4.7 Article

Modeling contact size effect on fretting wear: a combined contact oxygenation - third body approach


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Time-dependence and exposure-dependence of material removal rates in fretting

P. H. Shipway

Summary: This paper discusses the mechanical and chemical nature of material removal in fretting as well as the influence of time-dependent factors on the presentation of loss rate data in fretting.
Article Engineering, Mechanical

Modeling adhesive and abrasive wear phenomena in fretting interfaces: A multiphysics approach coupling friction energy, third body and contact oxygenation concepts

Pierre Arnaud et al.

Summary: This research develops an extended friction-energy wear approach that takes into consideration the presence of debris layer and adhesive wear through simulating the interfacial di-oxygen partial pressure. The multiphysics modeling can estimate locally the wear condition of the fretted interface and predict the transition from pure abrasive to abrasive-adhesive response, as well as providing reliable estimations of the maximum wear depth extension for the first time.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Third Particle Ejection Effects on Wear with Quenched and Tempered Steel Fretting Contact

Jouko Hintikka et al.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Temperature-dependent fretting damage of high strength stainless steel sheets

Michael R. Hirsch et al.

Article Engineering, Mechanical

An experimental study torsional fretting behaviors of LZ50 steel

Zhen-bing Cai et al.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Impact of contact size and complex gross-partial slip conditions on Ti-6Al-4V/Ti-6Al-4V fretting wear

S. Fouvry et al.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Wear modeling and the third body concept

N. Fillot et al.

Article Engineering, Mechanical

Different aspects of the role of wear debris in fretting wear

M Varenberg et al.

Article Engineering, Mechanical

An elastic-plastic shakedown analysis of fretting wear

S Fouvry et al.