4.7 Editorial Material

Beating the heat: Phase separation in plant stress granules


Article Cell Biology

Liquid-liquid phase separation of RBGD2/4 is required for heat stress resistance in Arabidopsis

Shaobo Zhu et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates the role of protein liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) in the heat stress response in plants by discovering the LLPS of two RNA-binding proteins, RBGD2 and RBGD4. The findings suggest that manipulation of protein LLPS could be a strategy to improve plant stress resistance.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Tyrosine phosphorylation regulates hnRNPA2 granule protein partitioning and reduces neurodegeneration

Veronica H. Ryan et al.

Summary: mRNA transport in neurons requires the formation of transport granules containing various protein components. Mutations in the hnRNPA2 protein can lead to increased aggregation and hereditary proteinopathy of neurons, myocytes, and bone. In vitro studies have shown that alterations in phosphorylation status of hnRNPA2 can affect its phase separation, partitioning specificity, assembly/disassembly, and link to neurodegenerative diseases.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

How do intrinsically disordered protein regions encode a driving force for liquid-liquid phase separation?

Wade Borcherds et al.

Summary: Liquid-liquid phase separation is crucial for the formation of biomolecular condensates, with disordered protein regions often driving this process. Understanding the molecular interactions and sequence properties of disordered protein regions is important, as dysfunction in phase separation can lead to diseases. A conceptual framework dividing IDRs into interacting and solvating regions has been useful in testing our understanding of experimental phase behavior.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Ubiquitination of G3BP1 mediates stress granule disassembly in a context-specific manner

Youngdae Gwon et al.

Summary: Stress granules are dynamic condensates composed of RNA and protein that disassemble in a context-dependent manner, with ubiquitination of G3BP1 being required for disassembly in the setting of heat shock.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Plant Sciences

The Plant PTM Viewer, a central resource for exploring plant protein modifications

Patrick Willems et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Phosphorylation of the FUS low-complexity domain disrupts phase separation, aggregation, and toxicity

Zachary Monahan et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

PhosPhAt: the Arabidopsis thaliana phosphorylation site database. An update

Pawel Durek et al.