4.8 Editorial Material

Volatile neurons unite to stabilize visual experience


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Emergent reliability in sensory cortical coding and inter-area communication

Sadegh Ebrahimi et al.

Summary: This study investigated the process of neocortical sensory processing during visual discrimination tasks in mice. The results showed that the neocortex had a specific functional connectivity pattern at rest, which rearranged after the onset of sensory stimulus. A short-lived state with increased inter-area sensory data transmission and sensory encoding redundancy was observed, followed by a more stable visual representation that was robust to day-to-day variations in individual cell responses. In addition, a global fluctuation mode conveyed the upcoming response of the mouse to every area examined. These findings suggest that the neocortex supports sensory performance through dynamic changes in connectivity and robust population codes.

NATURE (2022)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Representational drift in the mouse visual cortex

Daniel Deitch et al.

Summary: Recent studies have shown that neuronal representations can change over time even when there are no changes in stimuli, environment, or behavior. Contrary to previous assumptions, this study found representational drift across multiple visual areas, cortical layers, and cell types, with stability in population activity patterns despite individual neuron changes. The structure of relationships between population activity patterns may underlie stable visual perception despite continuous changes in neuronal responses.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Representational drift in primary olfactory cortex

Carl E. Schoonover et al.

Summary: The study found that although activity in the primary olfactory cortex could discriminate between odorants at any time, the odor-evoked responses drifted over days to weeks. Daily exposure to the same odorant slowed the rate of drift, but when exposure was halted the rate increased again. This instability may be related to the unstructured connectivity of the piriform cortex.

NATURE (2021)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Dynamic Reorganization of Neuronal Activity Patterns in Parietal Cortex

Laura N. Driscoll et al.

Review Neurosciences

Measuring and interpreting neuronal correlations

Marlene R. Cohen et al.


Review Neurosciences

Neural correlations, population coding and computation

BB Averbeck et al.