distribution of Mediterranean pines, particularly Aleppo pine, as well as the impact of human activities on their development. Through analyzing archaeobotanical data, researchers found that Aleppo pine is a natural component of the Holocene vegetation on the island of Mallorca and well adapted to coastal environments. Furthermore, the trends and characteristics of human management of pine woodlands suggest that human activities did not significantly promote the growth of Aleppo pine in Mallorca during prehistory.


Article Archaeology

Pastoral Practices, Bedding and Fodder During the Early Neolithic Through Micromorphology at Cova Colomera (Southeastern Pre-Pyrenees, Iberia)

M. Merce Bergada et al.

Summary: The microstratigraphic study of Cova Colomera in Spain reveals the presence of several discontinuous ovicaprid stabling episodes in the Late Cardial Neolithic sequence, some with combustion traces and some without. By analyzing burnt episodes, researchers were able to identify bedding and fodder, showcasing grassy remains and various plant materials. Non-burnt episodes also provided valuable insights into livestock diet and the frequency of occupation in the cave. Overall, the study suggests that Cova Colomera had diverse uses as a pen for small size herds, highlighting the complexity of pastoral activities in caves and the importance of high-resolution techniques in analyzing these records.


Article Geography, Physical

Wood uses at El Mirador Cave (Atapuerca, Burgos) based on anthracology and dendrology

Itxaso Euba et al.


Article Geography, Physical

El Mirador cave (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain): A whole perspective

Josep Maria Verges et al.


Article Geography, Physical

Mid-Holocene vegetation history and Neolithic land-use in the Lake Banyoles area (Girona, Spain)

J. Revelles et al.


Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Diet selection and performance of sheep and goats grazing on different heathland vegetation types

K. Osoro et al.


Article Geography, Physical

Mid-Holocene vegetation and climatic history of the Iberian Peninsula

Ramon Perez-Obiol et al.


Article Ecology

The historical origins of aridity and vegetation degradation in southeastern Spain

J. S. Carrion et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

First fossil evidence of an interglacial refugium in the Pyrenean region

Juan Manuel Lopez-Garcia et al.


Article Geography, Physical

Holocene circum-Mediterranean vegetation changes: Climate forcing and human impact

Guy Jalut et al.


Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Sheep and goat preference for and nutritional value of Mediterranean maquis shrubs

J. Rogosic et al.


Article Geography, Physical

Holocene climate variability

PA Mayewski et al.


Review Geography, Physical

Holocene climatic changes in the Western Mediterranean, from south-east France to south-east Spain

G Jalut et al.