4.5 Editorial Material

Looking to the future: Building New Paradigms in Comparative Physiology and Biomechanics


Review Biology

Blending physiology and RNAseq to provide new insights into regulation of epithelial transport: switching between ion secretion and reabsorption

Dennis Kolosov et al.

Summary: This review discusses the mechanisms of how epithelia change the direction of ion transport. Recent studies have found that insect Malpighian tubules can switch from secreting to reabsorbing K+. Transcriptomic analysis reveals significant changes in gene transcription associated with this switch. The presence of various ion channels in Malpighian tubules suggests their potential novel roles in epithelial cell signaling and regulation of ion transport.


Article Biology

Connecting materials, performance and evolution: a case study of the glue of moth-catching spiders (Cyrtarachninae)

Candido Diaz et al.

Summary: The performance of biomaterials is influenced by their viscoelastic properties and strain rate-dependent nature, with potential rapid and significant changes in ecological interactions. Spider silks exhibit dramatic intra- and inter-specific variations, while moth-specialist spiders and their glues serve as an ideal system to study the relationship between genomics and ecologically variable performance of biological materials.


Review Biology

Meta-analytic approaches and effect sizes to account for 'nuisance heterogeneity' in comparative physiology

Daniel W. A. Noble et al.

Summary: Meta-analysis is a powerful tool that allows researchers in comparative physiology to account for study differences and make results more comparable. By using standardised effect sizes and multilevel meta-regression models, researchers can explore new questions and make large-scale data more accessible and interpretable.


Article Biology

The mechanics of acoustic signal evolution in field crickets

Vamsy Godthi et al.

Summary: This study used a finite element model to explore the resonator structure and mechanical properties of field crickets, and predicted the carrier frequencies of other species. The results showed that the carrier frequencies of field crickets are constrained by factors such as body size and sound radiation efficiency.


Review Biology

Linking environmental salinity to respiratory phenotypes and metabolic rate in fishes: a data mining and modelling approach

Till S. Harter et al.

Summary: The gill is the primary site of ionoregulation and gas exchange in adult teleost fishes. Differences in gill characteristics and hemoglobin-O2 affinities between freshwater (FW) and seawater (SW) species affect oxygen diffusion and ion regulation, with FW fishes compensating for lower diffusive oxygen conductance with higher hemoglobin-O2 affinity. Both FW and SW teleosts can achieve similar maximal rates of oxygen consumption and hypoxia tolerance through different combinations of hemoglobin-O2 affinity and diffusive oxygen conductance. The relationship between aerobic performance and species distribution ranges is influenced by these factors, leading to novel hypotheses in fish physiology.


Article Biology

Best practices for building and curating databases for comparative analyses

Lisa E. Schwanz et al.

Summary: This article provides an introduction to building databases for comparative analyses and highlights the importance and challenges of database construction. The key tips include carefully strategizing the literature search, structuring databases for multiple use, establishing version control, and emphasizing the importance of making databases accessible. Furthermore, the authors argue that curating databases with broader scopes can increase efficiency and suggest the establishment of community curation for databases.