4.3 Letter

Occurrence rates of inherited bleeding disorders other than haemophilia and von Willebrand disease among people receiving care in specialized treatment centres in the United States


Article Hematology

Occurrence rates of von Willebrand disease among people receiving care in specialized treatment centres in the United States

John Michael Soucie et al.

Summary: The study estimated the prevalence and incidence of VWD among males and females receiving care at U.S. HTCs, and found that the HTC-treated prevalence and incidence of VWD differ by sex and type, likely influenced by differences in rates of diagnosis.


Article Hematology

Women and girls with haemophilia receiving care at specialized haemophilia treatment centres in the United States

Connie H. Miller et al.

Summary: Characterization of females with haemophilia receiving care at HTCs in the United States showed differences from males in severity, age, and infection history.


Letter Hematology

Community counts: Evolution of a national surveillance system for bleeding disorders

Marilyn J. Manco-Johnson et al.