4.7 Article

Effects of Irrigation and Fertilization on the Morphophysiological Traits of Populus sibirica Hort. Ex Tausch and Ulmus pumila L. in the Semiarid Steppe Region of Mongolia


Article Plant Sciences

Afforestation of Mongolian steppe: patterns of biomass partitioning in Populus sibirica and Ulmus pumila trees in response to management supporting measures

Ser-Oddamba Byambadorj et al.

Summary: This study compared biomass partitioning of two tree species, Populus sibirica and Ulmus pumila, under different conditions, finding that each species prioritizes different aspects of development when faced with challenges. Ulmus pumila is more drought-resistant, while Populus sibirica shows higher biomass production potential.


Article Plant Sciences

The effect of different watering regimes and fertilizer addition on the growth of tree species used to afforest the semi-arid steppe of Mongolia

Ser-Oddamba Byambadorj et al.

Summary: The study on environmental restoration in the semi-arid steppe of Mongolia found that both Populus sibirica and Ulmus pumila are suitable for restoration projects, with the former requiring additional irrigation support and the latter able to grow solely with rainfall. However, Populus sibirica seems to compensate for its higher water use with faster ground cover compared to Ulmus pumila.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Optimization of deficit irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer management for peanut production in an arid region

Vijay Singh Rathore et al.

Summary: The study found that in the hot arid region of India, the combination of DI20N30 can achieve the optimal crop water productivity, yield, net return, and quality of peanuts. Improving irrigation water and nitrogen management is crucial for irrigated crops in arid regions.


Article Plant Sciences

Precipitation Changes Regulate Plant and Soil Microbial Biomass Via Plasticity in Plant Biomass Allocation in Grasslands: A Meta-Analysis

Chunhui Zhang et al.

Summary: The study found that changes in rainfall can lead to asynchronous responses of aboveground and belowground plant biomass, affecting plant biomass allocation. Reduction in rainfall led to a decrease in aboveground plant biomass, while addition of rainfall increased it. Increased root allocation may help mitigate drought stress for soil microbes, while rainfall addition potentially removes water limitation for soil microbial growth.


Article Plant Sciences

Root Biomass Distribution of Populus sibirica and Ulmus pumila Afforestation Stands Is Affected by Watering Regimes and Fertilization in the Mongolian Semi-arid Steppe

Batkhuu Nyam-Osor et al.

Summary: The desertification of the semi-arid steppe in Mongolia is being addressed through afforestation efforts, with a focus on the Green Belt joint project. Research has shown that the growth of tree species in these plantations is positively correlated with increased levels of watering, but negatively affected by the application of fertilizers. Therefore, a thorough analysis of plant needs, soil type, and fertilizer application is crucial for successful afforestation in the region.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Effects of water and fertilizer coupling on the physiological characteristics and growth of rabbiteye blueberry

Xiaolan Guo et al.

Summary: The study on the impact of irrigation and fertilizer on rabbiteye blueberry physiology showed that optimal water and fertilizer conditions can enhance plant growth and photosynthesis, leading to increased productivity and quality. Such findings can improve precision and efficacy of rabbiteye blueberry planting, benefiting local fruit farmers in Guizhou, China.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen on chlorophyll content, dry matter and nitrogen accumulation in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

Ning Wang et al.

Summary: The 2-year field experiment in northeast China showed that treatment C6, which involved both hole irrigation for seeding and irrigation at foliage rapid growth stage, resulted in the highest yield and best nitrogen use efficiency for sugar-beet. This study suggests that adopting this cultivation measure can significantly improve sugar-beet yield and nitrogen use efficiency under routine fertilization conditions in northeast China.


Article Environmental Studies

Optimal Irrigation Regime for Woody Species Potentially Suitable for Effective and Sustainable Afforestation in the Desert Region of Mongolia

Ser-Oddamba Byambadorj et al.

Summary: Long-term studies on plant response mechanisms to different irrigation regimes in a desert environment showed that the optimal irrigation regime varied for different woody species, with 4 L h(-1) being ideal for Tamarix ramosissima, Ulmus pumila, and Elaeagnus moorcroftii, and 8 and/or 12 L h(-1) for Hippophae rhamnoides. The study highlights the importance of selecting appropriate irrigation strategies for sustainable afforestation in arid and semiarid landscapes.
Article Plant Sciences

Leaf architecture and petiole anatomy of Philippine Dipterocarpus species (Dipterocarpaceae)

Jonathan O Hernandez et al.

Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy (2020)

Article Environmental Sciences

A drought resistance index to select drought resistant plant species based on leaf water potential measurements

SayedJamaleddin Khajeddin et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Evaluation of Extreme Cold and Drought over the Mongolian Plateau

Zhaofei Liu et al.

Article Ecology

Factors Influencing Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Natural Forests at the Biome Scale

Ying Li et al.


Article Ecology

Effect of soil moisture on morpho-anatomical leaf traits of Ranunculus Acris (Ranunculaceae)

Jeremi Kolodziejek et al.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Simulation of pancake ice load on a circular cylinder in a wave and current field

Shanshan Sun et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

NIH Image to ImageJ: 25 years of image analysis

Caroline A. Schneider et al.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Plant responses to drought and rewatering

Zhenzhu Xu et al.


Review Ecology

The importance of nutritional regulation of plant water flux

Michael D. Cramer et al.


Article Forestry

Deforestation and reforestation needs in Mongolia

J Tsogtbaatar