4.5 Editorial Material

The Role of Spatial Policy Tools in Renewable Energy Investment


Article Energy & Fuels

Harvesting Technologies and Costs of Biomass Production from Energy Crops Cultivated on Farms in the Malopolska Region

Dariusz Kwasniewski et al.

Summary: This study assessed the biomass production costs of perennial energy crops and found that the costs primarily depend on the harvesting technology and machinery used on the farm. Miscanthus giganteus and Sida hermaphrodita had lower production costs, while coppiced willow had the highest costs.


Article Energy & Fuels

Linking the National Energy and Climate Plan with Municipal Spatial Planning and Supporting Sustainable Investment in Renewable Energy Sources in Austria

Susanne Geissler et al.

Summary: The Austrian National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) highlights the importance of spatial planning in achieving the 2030 targets, as the potential of renewable energy sources is closely linked to land use. The project transFORMAT aimed to analyze the scope for action of municipalities in promoting renewable energy use, and to identify practical implications for renewable energy projects. The findings suggest that the revision intervals of municipal development plans could be used to align municipal plans with the NECP, but significant barriers and opportunities for improvement exist.


Article Energy & Fuels

Spatial Premises and Key Conditions for the Use of UAVs for Delivery of Items on the Example of the Polish Courier and Postal Services Market

Jacek Buko et al.

Summary: The use of UAVs in the delivery of courier and postal items can overcome terrain barriers and reduce congestion. Electric UAVs reduce environmental pollution and can be powered by renewable energy sources. However, high social skepticism in Poland is a major limitation for the implementation of this delivery method.


Article Energy & Fuels

Local Spatial Plans as Determinants of Household Investment in Renewable Energy: Case Studies from Selected Polish and European Communes

Krystyna Solarek et al.

Summary: This article examines the impact of local spatial development plans on renewable energy investments and provides recommendations based on a qualitative assessment.


Article Development Studies

Understanding the effects of spatial planning on the deployment of on-shore wind power: insights from Italy and the UK

Richard Cowell et al.

Summary: This study found that governments deploy spatial planning approaches with different governance purposes, explaining the ambiguous effects on renewable energy outcomes. Challenges facing spatial planning approaches are not from technical-methodological issues, but from difficult-to-resolve governance challenges of cross-scalar coordination. The efficacy of spatial planning approaches in shaping renewable energy deployment is contextual in nature, reflecting the acceptance of their inherent compromises by key actors.


Article Energy & Fuels

Photovoltaic Solar Energy from Urban Sprawl: Potential for Poland

Artur Holuj et al.

Summary: This article discusses the economic and environmental benefits of urban sprawl on solar energy utilization, proposes a method for assessing the potential solar energy generation of rooftops, and analyzes the energy policies in Poland and the EU. Recommendations are also made for mitigating the effects of suburbanization through PV micro-installations.


Article Energy & Fuels

Relationship among Economic Growth (GDP), Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emission: Evidence from V4 Countries

Janusz Myszczyszyn et al.

Summary: The research aimed to determine the long-term and short-term correlations between CO2 emissions per capita, energy consumption per capita, and GDP per capita in the V4 countries. The results showed that there are significant relationships, especially in the case of Poland.


Article Energy & Fuels

Investments in Renewable Energy Sources in the Concepts of Local Spatial Policy: The Case of Poland

Malgorzata Blaszke et al.

Summary: This paper examines the role and formula of investments in renewable energy sources in Poland's local spatial policies, analyzing 12,777 planning documents enacted from 2005 to 2020. It was found that only 58.4% of Polish municipalities include renewable energy sources in their spatial policy concept, with urbanized municipalities more likely to do so. The study highlights serious weaknesses in the Polish spatial planning system when it comes to implementing renewable energy sources, contributing to the country's weaker development in this area.


Article Energy & Fuels

Energy Strategies, the Urban Dimension, and Spatial Planning

Karishma Asarpota et al.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Preparing the ground: Regulatory challenges in siting small-scale wind turbines in urban areas

Na'ama Teschner et al.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Renewable energy investment and job creation; a cross-sectoral assessment for the Czech Republic with reference to EU benchmarks

Petr Dvorak et al.


Article Development Studies

Planning for Local and Regional Energy Strategies with the Ecological Footprint

Michael Narodoslawsky et al.


Article Environmental Studies

Wind power planning in France (Aveyron), from state regulation to local planning

Alain Nadai et al.