4.5 Article

DNA barcodes on their own are not enough to describe a species


Article Evolutionary Biology

A re-analysis of the data in Sharkey et al.'s (2021) minimalist revision reveals that BINs do not deserve names, but BOLD Systems needs a stronger commitment to open science

Rudolf Meier et al.

Summary: Halting biodiversity decline is crucial but hindered by taxonomic impediments, including undescribed and superficially described species. A recent study attempted to address the issue by using COI barcode clusters for braconid wasps in Costa Rica, but the accuracy of the descriptions is questionable.


Editorial Material Evolutionary Biology

The omission of critical data in the pursuit of 'revolutionary' methods to accelerate the description of species

Alireza Zamani et al.


Article Zoology

Minimalist revision and description of 403 new species in 11 subfamilies of Costa Rican braconid parasitoid wasps, including host records for 219 species

Michael J. Sharkey et al.

Summary: This paper describes three new genera and provides keys for the classification of 416 species in certain braconid subfamilies in the New World. Species are diagnosed using a consensus sequence of COI barcodes and essential information on holotype specimens is included.

ZOOKEYS (2021)

Article Zoology

Addendum to a minimalist revision of Costa Rican Braconidae: 28 new species and 23 host records

Michael J. Sharkey et al.

Summary: This study examined 29 species, most of which are new to science and have host caterpillar and food plant records. The first host record for the agathidine genus Amputoearinus was documented, as well as a new hyperparasitoid record for a fly larvae. The new species were primarily diagnosed using COI barcode data.

ZOOKEYS (2021)

Article Evolutionary Biology

Confronting taxonomic vandalism in biology: conscientious community self-organization can preserve nomenclatural stability

Wolfgang Wüster et al.


Editorial Material Zoology

Response to Zamani et al. (2020): The omission of critical data in the pursuit of revolutionary methods to accelerate the description of species

Michael Sharkey et al.

Summary: We respond to criticisms against our proposal for an efficient solution to taxonomic impediments, clarifying that many criticisms are more applicable to traditional taxonomy approaches.

ZOOKEYS (2021)

Editorial Material Zoology

The taxonomic impediment: a shortage of taxonomists, not the lack of technical approaches

Michael S. Engel et al.


Article Zoology

Is it time to describe new species without diagnoses? -A comment on Sharkey et al. (2021)

Dirk Ahrens et al.

Summary: New methods in taxonomy and systematics, such as DNA barcoding, have the potential to significantly impact the formal naming and description of biodiversity. Despite controversies, large scale species descriptions solely based on barcodes have shown a new quality of performance. However, limitations in nomenclature, general pragmatism, and DNA-based species delimitation need to be addressed to ensure a robust and stable nomenclature of organisms for all biodiversity research applications.

ZOOTAXA (2021)

Article Entomology

A revolutionary protocol to describe understudied hyperdiverse taxa and overcome the taxonomic impediment

Sarah Meierotto et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Accelerated modern human-induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction

Gerardo Ceballos et al.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Estimating the normal background rate of species extinction

Jurriaan M. De Vos et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

How Many Species Are There on Earth and in the Ocean?

Camilo Mora et al.